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Combat Sports Authority Regulations

made under Section 10 of the

Combat Sports Authority Act

R.S.N.S 1989, c. 43

O.I.C. 2023-64 (effective March 7, 2023), N.S. Reg. 51/2023

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.






Authority Officers and Procedure



Audit and budget


Application for licence

Contestant licence applications

Assumed name

Contestants may not be licensed under same name

Applicant from outside Province

Minimum age

Promoter’s licence

Applications for referee and judge’s licences

Notice of change of address

Notice by Authority

Issuing licence

Duration of licence

Annual licence fees

Medical Examinations

Annual medical examinations for contestants

Medical examination for referees and judges

Additional testing within 6 months of contest

Examination within 36 hours of contest

Pregnancy test

Injury or illness before contest

Medical examination report forms

Medical reports are confidential

Contract Requirements

Standard form of contract

Contestant failing to fulfill terms

Manager of record

Contestants of same weight

Contract must be signed under contestant’s legal name

Contracts signed by both contestants

Minimum compensation for contestant

Amount payable if opponent not present

Authority Approval of Details of Proposed Contest or Event

Application by promoter for event sanction

Advertising of proposed event

Charitable organization

Promoter responsibilities approaching event date

Promoter responsibilities during an event

Standby bouts

Emergency medical preparations

Promoter to provide video following event

Promoter failure to hold sanctioned event

Promoter responsible for expenses

Default in payment of debts

Conduct During Events

Administration by Authority

Required attendance at events

Weigh-in ceremonies

Weight difference

Approved seconds

Referee is chief official

Discipline during event

Medical Personnel at Events

Ringside doctors

Approaching or contacting Medical Adviser

Medical exams at ringside

Contest stopped for medical reasons

Examination after injury or knockout

Neurological examination after knockout, technical knockout or severe beating

Suspension or medical treatment for injury sustained during contest

Written report after contest


Referees or judges from other jurisdictions

Payment of officials

Not permitted to officiate

Amateur Participants in Events

Amateur participation requirements

Fines, Penalties and Restrictions

Suspension and fine


Submitting false information

Licensee must report sham to Authority

Conflict of interest

Application for Reconsideration of Authority’s Decision

Application for reconsideration





1        These regulations may be cited as the Combat Sports Authority Regulations.


2        In these regulations,


“Act” means the Combat Sports Authority Act;


“Authority” means the Authority as defined in the Act;


“contest” means a contest as defined in the Act;


“contestant” means a contestant as defined in the Act;


“event” means an event in which 1 or more contests take place;


“licence” means a licence issued by the Authority;


“Medical Adviser” means a duly qualified physician appointed by the Authority to advise the Authority on medical matters;


“Minister” means the member of the Executive Council responsible for sport;


“promoter” means a promoter as defined in the Act;


“ringside doctor” means a duly qualified physician appointed by the Authority to attend a contest and be present at ringside.

Authority Officers and Procedure


3        (1)    The Chair of the Authority presides at all meetings of the Authority.


          (2)    A Vice-Chair must be elected by the members of the Authority to hold office for 1 year.


          (3)    If the Chair is absent or unable to act, the Vice-Chair, or another member appointed by the Chair, must exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Chair.


          (4)    The Secretary-treasurer is responsible for all of the following:


                   (a)      recording minutes of all meetings of the Authority;


                   (b)     together with the Chair, or in the Chair’s absence, the Vice-Chair, the fiscal matters of the Authority.


4        (1)    A meeting of the Authority may be called by the Chair or a majority of the members of the Authority.


          (2)    An annual meeting must be held each year to review and approve year-end financial statements and reports.


          (3)    A majority of the members of the Authority constitutes a quorum.


          (4)    A motion may be passed at a meeting of the Authority by a simple majority.


          (5)    All applications, records and other documents filed with the Authority become the property of the Authority.

Audit and budget

5        (1)    The Minister must approve the manner by which the annual audit of the accounts of the Authority is prepared.


          (2)    The Minister must direct how the Authority submits its annual budget.


