This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation.
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Fire Safety Regulations

made under Section 51 of the

Fire Safety Act

S.N.S. 2002, c. 6

O.I.C. 2003-83 (effective February 28, 2003), N.S. Reg. 48/2003

amended to O.I.C. 2020-011 (effective January 14, 2020), N.S. Reg. 3/2020

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.





Part 1 - Council and Committees

Fire Safety Advisory Council

Role of Council

Fire Services Advisory Committee

Role of Committee


Part 2—General Fire Safety Provisions

Building Plans

Plans to be provided to Fire Marshal

Review by Fire Marshal of other plans

Municipal Inspections

Responsibility of municipality to inspect

Failure of municipality to inspect

Prescribed expenditure amount for orders

Fire Hose Couplings


Standards for fire department equipment and standard hose

Fire protection for water system or supply

Portable Fire Extinguishers




Issue of licence

Suspension or revocation of licence

Insurance Industry Fire Reports

Preliminary insurance report

Final insurance report


Part 3 - Fire Code

Adoption of Fire Code


Modifications to National Fire Code

Decorative materials

Occupant load

         Occupant Load

Additional functional statements and objectives for Table

Appointment of chief fire warden

[Section] 2.15 Chief Fire Wardens

                2.15.1.    Chief Fire Wardens



Handling and discharge of fireworks

         Handling and Discharge of Fireworks and Pyrotechnics

Repairs to fire protection system


Lightning protection systems

[Section] 6.8A Lightning Protection Systems

                6.8A.1.   Lightning Protection Systems

                6.8A.1.1.         Installation

Additional functional statements and objectives for Table

Retrofits of boarding, lodging and rooming houses

Part 8

Retrofits of Boarding, Lodging and Rooming Houses

                Section 8.1      General

                8.1.1.      General



         Floor Assemblies

         Basement Fire Separations

         Walls Separating Bedrooms

         Furnace Room Fire Separations

         Combustion Air

         Means of Egress

         Acceptable Exits

       Approval of Fire Official

       Fire Escapes

       Protection of Exits

       Interior Stairways

       Protection of Openings in Fire Separations

       Exit Signs

       Interior Finishes

       Illumination of Egress

       Emergency Lighting

       Fire Alarm Requirements

       Fire Suppression

Section 8.2. Objectives and Functional Statements

                8.2.1.      Objectives and Functional Statements

         Attribution to Acceptable Solutions

Form 1—Preliminary Insurance Report Form

Form 2—Final Insurance Report Form



1        These regulations may be cited as the Fire Safety Regulations.


2        (1)    In these regulations,


“Act” means the Fire Safety Act;


“Building Code” means the National Building Code of Canada, as adopted and modified under the Building Code Act and the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations;


“Committee” means the Fire Services Advisory Committee created by the Minister under subsection 12(4) of the Act and referred to in Section 5;


“Fire Code” means the fire code adopted pursuant to the Act, as set forth in Section 27;


“National Fire Code” means the National Fire Code of Canada 2015 issued by the National Research Council of Canada, as amended, including all revisions, errata and corrections to the errata made by that body on or before March 1, 2019.


          (2)    Unless otherwise defined in the Act or these regulations, expressions that are defined in the National Fire Code have the same meaning when used in these regulations.

Part 1 - Council and Committees

Fire Safety Advisory Council

3        (1)    The Council must be composed of the following members:


                   (a)      the Fire Marshal or the Fire Marshal’s representative;


                   (b)     1 representative from the Building Code Advisory Committee established by the Building Code Act, as selected by that committee;


                   (c)      1 representative from the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities, as selected by that association;


                   (d)     1 representative from the Fire Inspectors Association of Nova Scotia, as selected by that organization;


                   (e)      1 representative from the Nova Scotia Building Officials Association, as selected by that organization;


                   (f)      1 representative from the Insurers Advisory Organization, as selected by that organization;


                   (g)     1 representative from the Insurance Bureau of Canada, as selected by that organization;


                   (h)     1 representative from the Design and Construction Institute of Nova Scotia, as selected by that organization;


                   (i)      1 representative from the Fire Services Association of Nova Scotia, as selected by that organization;


                   (j)      1 representative from the Nova Scotia Education Common Services Bureau, as selected by that organization;


                   (k)     up to 3 additional members, as selected by the Minister;


                   (l)      1 representative from the Department responsible for the Building Code Act who is knowledgeable about the Building Code, as selected by the Minister.


