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Martock Marsh Body Land Use Regulations

made under clause 14(e) of the

Agricultural Marshland Conservation Act

S.N.S. 2000, c. 22

N.S. Reg. 18/2016 (January 23, 2016)


[1]   These regulations may be cited as the Martock Marsh Body Land Use Regulations.

Uses and activities

[2]   (1)    No person shall construct works or use or develop lands within, on, or affecting the NS Martock marshland sections in any way that is not conducive to and in conformity with sound agricultural purposes and practices.


       (2)    For the purposes of subsection (1), uses and activities deemed to be conducive to and in conformity with sound agricultural purposes and practices include all of the following:


                (a)    the tilling of soil;


                (b)    the planting and harvesting of crops;


                (c)    the growing of grains and forage crops for livestock feed;


                (d)    the growing of grass and legume crops;


                (e)    the growing of food crops for human consumption;


                (f)    the spreading of manure;


                (g)    the spreading of commercial (chemical) and natural fertilizer;


                (h)    the spreading of limestone;


                (i)      pest and weed control;


                (j)      pre-existing exemptions, uses and active variances.


       (3)    For the purposes of subsection (1), non-permitted works, uses or developments include all of the following:


                (a)    land-fill sites or dumps of any kind;


                (b)    recreational activities of any kind;


                (c)    residential or commercial structures;


                (d)    drilled wells;


                (e)    sewage treatment plants or lagoons;


                (f)    industrial structures or uses;


                (g) ponds for non-agricultural uses;

Text lettered as first clause (h) relettered as clause (g) for the purposes of this consolidation. Original text does not include clause (g).


                (h)    hunting without permission.

Last updated: 10-12-2017