End your business or business name (operating name): forms

Collection of forms that businesses need to file with Registry of Joint Stock Companies when they dissolve or are no longer operating. The collection also includes forms that businesses and non-profits need to file when they dissolve or are no longer using their business name (operating name).

Legislation requires businesses to provide specific information to Registry of Joint Stock Companies when they dissolve or are no longer operating. This collection provides the forms businesses and non-profits can use when providing Registry of Joint Stock Companies with the required information.

Sole proprietorship

Dissolve a sole proprietorship

Sole proprietorships need to notify Registry of Joint Stock Companies when they dissolve.

End a sole proprietorship: request for revocation

Sole proprietorships need to notify Registry of Joint Stock Companies if their business is no longer operating.


Dissolve a partnership

Partnerships need to notify Registry of Joint Stock Companies when they dissolve.

End a partnership: request for revocation

Partnerships need to notify Registry of Joint Stock Companies if their business is no longer operating.

Business name (operating name)

Dissolve a business name (operating name) on behalf of a business or non-profit

Businesses and non-profits need to notify Registry of Joint Stock Companies when they dissolve their business name (operating name).

End a business name (operating name) on behalf of a business or non-profit: request for revocation

Businesses and non-profits need to notify Registry of Joint Stock Companies if they’re no longer using the business name (operating name).