Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Copy of letter, Dyson & Easson to Mr. Hallowell

Asking for information about the sloop Dove which is feared lost after four days at anchor off Green Point. Dyson and Easson are concered about insurance on the vessel, for which Hallowell was responsible.  15 February 1756.  4 pages : 30 x 50 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/47

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

When we found you had let her to Carry wood
in Answer to which in our last by Whitley
of Augst 22nd. We say the only expenses that Can
attend the Sloop Dove is her Wharfage wh[ich]
Cannot be very much You will be pleased to
let Us know What she has earnt at Carrying
of Wood and don’t Venture her to late in that
employment this Paragraph Considered don’t
appear as if we imagined she was to [run?]
the Winter if we had intended or expected any
Such thing we should have Insured our Interest
but we Cannot doubt but that you have
Considered these Circumstances as we depended
Intirely upon Your friendship.
          [Those] with Inclosed we send You
the Ordanance Bills for £50 Sterling. Majr Philipps’s
for 22-10. Jones Parsons Bill for £7. Chamberlyn
for £1-12-6 [crossed out: which we think will amount
to £100 this Currency or thereabouts ]* all which
we wish safe to Yr[your] hand and shall Remitt
You as past as in our Powers as to any
Business here at Present is a Poor Prospect
But shall be Able to say more on that head when
we Write You Concerning the wood Affair
but beg You will write Us by the Vessell

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