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Kilometrage Rates, Monthly Allowances and Transportation Allowances Regulations

made under Sections 7 and 45 of the

Civil Service Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 70

O.I.C. 2007-521 (effective September 28, 2007), N.S. Reg. 395/2007

as amended to O.I.C. 2016-85 (effective March 31, 2016), N.S. Reg. 61/2016

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.




Kilometrage rates

Monthly allowances

Request for change between kilometrage and allowance

Determining when vehicle is condition of employment

Reductions in monthly car allowance

No government vehicle for employees receiving monthly allowance

Personal use of government-owned vehicles

Approval required for other payments

Transportation allowance



1          These regulations may be cited as the Kilometrage Rates, Monthly Allowances and Transportation Allowances Regulations.


2          In these regulations,


                        (a)       “Act” means the Civil Service Act;


                        (b)       “Agreement” means the Civil Service Master Agreement between the Province of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union as amended from time to time.

Kilometrage rates

4          Except as provided in Section 5, an employee must be paid for all kilometres that the employee drives in connection with their employment in accordance with the rate established under the Agreement.

Monthly allowances

5          (1)       Each of the following employees of the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal must be paid the monthly allowance established under the Agreement for that class of employee instead of the kilometrage rates referred to in Section 4:


                        (a)       an engineering survey technician;


                        (b)       a project engineer;


                        (c)       a scale house operator;


                        (d)       a road transport inspector.


            (2)       An employee who is designated by the Commission as belonging to a class of employment for which availability of a motor vehicle is deemed to be a condition of employment may opt to receive a monthly allowance in accordance with subsection (3) instead of the kilometrage rates referred to in Section 4.


            (3)       An employee who opts to receive a monthly allowance under subsection (2) must be paid


                        (a)       the monthly allowance established under the Agreement for that class of employee; and


                        (b)       for all kilometres that the employee drives in connection with their employment, a rate per kilometre as established under the Agreement for that class of employee.

Request for change between kilometrage and allowance

6          If an employee who has the option of receiving a monthly allowance under subsection 5(3) wishes to change from a monthly allowance to the kilometrage rates under Section 4 or from the kilometrage rates to a monthly allowance under subsection 5(4), the employee must notify the Public Service Commission in writing


                        (a)       no later than April 30 in the year for which the change is requested; or


                        (b)       no later than 30 days after they become eligible to make the option.

Determining when vehicle is condition of employment

7          (1)       In this Section, “designate” and “designation” refer to the designation by the Commission of an employee as belonging to a class of employment for which availability of a motor vehicle is deemed to be a condition of employment.


            (2)       A designation may be granted only on the recommendation of the Deputy Minister of the department in which the employee is employed.


            (3)       Subject to subsections (4) and (5), a decision by the Commission to designate an employee must be made in accordance with the following criteria:


                        (a)       if the employee drives 3218.6 km per year or fewer in connection with employment, the designation must not be granted;


                        (b)       if the employee drives more than 3218.6 km but fewer than 16 000 km per year in connection with employment, the decision to designate the employee must be based on criteria established by the applicable department and the department’s recommendation that using a privately owned motor vehicle is the most efficient manner of providing transportation to fulfil the employee’s job function, particularly as it relates to providing services to the public;


                        (c)       if the employee drives 16 000 km per year or more in connection with employment, the designation must be granted.


            (4)       In making a designation, the Commission must consider all of the following:


                        (a)       whether the employee can travel more economically by means other than privately owned vehicle without substantial impairment to the efficiency of service;


                        (b)       the nature of the job function performed by the employee and any requirements for transportation that could be met by other means of transportation, including a rental vehicle and public transportation;


                        (c)       whether an employee has control over the demand for transportation and whether the demand for transportation can and does occur at any time;


                        (d)       whether an employee must have transportation available, and how often transportation is needed.


            (5)       After considering the matters set out in subsection (4) in deciding whether to designate an employee, the Commission may act outside the criteria set out in subsection (3) if it determines that under the circumstances the criteria should not apply.

Reductions in monthly car allowance

8          (1)       An employee’s monthly allowance paid under Section 5 must not be reduced as a result of any of the following:


                        (a)       vacation;


                        (b)       special leave with pay for 30 days or less;


                        (c)       sick leave for 30 days or less.