Application for licence

6        An application for a licence must be on the form provided by the Authority for the type of licence being applied for, and must be submitted to the Authority together with the applicable licence fee.

Contestant licence applications

7        In addition to the requirements of Section 6, an application for a contestant’s licence must be accompanied by all of the following:


                   (a)      a certificate signed by the Medical Adviser or another licensed medical doctor stating that the applicant has completed the annual medical examination required by Section 19;


                   (b)     a signed certificate of waiver stating that the applicant will submit to a post-contest urinalysis, if ordered by the Authority;


                   (c)      any other information or documents the Authority may reasonably require.

Assumed name

8        A contestant may use and be licensed under an assumed name, if the assumed name is approved by the Authority.

Contestants may not be licensed under same name

9        A person must not be licensed as a contestant under the same name or a name deceptively similar to the name of another contestant or athlete.

Applicant from outside Province

10      In addition to the requirements in Section 6, an applicant from outside the Province must submit all of the following to the Authority with their application for a licence:


                   (a)      proof of licence from a recognized licensing agency in the contestant’s jurisdiction;


                   (b)     proof of medical examination and test results required by the Medical Adviser;


                   (c)      any other information or documents the Authority may reasonably require.

Minimum age

11      An individual must be 19 years or older to participate in a contest as a contestant.

Promoter’s licence

12      (1)    The Authority may grant or refuse to grant a promoter’s licence to an applicant.


          (2)    The Authority must provide written reasons to an applicant for a promoter’s licence who is refused a licence.


          (3)    The Authority may cancel or suspend a promoter’s licence for any of the following reasons:


                   (a)      the licensee or a person who is a partner, agent, employee, stockholder or an associate of the licensee is associates with, or has associated with[,] bookmakers, gamblers or persons involved in illegal gambling;


                   (b)     the licensee has attempted any fraud or misrepresentations in connection with combat sports;


                   (c)      the licensee has violated or attempted to violate the regulations or an order of the Authority;


                   (d)     in the opinion of the Authority, the licensee has committed an act detrimental to the interests of combat sports or safety.


          (4)    The Authority must provide written reasons to a licensee whose licence is cancelled or suspended under subsection (3).

Applications for referee and judge’s licences

13      In addition to the requirements of Section 6, an application for a referee or a judge’s licence must include a certificate signed by the Medical Adviser or another licensed medical doctor stating that the applicant has completed the medical examination required by Section 20.

Notice of change of address

14      If a licensee’s registered address changes, the licensee must immediately notify the Authority of the new address.

Notice by Authority

15      (1)    The Authority may provide notice to a licensee by any of the following methods:


                   (a)      personal service on the licensee;


                   (b)     ordinary mail to the licensee’s registered address;


                   (c)      delivery by electronic mail.


          (2)    A notice sent by ordinary mail is deemed to have been received on the 5th business day after the notice was mailed.


          (3)    A notice sent by electronic mail is deemed to have been received on the business day the following the day the notice was sent.

Issuing licence

16      A licence issued by the Authority must be signed by 2 of the following persons:


                   (a)      Secretary-treasurer;


                   (b)     Chair;


                   (c)      Vice-Chair;


                   (d)     Director of Combat Sports.

Duration of licence

17      A licence is valid for 1 year from the date it is issued.

Annual licence fees

18      (1)    The annual fees for licences are as follows:


                   (a)      promoter..........................................................................................$100.00


                   (b)     contestant...........................................................................................$50.00


                   (c)      manager.............................................................................................$25.00


                   (d)     second................................................................................................$25.00


                   (e)      agent..................................................................................................$25.00


                   (f)      matchmaker.......................................................................................$25.00


                   (g)     temporary...........................................................................................$30.00


          (2)    The Authority may issue a temporary licence to a person to participate in a single contest at a specified time and place.

Medical Examinations

Annual medical examinations for contestants

19      A contestant must, at their own cost, have an annual medical exam conducted or approved by the Medical Adviser, including an updated medical history and any tests or laboratory procedures required by the Medical Adviser.

