Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Petition of Charles Gloade, Annapolis, for a grant of 200a promised to him some years since by James Kempt upon which he has settled amd made improvements. Includes testimonials and note from the Commissioner of Crown Lands, John Spry Morris, stating he is afraid that if Gloade is given a free grant, that an 'unscrupulous' white person will take his land from him. Backer includes note that the Provincial Secretary approved Gloade a free grant of land.
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To His Excellency Sir Colin Campbell HCB
Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief in and over Her Majestys Province of Nova Scotia &c &c &c

The Petition of Charles Glode, an Indian, residing in the County of Annapolis

Most humbly showeth.

That your petitioner received about fifteen years since an order of location by command of Sir James Kempt to receive Two hundred acres of wilderness lands on the road leading from Annapolis to Liverpool; upon which your petitioner settled permanently about twelve years past.

That your petitioner in clearing and improving the said land, has made great exertions and has now twenty five acres of cleared land for pasture and crops and although the season was not so productive last year as usual, he raised One hundred and Ten bushels of potatoes and cut fifteen tons of hay. and your petitioner has upon the farm a comfortable camp, a framed Barn measuring thirty by twenty six feet, and his stock consists of six head of meat cattle -


Date: 1840

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 188

Nova Scotia Archives —

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