          (2)    If an organization specified in subsection (1) is unable to select a representative, the Minister may appoint a member selected by a similar organization that the Minister determines to be a replacement organization.


          (3)    A Council member’s term of appointment must not exceed 3 years.


          (4)    The Minister must designate 1 member of the Council as Chair and that member must preside as Chair at meetings of the Council.


          (5)    Members of the Council must serve without remuneration.

Role of Council

4        It is the role of the Council to receive and hear petitions, briefs, and comments from individuals or groups with respect to the Act.

Fire Services Advisory Committee

5        (1)    The Committee must be composed of the following members:


                   (a)      the Fire Marshal or the Fire Marshal’s representative;


                   (b)     1 representative from [the Department of] Municipal Affairs, as selected by the Deputy Minister of that Department;


                   (c)      1 representative from the Fire Inspectors Association of Nova Scotia, as selected by that organization;


                   (d)     3 representatives from the Fire Service Association of Nova Scotia, as selected by the membership of that organization;


                   (e)      1 representative of the firefighters in Nova Scotia who are unionized, as selected by the Minister;


                   (f)      1 representative of Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency, as selected by the Regional Council of the Halifax Regional Municipality;


                   (g)     1 representative of the Cape Breton Regional Fire Service, as selected by the Regional Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality;


                   (h)     1 representative of the industrial fire brigades, as selected by the Industrial Fire Brigades Committee;


                   (i)      up to 3 additional members, as selected by the Minister.


          (2)    If an organization specified in subsection (1) is unable to select a representative, the Minister may appoint a member selected by a similar organization that the Minister determines to be a replacement organization.


          (3)    A Committee member’s term of appointment must not exceed 3 years.


          (4)    The Minister must designate 1 member of the Committee as Chair and that member must preside as Chair at meetings of the Committee.


          (5)    Members of the Committee must serve without remuneration.

Role of Committee

6        It is the role of the Committee to


                   (a)      advise the Minister on Provincial legislation and policies with respect to the delivery of fire services;


                   (b)     receive and hear petitions, briefs and comments from individuals or groups with respect to Provincial fire services;


                   (c)      recommend legislation, policies, and practices to promote efficiency in the administration and operation of emergency fire services; and


                   (d)     advise the Council on matters with respect to the delivery of fire services.


7        [repealed]


8        [repealed]


9        [repealed]


10      [repealed]


11      [repealed]

Part 2—General Fire Safety Provisions

Building Plans

Plans to be provided to Fire Marshal

12      (1)    Prior to the start of construction, an owner of a building or facility containing one of the following classes of occupancies must provide building plans for the construction or alteration of the building or facility to the Fire Marshal:


                   (a)      an assembly occupancy (Group A) that


                              (i)      is more than 3 stories high including the stories below grade, or


                              (ii)     has an area greater than 600 m2, or


                              (iii)    is in a non-residential building that is used for a school, college or university and that has an occupant load of more than 40 persons;


                   (b)     a care, treatment or detention occupancy (Group B);


                   (c)      a residential occupancy (Group C) that is licensed or regulated under the Homes for Special Care Act; and


                   (e)      a high hazard industrial occupancy (Group F, Division 1) that is more than 2 stories high or has an area greater than 600 m2.

Review by Fire Marshal of other plans

          (2)    A professional engineer or architect who requests that the Fire Marshal review plans for changes to a building or facility not listed in subsection (1) must pay a fee for the review of $96.50 per hour.

