Nova Scotia Museum
The Nova Scotia Museum is responsible for the provincial collection of over one million artifacts and specimens. As well, we oversee the maintenance of more than 210 buildings, four floating vessels and nine locomotives. Our 28 incredible sites, together, tell the story of this province.
A new permanent exhibit at the Museum of Natural History invites Nova Scotians to deepen their understanding of Mi'kmaw culture. Pjila'si, which means welcome in Mi'kmaw, is an interactive space that brings to life the knowledge, skills and adaptability of the Mi'kmaw people throughout history and to this day.
Metal Detecting
We want to make sure everyone's enjoying the outdoors responsibly. Check out our blog post with metal detecting rules you need to follow in Nova Scotia - happy exploring!
The Nova Scotia Museum developed an overarching accessibility plan that will guide us to become more accessible. Each of our 28 sites will use this plan to develop their own plans based on their own accessibility needs.
Nova Scotia Museum Publications
Research is one of the fundamental activities of the Nova Scotia Museum. Museum publications share research about our collection to advance our understanding of the world and encourage research by others.
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