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Emergency Welfare Regulations

made under Section 25 of the
Emergency Management Act
S.N.S. 1990, c. 8
O.I.C. 70-53 (January 20, 1970), N.S. Reg. 19/70

1 In these regulations,

(a) "Director" means the Director of Emergency Welfare Services;

(b) "emergency welfare services" includes lodging, accommodation, feeding, clothing, registration and inquiry and personal services, including aid in cash or in kind;

(c) "facility" means any premises, dwelling, building, place or thing that may be used for providing emergency welfare services and includes equipment, supplies and stores;

(d) "Minister" means Minister of Public Welfare;

(e) "welfare worker" means any person employed by the Province or by a city, town or municipality or by a public authority whose duties include welfare work and includes any person who performs such duties under the authority of any enactment on a voluntary basis;

(f) "welfare organization" means a Provincial, municipal or private organization of any kind engaged in welfare work or the provision of welfare services.

2 The Minister may appoint a person in the Department of Public Welfare to be Director of Emergency Welfare Services for the purpose of these regulations.

3 (1) When the Governor in Council has declared that a state of emergency exists in the Province or in any part of it, and while the declaration is in effect, all welfare workers and each welfare organization in the Province or in that part of the Province, together with all materials, equipment, property and vehicles used by the welfare workers or the welfare organization, shall constitute one force to be known as the Nova Scotia Emergency Welfare Service.

(2) The Nova Scotia Emergency Welfare Service, when and while constituted, shall be under the control, supervision and direction of the Director.

4 When and while the Nova Scotia Emergency Welfare Service is constituted, the Director shall

(a) control, supervise and direct the Nova Scotia Emergency Welfare Service;

(b) report and make recommendations to the Minister; and

(c) co-operate with and assist the officer or officers commanding the Canadian Forces.

5 During the period that a declaration of a state of emergency is in effect, the Minister may

(a) requisition, commandeer or take possession of property of any kind or a facility for the provision of emergency welfare services; and

(b) require the owner or person in charge of housing accommodation or a facility to lodge persons in need of accommodation.

6 These regulations may be cited as the Emergency Welfare Regulations.

[Note: Effective December 3, 1987, the references to the Minister of Public Welfare in clause 1(d) and the Department of Public Welfare in Section 2 should be read as references to the Minister of Community Services and Department of Community Services in accordance with amendments to the Public Service Act made by S.N.S. 1988, c. 30.]

Last updated: 10-12-2017