Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotian Diaspora

John Skerry's account against Government for various supplies for Black people of Preston
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

May 16th, 1816

Government to John Skerry D,, [Debtor?] for the Colera [coloured] people in Preston, Esq. [Esquire] Chamberlain acting agent that time,

Legend: £ ~ d

To a Horse & truck & man to Preston with a sick family --- £1.. 0.. 0
To 150 [illegible] in the ferry to Dartmouth - 0.. 2.. 0
To Cash laid by Skerry for Truckage - 0..1..3
To eight loves bread for Melville Island people - 0 4..0
To four lb of cheese for Melville Island people [1/6 d per?] - 0 6..0
To Sundries article for Colerd people in the ferry - 0.. 2.. 6

July 2
To 200 picks & shovels in the ferry - 0 4 0
To Truckage for & to the store - 0..3..0

July 25
To 60 bags in the ferry 4 per - 1..0..0
To luggage & axes & boxes of Glass - 0 1..4
To four passes to Colerd people stowing bread - 0 1.. 4

Aug. 6
To eleven passes for Colerd people Stowing Bread - 0..3 0

Aug 14
To Sixteen passes for Colerd [coloured] by order - 0 5..4

Oct 23
To Cash [paid?] by Skerry to the Colerd [coloured] people carrying Bread - 0.2.0
To Cash [paid?] by Skerry by order Esq. Chamblain for carrying pieces of pork to the store - 0..7..0
[Decent?] To Ten [passes?] for Colerd [coloured] people going to [Goal?] 0..3..4
To five [passes?] for Colerd [coloured] by order - 0.1..8
£: 4..[~]..5

The above articles were caried [carried] across the ferry to Dartmouth in [W] Skerry boats for the people of Coulerd [coloured] , being delivered to me by order of the Governor for the use of [those?] people at times when a boat was not to be obtained of the Commissary to [convey?] these [convoys?]

J. Chamberlain

Date: 16 May 1816

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 75

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