News release

Province Protects Jobs for Families in Crisis

Labour and Advanced Education (Jan. 2011 - Aug. 2021)

Parents who need to take time away from work because their child is critically ill or a victim of a serious crime will now have their jobs protected.

The province has proclaimed changes to the Labour Standards Code, which take effect immediately. The changes provide job protection for parents and guardians who need to take leave from work when faced with a family crisis.

"No family should have to worry about whether or not their job will be there when they are ready to return to work," said Labour and Advanced Education Minister Frank Corbett. "Parents and guardians now have the assurance that their job is protected so that they can focus on what matters most, their family."

The deputy premier credited Valerie Loveys of New Waterford, who championed this change in Nova Scotia. Ms. Loveys's daughter Stephanie died of cancer in 2008.

"Valerie has been fighting for this change ever since, so that parents could be with their children and not have to work at such a critical time in their lives," said Mr. Corbett.

Nova Scotia is the third province to bring its labour code in line with federal changes in employment insurance benefits.

Parents and guardians are allowed:

  • up to 37 weeks off work to care for a critically ill child
  • up to 104 weeks off work if a child has died as a result of a crime
  • up to 52 weeks off work if a child has disappeared as a result of a crime

More information can be found at .