News release

Amendments Give Halifax More Cost Recovery Flexibility

Municipal Affairs (April 2014 - May 2019)

Amendments to the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, introduced today, Oct. 22, will allow the city to create a bylaw to recover costs of infrastructure needed after new development.

"With new development comes demand for fire services, libraries and recreation facilities like arenas, parks and trails," said Halifax Mayor Mike Savage. "This amendment allows HRM to consider when and how capital cost charges will be levied such that those who benefit most from growth can contribute to the cost of municipal services needed to support that growth."

Halifax has authority to recover costs from developers to build and maintain roads and sidewalks, solid-waste management systems, wastewater collection and treatment facilities, and electrical distribution systems. The amendment will expand that list.

"It's a matter of fairness," said Municipal Affairs Minister Mark Furey. "It means that current property owners are not paying the growth-related capital costs associated with new development. The amendment will ensure that is no longer the case."