Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, Major Erasmus J. Philipps, Annapolis Royal, to Joshua Mauger

Regarding Capt. Mauger's failure to obtain insurance on the sloop Wren, and agreeing to accept £150 as a settlement from him. John Easson and Daniel Dyson signed their approval.  26 November 1754.  3 pages : 30 x 49 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/37

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

          Annapolis Royal Novr 26th 1754
Dear Sir
          I have never yet received any further Accot [Account] of
Affairs relating to the Insurance on the Sloop Wren from
my friends in Boston agreable to what they promised me,
nor even have I been able to recover our papers relating
to it, so that I think it is not doing injustice to accuse
them of having betrayed me, however this I infer from
their Conduct, That it was not in their power to give
judgement against us, neither would they choose to
disoblige you or your friends in New England, in delivering
their opinions in favour of the Company. The arrival
of two Sloops lately from Boston, the last of which came in
yesterday without any Letter of advice relative to the
affair, is the occasion of the above paragraph
          In answer to your favour of 4th Novr 1754
on the same subject, your desired by Messrs Dyson & Easson
with whose opinions I join & concurr finally to acquaint you
          That it must be allowed by us all that at
Your request we changed the Channell of our Insurance
to London, and as our Correspondant we gave you such
Instructions in regard to the Insurances on the Wren as
occurred to us which at that time seemed to you to be
sufficient, otherways you would have given us more proper
directions before you wrote home as there was time enough
for so doing
          That we had no opportunity of renewing the
Insurance when we begun to suspect that the Sloop had
miscarried for want of timely notice, that it was not effected
in England, in short we were deprived of all salutary means
of alleviating our misfortune from the entire dependance we
had upon your knowledge in affairs of that nature:

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