            (2)       A monthly allowance paid under Section 5 for an employee who is on special leave without pay must be reduced in proportion to the number of compensation days in the month for which the special leave was granted.


            (3)       If the Minister or a departmental official delegated by the Minister directs that an employee travel outside of their regular district and receive kilometrage rates under Section 4 for that travel, the employee’s monthly allowance paid under subsection 5(1) or (2) must be reduced in proportion to the number of compensation days in the month that the employee is assigned out of their regular district, and the employee must be paid at the kilometrage rates set out in Section 4 for the kilometres travelled outside of their regular district in connection with employment.

No government vehicle for employees receiving monthly allowance

9          An employee who receives a monthly allowance under these regulations must not be assigned a government-owned motor vehicle.

Personal use of government-owned vehicles

10        (1)       In this Section, “personal use” means other than government business.


            (2)       An employee must obtain proper authorization before using a government-owned motor vehicle for personal use.


            (3)       Any kilometres driven on personal use must be repaid to the Province at the fixed per-kilometre rate for personal use established by the Canada Revenue Agency as amended from time to time.

Approval required for other payments

11        (1)       If specific requirements by departments, boards, agencies and commissions cannot be accommodated under Section 4 or 5, the Minister may approve payment for using a privately owned motor vehicle on a basis other than as prescribed by Section 4 or 5 to address specific operating requirements.


            (2)       A payment approved by the Minister under subsection (1) must be approved by the Executive Council.

Transportation allowance

12        (1)       An employee who is called back to work must be reimbursed for transportation to and from the place of work to a maximum per call as established under the Agreement.


            (2)       An employee who is required to travel to and from work between midnight and six o’clock in the morning must be reimbursed for actual transportation expenses incurred to a maximum per shift as established under the Agreement.



Legislative History
Reference Tables

Kilometrage Rates, Monthly Allowances and Transportation Allowances Regulations

N.S. Reg. 395/2007

Civil Service Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Kilometrage Rates, Monthly Allowances and Transportation Allowances Regulations made under the Civil Service Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Sep 28, 2007

date made

Oct 12, 2007


Apr 1, 2008

date specified

Apr 11, 2008


Apr 1, 2009

date specified

Apr 10, 2009


Apr 27, 2010

date specified

May 7, 2010


Feb 22, 2011

date specified

Mar 11, 2011


Apr 1, 2011

date specified

Apr 22, 2011


Apr 1, 2012

date specified

Apr 6, 2012


Apr 1, 2013

date specified

Apr 19, 2013


Mar 31, 2016

date specified

Apr 15, 2016

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected


rep. 128/2008, ad. 180/2013


rep. 128/2008


am. 128/2008, ra. 4(1) 72/2009, rs. 180/2013, am. 61/2016


ra. from 4 72/2009, am. 68/2010, 30/2011, 152/2011, 69/2012


ad. 72/2009, am. 68/2010, 30/2011, 152/2011, 69/2012


am. 128/2008, rs. 180/2013


am. 72/2009, 68/2010, 152/2011, 69/2012, rs. 180/2013


am. 72/2009, 68/2010, 30/2011, 152/2011, 69/2012, rs. 180/2013


rs. 180/2013


rs. 72/2009


am. 68/2010, 152/2011, 69/2012


am. 68/2010, 152/2011, 69/2012


am. 61/2016


am. 128/2008, 72/2009


am. 68/2010, 152/2011, 69/2012, 180/2013


am. 68/2010, 152/2011, 69/2012, 180/2013

provisions throughout.......................

“2007” replaced with “2008,” 128/2008

provisions throughout.......................

“2008” replaced with “2009,” 72/2009

provisions throughout.......................

“2009” replaced with “2010,” 68/2010



Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:





The reference to the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal in s. 5(1) should be read as a reference to the Department of Transportation and Active Transit in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-56 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Feb 23, 2021


The reference to the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal in s. 5(1) should be read as a reference to the Department of Public Works in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-209 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Aug 31, 2021




Repealed and Superseded:



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.




Webpage last updated: 06-10-2021