Nova Scotia Museum
Mi'kmaq Portraits Collection


Date: 1981


Orignal Work:

Place: Mount Uniacke, N.S.

Ownership/Collection: Nova Scotia Department of Education, Halifax

Source: Learning Resources & Technology

Reference Number: N-9816; Contact Sheet

Please contact Learning Resources & Technology for use of this image.


At the request of the Micmac Association for Cultural Studies, during the course of 1980-1981, the Nova Scotia Museum, Learning Resources & Technology, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Halifax, produced a television series on Mi'kmaq life circa 1400 A.D. The all-Mi'kmaq cast, speaking Mi'kmaq, brought to life a theoretical day in spring, summer, fall and winter, plus a dramatization of a wedding. These shots were taken during the taping of the Winter Episode, in February 1981, done on the grounds of "Mount Uniacke," a branch of the Nova Scotia Museum.


men; costumes, 15th century, reproductions of; painting, on leather; women; children; transportation; snowshoes, atypical; wigwams, interiors; winter; cooking; Paul, Mary; Denny, Janice; Denny, Sarah; Marshall, Joe B.; Christmas, Michael; videos; actors, Mi'kmaq; MI'KMAQ TV Series; Mount Uniacke; Nova Scotia

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