Municipal Inspections

Responsibility of municipality to inspect

13      Except for non-residential school buildings or assembly occupancies that have been inspected for fire safety by the municipality within the 24 months immediately before the coming into force of these regulations, a municipality must, within the specified time periods, inspect the following occupancies for compliance with the Act and these regulations:


                   (a)      within 12 months of the coming into force of these regulations, assembly occupancies (Group A) in which alcoholic beverages are served and that require a fire alarm in accordance with the Building Code;


                   (b)     within 24 months of the coming into force of these regulations, all assembly occupancies (Group A) in which alcoholic beverages are not served and that require a fire alarm in accordance with the Building Code; and


                   (c)      within 36 months of the coming into force of these regulations, all assembly occupancies (Group A) that do not require a fire alarm in accordance with the Building Code.


14      (1)    A municipality must inspect an assembly occupancy (Group A) once every 3 years after the inspection under Section 13.


          (2)    A municipality must carry out a system of fire inspections on all buildings containing the following occupancies:


                   (a)      a residential occupancy (Group C) that has more than 3 units and is not regulated under the Homes for Special Care Act;


                   (b)     a business and personal services occupancy (Group D);


                   (c)      a mercantile occupancy (Group E); and


                   (d)     an industrial occupancy (Group F).

Failure of municipality to inspect

15      If a municipality fails to carry out an inspection required under Section 13 or 14, the Fire Marshal is required to carry out the inspection and the municipality must pay an inspection fee of $96.50 per hour.

Prescribed expenditure amount for orders

15A   For the purpose of clause 30(1)(e) of the Act, $2000 is prescribed as the maximum amount of an expenditure in respect of an order made under Section 25 of the Act that may be carried out or caused to be carried out by a fire official without further authorization.

Fire Hose Couplings


16      For the purposes of Sections 17 and 18,


“adapter” means any means by which the coupling of one section or portion of standard hose that has one type of thread may be connected to a hydrant, nozzle, other adapter or coupling of another section or portion of standard hose that has a different type of thread;


“fire department equipment” includes all fire hydrants, nozzles, hose, adapters, couplings, attachments and appliances ordinarily used by a fire department; and


“standard hose” means fire hose with an inside diameter of 2.5 in., and includes couplings, connections, fittings and attachments.

Standards for fire department equipment and standard hose

17      (1)    Despite any bylaw, regulation or resolution passed by the council of a municipality, all fire department equipment and standard hose used by a municipality must be Nova Scotia Standard Thread, 5 threads to 1 in.


          (2)    All fire hose coupling screw threads for the standard hose referred to in subsection (1) must meet the specifications for their size as set out in the following table:

Coupling Descriptions

Inside Diameter of Hose Coupling (in inches)

2 ½


4 ½

Number of threads per inch




Total length of threaded part of coupling and hydrant nipple external thread in inches


1 16/64

1 16/64

Distance from face nipple to start of second turn in inches




Outside diameter of finished male thread in inches

3 15/64

4 56/64

5 48/64

Clearance between external and internal thread in inches




Flat at top and valley of thread in inches




Distance from face of coupling swivel to start of second turn in inches




Depth of coupling swivel thread from face of swivel in inches




Depth of coupling swivel to washer seat in inches


1 12/64

4 12/64


          (3)    All fire hose coupling screws must meet the following requirements:


                   (a)      nipple, male or external thread must be cylindrical to the base of the thread at the beginning of the second turn;


                   (b)     coupling swivel, female or internal thread must be cylindrical to the base of the thread at the beginning of the second turn;


                   (c)      the outer end of the external and internal thread must be terminated by the Higbee Cut on the full thread to avoid crossing and mutilation of otherwise finely drawn out thread; and


                   (d)     the form of the screw thread must be a V pattern with an included angle of 60° and truncated at the top and bottom in accordance with the specified dimensions.

Fire protection for water system or supply

18      (1)    A municipality must ensure that the fire department equipment of a public or municipal water system or water supply used for fire protection purposes complies with Section 17.


          (2)    An owner who has a fire department connection for their water supply, including a sprinkler system, stand pipe or hydrant, must comply with Section 17.

