Nova Scotia Archives

Isaac Deschamps

Copy of a letter from Lord Halifax to Governor Montagu Wilmot regarding the Acadians

11 February 1764. — 4 pages : 30 x 48 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

have non the satisfaction to acquaint you that I have received a Letter from a His Grace containing the strongest assurances of His being entirely innocent and ignorant of any such attempt and considering the very suspicion as injurious to His Honour. I have also at His Grace's desire interrogated the Sieur de la Rochelle who positively denies his having ever written a Line to any Acadians in Nova Scotia either with or without the Duke of Nivernois's Orders. But Having been employed by that Nobleman to - transact the Removal of a Number of Acadians who were brought hither and whom His Majesty gave leave at the Duke's request to return to France he presummes that some of those people have written in His Name the Letters which were laid before the ~ Council of Nova Scotia
Since these transactions the French Ambassador here having taken Occassion in a Memorial to mention the Situation

Reference: Isaac Deschamps Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 258 item 25 – pages 130-133

Nova Scotia Archives —

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