Medical examination for referees and judges

20      (1)    Unless otherwise directed by the Authority or a medical doctor, referees and judges under 60 years of age must have a medical examination performed by the Medical Adviser or another licensed medical doctor every 24 months.


          (2)    Unless otherwise directed by the Authority or a medical doctor, referees and judges 60 years of age and over must have an annual medical examination performed by the Medical Adviser or another licensed medical doctor.

Additional testing within 6 months of contest

21      In addition to the annual medical examination required by Section 19, a contestant must have any tests or laboratory procedures the Medical Adviser requires conducted within 6 months of any contest.

Examination within 36 hours of contest

22      Every contestant must, within 36 hours of a contest, have a medical examination conducted by the Medical Adviser or a licensed medical doctor designated by the Medical Advisor.

Pregnancy test

23      (1)    Under the direction of the Medical Adviser, a female contestant must undergo a urine pregnancy test no more than 7 days before the date of a contest.


          (2)    The Medical Adviser must report the results of the urine pregnancy test to the Authority.


          (3)    A female contestant who is found to be pregnant in the urine pregnancy test required under subsection (1) is not permitted to participate in a contest.

Injury or illness before contest

24      (1)    An injury or illness experienced by a contestant before a scheduled contest or while in training for a contest must be reported to the Authority within 24 hours of the injury or illness by the contestant or their manager.


          (2)    A contestant who is injured or experiences an illness before a scheduled contest or while in training for a contest must be examined by a medical doctor who must conduct any required tests or surveys.

Medical examination report forms

25      A medical examination report must be completed on a form provided by the Authority and must be filed with the Authority.

Medical reports are confidential

26      Medical reports on file with the Authority are confidential and, unless consented to by the individual to which [whom the] medical report relates or otherwise required by law, may be examined by the Authority only for the purposes of licensing or evaluating whether a contestant may safely participate in a contest.

Contract Requirements

Standard form of contract

27      (1)    A contract between a contestant and a promoter must be executed in the form set by the Authority.


          (2)    A form must be provided by the Authority to a licensed contestant, manager or promoter on request.

Contestant failing to fulfill terms

28      A contestant who fails to fulfill the terms of a contract may be subject to disciplinary action by the Authority.

Manager of record

29      A contestant may have only 1 manager of record.

Contestants of same weight

30      A contract of a contestant must require the contestant to be the within safe weight limits determined by the Authority.

Contract must be signed under contestant’s legal name

31      A contract for the services of a contestant mut [must] be signed by the contestant under their legal name unless the contestant is licensed to compete in the Province under another name, in which case the contestant may sign the contract under their licensed name and the contestant’s legal name must appear in the body of the contract as the name under which the contestant is otherwise known.

Contracts signed by both contestants

32      A contract for a contest must not be approved by the Authority unless both contestants have signed contracts with the same promoter for the event.

Minimum compensation for contestant

33      The minimum payment a promoter must pay a contestant for participating in a contest is $200.00.

Amount payable if opponent not present

34      A contestant who is ready to compete and is acting in accordance with the requirements of their contract relating to a contest and any other requirements set out by the Authority, and whose opponent, or suitable substitute for the opponent, is not present at the appointed time is entitled to the amount payable to them under the terms of the contract.

Authority Approval of Details of Proposed Contest or Event

Application by promoter for event sanction

35      (1)    A promoter may apply for a sanction letter authorizing the promoter to conduct an event by filing all of the following with the Authority at least 30 days before the date of the proposed event:


                   (a)      an application including all of the following information:


                              (i)      the date and location of the proposed event,


                              (ii)     the names of the proposed contestants,


                              (iii)    signed contracts and proof of compliance with all applicable medical requirements for the main event or 2 of the undercards,


                              (iv)    a letter confirming that an ambulance has been reserved for the time of the proposed event,


                              (v)     any other details about the proposed event that the Authority may reasonably require;


                   (b)     a sanction fee of $3000.00, which may be partially refundable at the discretion of the Authority.


