Legionnaires’ Disease

Legionella bacteria can be found in any water source – lakes, pools, hot tubs, humidifiers and showers. Usually, there aren’t enough bacteria to be harmful. It is only when there are higher amounts of the bacteria present, that people will occasionally be diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease.

The risk of getting Legionnaires’ disease is extremely low. In fact, it can’t be spread from person to person. People under 20 rarely get Legionnaires’ disease. Those over age 40, people who smoke or have chronic health conditions, may be more susceptible.

To get Legionnaires’ disease, you need to breathe in mist from water that has large amounts of the bacteria. This might happen in a sauna, pool or shower. And since the disease is a type of pneumonia, symptoms may include fever, cough, headache and muscle pain. Although symptoms can last for several months, the disease can be treated with antibiotics.

To reduce the risk of Legionnaires’ disease make sure to clean any water sources in your home that create mist – showers, humidifiers, hot tubs or respiratory machines. This will cut back on the amount of bacteria.

You can also keep your home water heater at a minimum temperature of 60 degrees Celsius to help kill the bacteria. Be careful to make sure your tap water isn’t too hot, though.


Read more information on Legionnaires’ Disease (PDF)

Legionnaires’ Disease Questions and Answers - Living in a Multi-unit Building (PDF)