Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  240  Nova Scotia Archives.


"Menis; and in a most insolent manner, ordered mr Cottnam
"and me to be Gone, for that we had no Bussiness there; I
"asked them who Said we were going to Build a ffort; they
"said all the traders, and Every body, and Named mr Winniett;
"they Said that if we did Build a ffort, The Indians
"Should Go in at one Door, and we at [295] at to'ther; Upon
"the whole I Could Easily See, it was Some of the ffrench
"that had put the Indians upon this proceedIng, out of prejudice
"to Rene Le Blanc, who by the General Report of the
"Inhabitants had Often been insulted in the like manner, for
"no Reason that I Could Discover, But that he was Employed
"and intrusted by the Government
(signed) "Sic Subtn Henry Cope
William Shirreff Secry

"I farther more Declare, that three days after the Insult
"before mentioned, there Came to me a Body of Indians,
"about ten or twelve, to Excuse and ask pardon for the three
"Indians who had Insulted Rene Le Blanc, and I told them
for answer that their Orime was too Great for me to take
"upon me to Excuse on any other terms, than their submitting
"themselves & making an open and ingenuous Confession
"who it was that had put them upon that Insolent Behaviour
"(for that I was perswaded it was not of themselves) & that
"thus I Engaged to Interceed with His Honour the Lieut
"Governor of the Province & Commander in Cheif &c in their
"behalf, and to make it a merit in them, and to Recommend
"them as people Deserving his favour, and the protection of
"the Government
(signed) "Sic Subtn Henry Cope
William Shirreff Secry


     Then Adjourned till to Morrow at ten of the Clock A. M. to consider farther the Contents of Major Copes Information [296]
The Magazine to be built at Menis Approved off.

     Wednesday the 26th July 1732, being Mett according to yesterdays adjournment (mr Skeen only Excepted) His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province, Desired that Major Copes Information might be again Read, which being


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