          (2)    The Authority will issue a letter sanctioning the event to the promoter who has provided the material listed in subsection (1).

Advertising of proposed event

36      (1)    Subject to subsection (2), a promoter must not notify the public that tickets for an event are or will be for sale before they receive a sanction letter issued by the Authority.


          (2)    A promoter may issue press releases, news stories or other publicity about a proposed event before a sanction letter is issued by the Authority if


                   (a)      the publicity clearly states that the proposed event has not been approved by the Authority and that tickets are not yet for sale; or


                   (b)     the Authority has given prior written approval for the publicity.

Charitable organization

37      A promoter who wishes to conduct an event in conjunction with a charitable organization must submit the proposed agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the event to the Authority for approval.

Promoter responsibilities approaching event date

38      (1)    At least 14 days before the approved date of a sanctioned event, a promoter must submit all of the following to the Authority:


                   (a)      a copy of the promoter’s licence;


                   (b)     a copy of the licence for each of the contestants in the event;


                   (c)      a copy of all contracts between the promoter and the contestants for the event;


                   (d)     a copy of the agreement with the charitable organization required by Section 37, if applicable;


                   (e)      the gloves required for the contest;


                   (f)      a copy of all medical tests required by the Authority;


                   (g)     proof of any insurance required by the Authority.


          (2)    In addition to the requirements of subsection (1), the promoter must deposit with the Authority a sum, either in cash or negotiable bonds, sufficient to cover all of the following:


                   (a)      certified cheques for the entire amount of the total purses payable to the contestants as outlined in their respective contracts;


                   (b)     payment for the officials and administrative personnel for the contest;


                   (c)      payment for medical staff for the contest;


                   (d)     any other amounts at the discretion of the Authority and any other materials required for the event.

Promoter responsibilities during an event

39      A promoter is responsible for all of the following during an event:


                   (a)      ensuring an atmosphere that provides a clean and healthy environment for combat sports to take place;


                   (b)     maintaining good order and proper conduct of the event;


                   (c)      retaining a person to act as a “Director of Bouts” for an event to ensure that the event proceeds with as few interruptions and delays as possible;


                   (d)     making arrangements to safeguard the premises where the event is conducted to ensure, to the Authority’s satisfaction, that adequate protection is taken against riot, stampede or disorderly conduct;


                   (e)      ensuring compliance with the regulations and directions of the Authority.

Standby bouts

40      A promoter may be required by the Authority to have 1 or more standby bouts ready during event.

Emergency medical preparations

41      A promoter must ensure that all of the following emergency medical preparations are in place:


                   (a)      a paramedical team is present at each contest and is equipped with a portable resuscitator with oxygen equipment and a stretcher;


                   (b)     an ambulance is stationed outside the nearest door to the ring;


                   (c)      the shortest route possible between the ring and the ambulance door is secured.

Promoter to provide video following event

42      A promoter must provide a video of the entire event to the Authority no later than 14 business days after the date of an event.

Promoter failure to hold sanctioned event

43      If a promoter fails to hold an event on the approved date, the Authority may require that all or a portion of the sanction fee and deposit made under subsection 38(2) be forfeited or used to discharge any liabilities associated with the event.

Promoter responsible for expenses

44      (1)    The Authority assumes no responsibility or liability for the collection or payment of amounts owed by a promoter in connection with an event.


          (2)    A promoter must indemnify the Authority for the payment of all expenses connected with the event.

Default in payment of debts

45      (1)    The licence of a promoter who defaults in payment of a debt or obligation in connection with an event is suspended until full payment is made and any outstanding fines paid.


          (2)    The Authority may require that all or a portion of the sanction fee and deposit made under subsection 38(2) by a promoter who defaults in payment of a debt or obligation be forfeited.

Conduct During Events

Administration by Authority

46      All contests must be conducted in accordance with these regulations and administered under the direction of the Authority.

