This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Registry of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
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Certification of Transcripts Regulations

made under Section 11 of the
Court Officials Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 373
O.I.C. 2004-519 (December 21, 2004), N.S. Reg. 251/2004

1 These regulations may be cited as the Certification of Transcripts Regulations.

2 In these regulations

(a) "Act" means the Court Officials Act;

(b) "court transcriber" means a person appointed under the Act to transcribe proceedings or a person who has been certified as a court transcriber;

(c) "proceeding" has the same meaning as in the Civil Procedure Rules; and

(d) "transcript" means a typewritten transcription of a proceeding and includes any part of a transcription.

Recording of court proceedings
3 (1) A court transcriber or another person authorized by a court administrator may record a proceeding using any device for recording sound that is of a type approved by the Minister of Justice.

(2) A court transcriber may record a proceeding in any form of shorthand.

Certification of the record of court proceedings
4 (1) A transcript from shorthand or a sound recording made under Section 3 must be certified by a court transcriber to be a true and accurate transcription of the contents of the recording

(a) in Form 1, when signed by a court transcriber, or

(b) in Form 2, when signed by 2 or more court transcribers.

(2) A court transcriber who prepares and certifies a transcript under subsection (1)

(a) is not required to be the person who recorded the proceeding, if the proceeding is recorded by an approved type of sound recording device in accordance with subsection 3(1);

(b) must be the person who recorded the proceeding if the proceeding is recorded by shorthand in accordance with subsection 3(2).

Official record
5 (1) For the purposes of Section 9 of the Act, a transcript is a record of a proceeding which, when certified in accordance with these regulations, becomes the official record of the proceeding.

(2) An official record of a proceeding is admissible as evidence and is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the record is a true and accurate transcription of the recording of the proceeding.

Form 1

Certification of the Transcript of a Proceeding by a Court Transcriber
(pursuant to clause 4(1)(a) of the Certification of Transcripts Regulations)

I, __________________________________ hereby certify that I have transcribed the attached
document from _______________________ and that it is a true and accurate transcription of
(shorthand or a sound recording)
the following proceeding:
(case name and number, if applicable)
Registration number
__________________________, Nova Scotia
(Town or municipality)

Form 2

Certification of the Transcript of a Proceeding by Court Transcribers
(pursuant to clause 4(1)(b) of the Certification of Transcripts Regulations)

We, the undersigned hereby certify that we have transcribed the attached document from and that it is a true and accurate transcription of the following proceeding:
(case name and number, if applicable)
Pages _____ to _____ transcribed from ___________________ (shorthand or a sound recording)
by: _________________________________________________
Registration number
________________________, Nova Scotia
(Town or municipality)
Pages _____ to _____ transcribed from ___________________ (shorthand or a sound recording)
by: _________________________________________________
Registration number
________________________, Nova Scotia
(Town or municipality)
Pages _____ to _____ transcribed from ___________________ (shorthand or a sound recording)
by: _________________________________________________
Registration number
________________________, Nova Scotia
(Town or municipality)
Pages _____ to _____ transcribed from ___________________ (shorthand or a sound recording)
by: _________________________________________________
Registration number
________________________, Nova Scotia
(Town or municipality)

Last updated: 10-12-2017