Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter containing some remarks on Captain Townsend's report by Captain Joseph Darby

1848. — 3 pages : 30 x 38 cm.

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Some Remarks on Captn. Townsends Report;

First, with regard to the Fulton being found in the same Position as when last reported by the Superintendent will bear a little explanation, as thus when reported by the Superintendant, she was laying on the Bank where the Sea at high water, or half tide broke violently about her; but the gale on the [25th?] of March hove her inside the Bank into smooth water where Capt.n Townsend found her, and between the [20th?] of March the Day she was reported and the [25th?] the Day of the gale no Boat could get off the North Side,

Second, as Regards the water casks, when reported by Superintendant they were full of Ice, and owing to their great weight they could not be moved,

Third, as regards the £15- for Wm Etters Board to be paid to the Island, I never heard a word of it before I saw it in Mr. Townsends report, and his Violent Conduct had to be met with resolute resistance;

Fourth; the warehouse at the East End being the best on the Island, It was put up by the Superintendant before Nisbett went there;

Fifth; the Remark about Money being lost in the Wreck of the Maria, It is possible that it may wash up at some future time, but it has never done so yet,

Sixth, the Letter Describing the Fulton on the 20th of march, was I thought quite sufficient, and the other matter, subject of the Letter, was equally Important,

3 pages 30 x 38 cm

Date: 1848

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 425 number 51

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