Portable Fire Extinguishers


19      For the purposes of this Section and Sections 20 to 24,


“licence” means a licence issued under Section 23 to engage in the business of servicing portable fire extinguishers;


“portable fire extinguisher” means an appliance, apparatus, container or device that is designed to be or is capable of being readily moved and that


                              (i)      contains or produces any liquid, powder or gas usable for the purpose of extinguishing fire; or


                              (ii)     appears by reason of its name, description or designation to be usable for the purpose of extinguishing fire, and includes a recharge or refill for any such appliance, apparatus, container or device;


“person” includes a partnership, corporation, firm or association; and


“servicing” includes testing, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, filling, charging, refilling and recharging.


20      Sections 21 to 24 do not apply to


                   (a)      the filling or charging of a portable fire extinguisher by its manufacturer prior to its sale; or


                   (b)     a fire department or person that services only their own portable fire extinguishers for their own use by maintaining their own servicing facilities and using their own personnel specially trained for servicing portable fire extinguishers.


21      No person may sell or distribute or have in their possession for the purpose of sale or distribution a portable fire extinguisher unless it meets the requirements of the Fire Code.


22      No person may service or engage in the business of servicing a portable fire extinguisher unless they hold a valid licence.

Issue of licence

23      (1)    A person may apply to the Fire Marshal for a licence.


          (2)    The Fire Marshal may issue a licence with or without restrictions if


                   (a)      the Fire Marshal determines that the applicant is qualified to service portable fire extinguishers in accordance with the Fire Code; and


                   (b)     the applicant pays a fee of $96.50.


          (3)    A licence is valid until the expiry date shown on the licence, for a term of up to 3 years from the date it is issued, unless suspended or cancelled sooner.


          (4)    A license that has expired or is about to expire may be renewed upon payment of the fee prescribed in clause (2)(b).

Suspension or revocation of licence

24      (1)    The Fire Marshal may suspend or revoke a licence if the licensee


                   (a)      is no longer qualified to service portable fire extinguishers; or


                   (b)     is selling or servicing portable fire extinguishers that have not been approved by the Fire Marshal.


          (2)    A person whose licence is suspended or revoked under subsection (1) may appeal in writing to the Board within 15 days after notice of the suspension or revocation is served on the person.

Insurance Industry Fire Reports

Preliminary insurance report

25      A preliminary insurance report required by subsection 36(1) of the Act must contain all of the information identified in Form 1.

Final insurance report

26      A final insurance report required by subsection 36(4) of the Act must contain all of the information identified in Form 2.

Part 3 - Fire Code

Adoption of Fire Code

27      The National Fire Code as modified in this Part is adopted in accordance with subsection 15(2) of the Act as the Fire Code.


28      In this Part,


“net floor space” means the total free space in a room that is available for exiting purposes, and is determined by subtracting the space occupied by furnishings, building features and equipment from the total available floor area;


“retrofit” means the renovation of an occupied building to install additional fire safety features required by a fire safety official to provide a minimum level of fire safety, but does not include renovations carried out by the owner that must meet the intent of the Building Code; and


“fire separation continuity” means


                              (i)      the fire separation does not have unprotected openings,


                              (ii)     the fire separation has no damage that would reduce its effectiveness, whether it has a fire-resistance rating or not, and


                              (iii)    the fire separation provides a tight fit to adjoining building elements that enables it to maintain the fire resistance-rating, where required, and smoke control.

Modifications to National Fire Code

Decorative materials

29      Article of the National Fire Code is modified by adding the following Sentences immediately after Sentence (1):


          2)     Subject to Article, in care, treatment or detention occupancies (Group B) and in access to exits for assembly occupancies (Group A), combustible materials used for festive decorations, including crepe paper decorations, other combustible trimming or ornaments shall


                   a)       be flame resistant, or


                   b)       conform to CAN/ULC-S109-14 “Flame Test of Flame Resistant Fabrics and Films”.


          3)     Combustible materials, such as student artwork and teaching aids attached to walls or ceilings of a school classroom or access to exits shall not be greater than 20% of the wall or ceiling surface unless


                   a)       the combustible materials have been tested in accordance with CAN/ULC-S102-10 “Standard Method of Tests for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies”, and


                   b)       the flame spread rating does not exceed the rating that is required for the interior finish of the space in which they are located.

