This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Office of the Registrar of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting.
This electronic version is copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.  It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.

Schedule 8 - Regulations for Specified Areas

made under Sections 9 and 14 of the

Dairy Industry Act

S.N.S. 2000, c. 24

N.S. Reg. 205/1989 (effective October 17, 1989)

as amended up to N.S. Reg. 96/2018 (effective August 1, 2018)

[Note: the Nova Scotia Dairy Commission does not exist under the Dairy Industry Act; the Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia and the Natural Products Marketing Council regulate the industry under the new Act.]


1       The following areas of the Province of Nova Scotia are designated as specified areas and the regulations for specified areas are hereby declared to apply to such areas in the manner and to the extent set forth in such regulations:


Nova Scotia Mainland (embracing all cities, towns, villages and communities in the Nova Scotia mainland except Yarmouth County)


Cape Breton Island (embracing all cities, towns, villages and communities in Cape Breton Island)


Yarmouth Area (embracing all cities, towns, villages, and communities in Yarmouth County).


2       For the purpose of determining the price of milk to be paid by a distributor to a producer the price of milk shall be for milk delivered to the premises of the distributor.


3       (1)     [repealed]


         (2)     [repealed]


         (3)     [repealed]


         (4)     [repealed]


         (5)     [repealed]


         (6)     [repealed]


         (7)     [repealed]


         (8)     [repealed]


         (9)     [repealed]


         (10)   [repealed]


         (11)   [repealed]


         (12)   [repealed]


         (13)   [repealed]


         (14)   [repealed]


         (15)   [repealed]


         (16)   renumbered (13): N.S. Reg. 63/1999


         (17)   renumbered (14): N.S. Reg. 63/1999


         (18)   renumbered (15): N.S. Reg. 63/1999


         (19)   No person shall sell or transport bulk milk, as defined in Schedule 7*, outside the Province without the prior written permission of the Commission.


4       Except as otherwise ordered by the Commission, the price to be paid by a distributor supplying a specified area to producers for Class 1 milk sales in such specified area shall be the price paid to producers in said specified area as determined in accordance with the regulations of the Commission and the schedules relating to such specified area.


5       The price to be paid by a distributor supplying a specified area to another distributor for milk for Class 1 sales in such specified area shall be the price to producer in said specified area as determined in accordance with the regulations of the Commission and the schedules relating to such specified area.


6       The price to be paid by a distributor to producers for milk sold to another distributor or processing plant shall be the price received for such milk, less such cost of handling and haulage as may be approved by the Commission.


7       When the price paid for milk by a distributor to producers licensed under the provisions of the Dairy Industry Act varies according to the use thereof, the proportion of milk required by a distributor for Class 1 and Class 2 requirements shall be allocated, respectively, to the licensed producers supplying such distributor.


8       Prices contained in the schedule of milk prices for specified areas to be paid to the producer are for standard test milk.


9       Except as otherwise ordered by the Commission, milk sold by distributors or jobbers to consumers or storekeepers in a specified area shall be at the prices determined in accordance with the regulations of the Commission and the schedules relating to such specified area.


10     In subsection 10(c) only, “non-pricing tools” means an incentive provided under a customer loyalty marketing program for the discount purchase or giveaway of goods or services.


                   (a)   No person shall sell fluid milk at retail to the ultimate consumer for a price less than the minimum retail price.


                   (b)  The minimum retail price for milk sold by storekeepers to the ultimate consumer shall be the wholesale price as established from time to time by the schedule to these regulations.


                   (c)   The use of coupons and other non-pricing tools used by manufacturers and retailers of fluid milk products are only permitted where the promotion does not cause the price paid by the consumer to fall below the regulated minimum price when the value of the coupon or other non-pricing tool is deducted from the retail price.


                   (d)  Fluid milk products cannot be given away as part of any marketing or promotional programs except for sampling purposes and the sponsorship of charity events.


11     All milk and cream sold by distributors and jobbers shall be for cash or prepaid tickets except the following accounts:


                   (a)   hospitals, charitable institutions, schools, steamship and railway companies;


                   (b)  government accounts;


                   (c)   such other wholesale account as may be mutually agreed upon by the distributor or jobber and said wholesale purchaser.


