News release

2001 Workplace Education Practitioner Institute

Education (July 1999 - March 2013)

More than 40 Partnership Appreciation Awards were presented today, Nov. 9, at the 2001 Workplace Education Practitioner Institute held at White Point Beach Lodge, in Queens County.

The institute acknowledges the commitment and enthusiasm of workplace education instructors and partners in 45 sites across the province.

Education Minister Jane Purves said everyone benefits from workplace education programs.

"Workplace education plays an integral role in providing Nova Scotians with the opportunity to raise their potential and sharpen existing professional skills," said the minister. "In turn, the province reaps the rewards of a highly-skilled and competitive workforce."

The first annual Instructor of the Year Award was presented to Virginia Schultz, Wolfville, for excellence in instructional practice. She works for Minas Basin Pulp and Power. This award celebrates the role of instructors in creating a learning culture within the Nova Scotia labour force. In partnership with business, industry and labour, instructors have established workplace education as a viable means for adult learners to achieve their personal and work-related learning goals.

The three-day institute also provided education instructors the opportunity to attend workshops to earn their certification. Other participants met and discussed best practices with colleagues from across the province.

Workplace education is an initiative of labour groups, business and industry that leads to the development and delivery of essential skills programs for working Nova Scotians. The programs provide an opportunity for the current workforce to upgrade skills such as reading, math, oral communications and problem- solving. The program serves more than 1,200 individuals each year.

The Workplace Education Practitioner Institute is sponsored by the Department of Education, the National Literacy Secretariat, the Association of Workplace Educators of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Partners for Workplace Education.