News release

Bloomfield Project Decision Announced

Housing Nova Scotia

Government will no longer be the developer on the Bloomfield property in Halifax.

"After hearing from, and seriously considering, feedback from stakeholders and the people involved, we have decided that Housing Nova Scotia will no longer proceed as developer for this project," said Joanne Bernard, Minister of Community Services.

"This project will become an iconic part of north end Halifax and we want to see it developed. Given the housing market and the city's eagerness to move forward quickly, we are confident that a private developer will be able to bring Bloomfield to life."

The province will share information from the design and planning stages and feedback received during the public consultation, and work with the Halifax Regional Municipality and any future developer to ensure affordable housing options are available at Bloomfield.

"Supporting affordable home ownership was one of the key goals of the Bloomfield development and we remain committed to that goal for Halifax and across the province," said Dan Troke, CEO of Housing Nova Scotia.

Housing Nova Scotia will focus on its core mandate of expanding affordable housing options for renters and repairing existing affordable housing. It is working on a plan to create more home ownership opportunities for lower income Nova Scotians and for first-time home buyers of low to modest income levels.

Housing Nova Scotia will continue to work with the city, the federal government, businesses and non-profit groups to address homelessness and affordable housing issues in Halifax.