Required attendance at events

47      (1)    All of the following people must be present at every event:


                   (a)      at least 1 member of the Authority;


                   (b)     at least 1 ringside doctor;


                   (c)      at least 2 paramedical personnel with full equipment;


                   (d)     1 referee;


                   (e)      3 judges;


                   (f)      2 timekeepers.


          (2)    A contest must not begin unless the ringside doctor is present at ringside and 2 paramedical personnel are present.


          (3)    Paramedical team members assigned to the [an] event must be provided free admission to an [the] event.

Weigh-in ceremonies

48      (1)    The Authority must determine the time and place of all pre-fight medical examinations and weigh-in ceremonies for events.


          (2)    The Authority must approve the weigh-in scales and their location.

Weight difference

49      The Authority and the Medical Adviser must determine permitted weight differences between contestants.

Approved seconds

50      A contestant must submit the names of the chief second and assistant seconds to the Authority for approval, and only approved seconds are allowed in a contestant’s corner.

Referee is chief official

51      The referee is the chief official of every contest and must maintain supervision and control over the contest while it is in progress.

Discipline during event

52      (1)    The referee is responsible for enforcing discipline and the regulations regarding the conduct and behaviour of contestants and seconds during contests, and may stop a contest for any reason, including if in the referee’s opinion any of the following occurs:


                   (a)      a contestant did not enter into the contract in good faith;


                   (b)     a contestant is not honestly competing;


                   (c)      a contestant performed an act detrimental to combat sports.


          (2)    If a referee stops a contest for any of the reasons listed in subsection (1), the offending contestant forfeits the monies payable to them under the contract with the promoter.


          (3)    If a referee stops a contest for any of the reasons listed in subsection (1), the Authority representative may place a hold on the payment of the offending contestant’s purse until the Authority decides whether to impose a fine on the contestant.

Medical Personnel at Events

Ringside doctors

53      (1)    A ringside doctor is responsible for overseeing and making final determinations on all medical matters during an event.


          (2)    The Authority must ensure that the fees of all attending ringside doctors are paid by the promoter to the Authority before an event begins.

Approaching or contacting Medical Adviser

54      Unless it is for required medical treatment, a contestant, licensee, applicant for a licence or any individual acting on their behalf must not approach a ringside doctor or the Medical Adviser unless 1 of the following applies:


                   (a)      it is immediately before, during or immediately after a contest;


                   (b)     it is during a scheduled appointment;


                   (c)      the Authority has provided written consent.

Medical exams at ringside

55      If a ringside doctor considers it necessary, the ringside doctor may conduct any of the following examinations:


                   (a)      a general physical examination in dressing rooms before a contest;


                   (b)     any examination of a contestant they may consider necessary during a contest;


                   (c)      a general physical examination of each contestant immediately after the conclusion of a contest.

Contest stopped for medical reasons

56      If the contest is stopped because of a physical injury, a ringside doctor must do all of the following:


                   (a)      provide any necessary emergency treatment;


                   (b)     recommend any further treatment or hospitalization they consider necessary;


                   (c)      report the physical injury to the Authority within 24 hours of the injury.

Examination after injury or knockout

57      If a ringside doctor considers it necessary, a contestant who sustains injury or knockout during a contest must be examined by a licensed medical doctor within 24 hours of the injury or knockout.

Neurological examination after knockout, technical knockout or severe beating

58      (1)    The Authority may require a contestant who is knocked out, suffers a technical knockout or suffers a severe beating to submit to a neurological examination and any other test considered appropriate by a ringside doctor.


          (2)    If requested by the Authority, a copy of any neurologist report or other test required under subsection (1) must be filed with the Authority.

Suspension or medical treatment for injury sustained during contest

59      (1)    The Authority may suspend a contestant or extend an existing suspension at the request of a ringside doctor.


          (2)    If a contestant is treated by a licensed medical doctor for, or is hospitalized because of, an injury sustained during a contest, the contestant or the contestant’s manager must promptly submit a full report from the medical doctor or hospital to the Authority.

Written report after contest

60      A ringside doctor must provide a written report to the Authority on the condition of each contestant after a contest, including any recommendation for further treatment, examination or suspension.


