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Harvesting Timber on Crown Lands Regulations

made under Section 51 of the

Crown Lands Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 114

O.I.C. 2016-246 (October 3, 2016), N.S. Reg. 197/2016


1     These regulations may be cited as the Harvesting Timber on Crown Lands Regulations.


2     In these regulations,


“Act” means the Crown Lands Act.

Threshold for harvesting timber on Crown lands

3     A person who cuts or removes timber from Crown lands must not do so in excess of 25 cubic metres (solid) or equivalent measurement unless otherwise authorized under the Act.

Maximum fines

4     (1)    The maximum fine for a violation of Section 3 is,


                (a)    for a corporation,


                         (i)     for a first offence, a fine not exceeding $250 000,


                         (ii)    for subsequent offences, a fine not exceeding $500 000;


                (b)    for an individual,


                         (i)     for a first offence, a fine not exceeding $50 000,


                         (ii)    for subsequent offences, a fine not exceeding $100 000.


       (2)    A violation of Section 3 that is committed or continued for more than 1 day is considered to be a separate violation for each day it is committed or continued.


Last updated: 10-12-2017