12     When schedule prices include a fraction of a cent per unit, single sales may be adjusted to the nearest highest cent.


13     Except as otherwise provided by regulation, whole milk sold wholesale or retail shall not contain less than 33.5 grams of butterfat per litre.


14     No distributor shall purchase milk and no producer shall sell milk at prices other than those determined in accordance with the orders and regulations of the Commission and the schedules relating to specified areas.


15     The Commission may allow a distributor to charge a price for milk higher than the price of milk as set forth in the Schedule of Milk Prices for Specified Areas on application submitted by such distributor for a higher price.


16     Prices prescribed by the Commission from time to time by Order for the sale of milk in the grades, quantities and containers prescribed by the Commission in the specified areas shall be the standard of price charged for all milk sold until further Order of the Commission.


17     A distributor must notify the Nova Scotia Dairy Commission five full working days in advance of importing milk from outside the province for use as Class 1, Class 2, or fluid classification for Market Sharing Quota purposes, at any processing plant, branch or subsidiary.


18     Milk acquired by a processor from producers within the province shall be allocated to the highest value utilization by the processor, unless the processor obtains specific exemption from the Council.


19     Where milk is received for processing from outside the province and no specific exemption has been received by the distributor, such milk shall be allocated to the lowest value utilization by such distributor.




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Schedule 8 – Regulations for Specified Areas

N.S. Reg. 205/1989

Dairy Industry Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Schedule 8 – Regulations for Specified Areas made under the Dairy Industry Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Oct 17, 1989

date filed

Nov 3, 1989


May 9, 1990

date specified

Jul 27, 1990


Feb 5, 1991

date specified

Mar 22, 1991


Aug 30, 1992

date specified

Sep 18, 1992


May 30, 1993

date specified

May 28, 1993


Aug 1, 1993

date specified

Jul 9, 1993


Oct 22, 1993

date specified

Nov 12, 1993


Apr 3, 1994

date specified

Apr 29, 1994


Jul 30, 1995

date specified

Sep 1, 1995


Jan 6, 1998

date specified

Jan 30, 1998


May 13, 1998

date specified

Jun 19, 1998


Jun 1, 1999

date specified

Jun 18, 1999


Aug 1, 2000

date specified

Sep 22, 2000


Oct 15, 2010

date specified

Oct 8, 2010


Mar 21, 2014

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Apr 4, 2014


Aug 1, 2018

date specified

Jul 6, 2018

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected

1 -2....................................................

rs. 62/1994


rs. 182/1992, 126/1995


rs. 77/1993, 156/1993, 63/1999; rep. 110/20011


rs. 77/1993, 90/1993, 156/1993, 63/1999; rep. 110/20011


rs. 77/1993, 90/1993, 156/1993; rep. 63/1999


ra. from 3(6) 63/1999; rep. 110/20011


rep. 63/1999


ra. from 3(7) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


rs. 37/1998; rep. 63/1999


ra. from 3(8) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(3) 63/1999


ra. from 3(9) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


rs. 77/1993; ra. as 3(4) 63/1999


ra. from 3(10) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(5) 63/1999


ra. from 3(11) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(6) 63/1999


ra. from 3(12) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(7) 63/1999


ra. from 3(13) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(8) 63/1999


ra. from 3(14) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(9) 63/1999


ra. from 3(15) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(10) 63/1999


ra. from 3(16) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(11) 63/1999


ra. from 3(17) 63/1999; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(12) 63/1999


ra. from 3(18) 63/1999; rs. 151/2000; rep. 3/20062


ra. as 3(13) 63/1999


ra. as 3(14) 63/1999


ra. as 3(15) 63/1999


ad. 4/1998


rs. 62/1994


rs. 168/1990, 23/1991; am. 144/2010


rs. 144/2010; am. 96/2018


rs. 144/2010


am. 45/2014

Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:





Subsection repealed in N.S. Reg. 110/2001, Fluid Milk Categories and Classes Regulations.

Aug 7, 2001


Subsection repealed in N.S. Reg. 3/2006, Regulations Respecting Milk Classes and Categories.

Feb 1, 2006




Repealed and Superseded:



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.


Webpage last updated: 31-07-2018