Referees or judges from other jurisdictions

61      (1)    If requested by a contestant or the promoter of an event, the Authority may license and appoint a referee or judge from a commission outside the jurisdiction where the event is to be held.


          (2)    If the Authority appoints a referee or judge under subsection (1), the promoter must pay the referee or judge’s licensing, travel, lodging and meal expenses.

Payment of officials

62      (1)    The Authority must ensure that officials are paid for their time and expenses.


          (2)    If a contest is cancelled with at least 7 days’ notice provided to the Authority, a promoter’s deposit for payment of the officials’ fees will be reimbursed by the Authority.

Not permitted to officiate

63      (1)    An officer of an athletic, boxing or combat sport commission or the applicable professional federation, either elected or appointed, is not permitted to officiate in any event without the prior approval of the Authority.


          (2)    An official, director, contestmaker or stockholder of a promoter must not officiate in any capacity at any contest conducted by that promoter and must not interfere in any way with the contestants participating in the contest.

Amateur Participants in Events

Amateur participation requirements

64      (1)    The Authority may permit an amateur athlete to participate in an amateur bout in any of the following sports held concurrently with a contest:


                   (a)      amateur mixed martial arts;


                   (b)     amateur kickboxing;


                   (c)      amateur Muay Thai;


                   (d)     any other amateur combat sports that the Authority may designate.


          (2)    An amateur athlete is not permitted to compete in an amateur bout for monetary reward other than reimbursement for proper and reasonable expenses


          (3)    Unless otherwise required by the Authority, an amateur bout at a contest must be conducted under the rules of the appropriate national sport federation.

Fines, Penalties and Restrictions

Suspension and fine

65      (1)    A person who violates these regulations or who does any act considered by the Authority to be inconsistent with the good discipline or safety of combat sports is subject to all of the following:


                   (a)      revocation or suspension of their licence, if the person is licensed;


                   (b)     a fine by the Authority as outlined in the Act.


          (2)    If a fine has been imposed under the Act, the person’s licence may be suspended until the fine is paid.


66      A licensee whose licence is suspended by the Authority for an indefinite period of time is not eligible to apply to have their licence reinstated for at least 90 days after the date of the suspension and the completion of any reasonable requests by the Authority.

Submitting false information

67      A person who submits any false or erroneous information to the Authority may be fined or have their licence revoked.

Licensee must report sham to Authority

68      A licensee must immediately report to the Authority any request or suggestion that the licensee participate in, contribute to or aid and abet a sham or collusive contest or a contest that is not to be conducted honestly or fairly.

Conflict of interest

69      (1)    An official, member or employee of the Authority, referee or judge licensed by the Authority must not have any financial interest directly or indirectly in any contestant, contest, event, promoting corporation or manager’s contract with any licensed contestant.


          (2)    A promoter or manager must not take part in any contest in any role other than as a promoter or manager, respectively, without written approval of the Authority.

Application for Reconsideration of Authority’s Decision

Application for reconsideration

70      (1)    A licensee or other person disciplined or directly affected by a decision of the Authority may apply for reconsideration of the decision by submitting to the Authority, in writing, any information that the affected party feels may impact the Authority’s decision.


          (2)    The information referred to in subsection (1) must be filed with the Authority no more than 20 days after the date of the latest notice of disciplinary action and must be accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of $50.00.


          (3)    On receiving an application for reconsideration the Authority must consider the information provided by the affected party and may uphold, alter or rescind its original decision.


71      A person who is unsatisfied with the results of an application for reconsideration may seek satisfaction under Section 14 of the Act.




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Combat Sports Authority Regulations

N.S. Reg. 51/2023

Combat Sports Authority Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Combat Sports Authority Regulations made under the Combat Sports Authority Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Mar 7, 2023

date specified

Mar 24, 2023

















The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected











Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections













Repealed and Superseded



In force



Boxing Authority Regulations

Jan 18, 2002

Mar 7, 2023

Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.


Webpage last updated: 28-03-2023