Occupant load

30      Article of the National Fire Code is replaced by the following Article:


       Occupant Load

          1)     For the purposes of this Article, mezzanines, tiers and balconies shall be regarded as part of the floor area.


          2)     The number of people occupying a room or floor area in an occupancy shall not exceed the occupant load for the intended use as determined in accordance with this Article.


          3)     The occupant load for any room or floor area in an occupancy shall be the lesser of


                   a)       the occupant load as calculated in accordance with Sentences (4) to (6),


                   b)       the occupant load for which means of egress is provided as determined under the Building Code,


                   c)       0.60 m2 of net floor space per occupant, for a dining, alcoholic beverage or cafeteria space, and


                   d)       0.40 m2 of net floor space per occupant, for all uses other than those referred to in clause (c).


          4)     The occupant load of a floor area or part of a floor area in an occupancy shall be based on


                   a)       the number of fixed seats, or


                   b)       the number of persons for which the area is designed, as determined under the Building Code.


          5)     Where fixed bench-type seats without arms are provided, the occupant load shall be based on a seat width of 450 mm per person.


          6)     The occupant load of a room with a dance floor shall be based on the portion of the room that is not occupied by the dance floor.

Additional functional statements and objectives for Table

30A   Article of the National Fire Code is modified by adding the following rows containing functional statements and objectives to Table immediately after the rows containing functional statements and objectives for Sentence








[F10-OS3.7] Appointment



[F12-OS1.2, OS1.5] Inspection


[F82-OS1.2, OS1.5]




Appointment of chief fire warden

31      The National Fire Code is further modified by adding the following Section immediately after Article


[Section] 2.15 Chief Fire Wardens


          2.15.1.        Chief Fire Wardens



          1)     Every owner of a building shall appoint a chief fire warden if the building contains


                   a)       an assembly occupancy (Group A) with an occupant load greater than 200 persons, except for an assembly occupancy in a school, college or university,


                   b)       a detention occupancy (Group B, Division 1) facility with more than 50 occupants,


                   c)       a care or treatment occupancy (Group B, Division 2 or 3) facility with more than 10 occupants, or


                   d)       a residential occupancy facility with more than 4 occupants that is licensed or regulated under the Homes For Special Care Act.



          1)     A chief fire warden appointed under Sentence shall, at least every 6 months,


                   a)       inspect the building and any related buildings containing the occupancies described in Sentence for fire hazards, and


                   b)       provide a written report to the owner indicating


                              i)        the condition of the means of egress,


                              ii)      the condition of the fire protection system, and


                              iii)     any other conditions respecting fire safety in the building or related buildings.


          2)     The owner shall keep a copy of the report referred to in Clause (1)(b) for 7 years and shall make the report available to a fire official upon request.

Handling and discharge of fireworks

32      Article of the National Fire Code is replaced by the following Article:


       Handling and Discharge of Fireworks and Pyrotechnics

          1)     The handling and discharge of fireworks and pyrotechnics shall conform to the “Display Fireworks Manual, 2010” and the “Special Effects Pyrotechnics Manual, edition 3, 2014”, as published by the Explosives Regulatory Division, Natural Resources Canada.

Repairs to fire protection system

33      Article of the National Fire Code is replaced by the following Article:



          1)     Except as provided in Sentence (2), where a fire protection system or any part of it is shut down for repairs or is inoperative for more than 2 hours, the owner of the building containing the fire system shall


                   a)       notify the fire department, and


                   b)       provide a sufficient number of trained people to patrol the building until the fire protection system is restored to operating condition.


          2)     Sentence (1) does not apply to industrial or manufacturing facilities that maintain their own industrial fire brigades.


          3)     Every owner of a building shall develop procedures to notify occupants of the building if a fire or other emergency occurs when the fire alarm and detection system are shut down or inoperative.


          4)     Every owner of a building shall develop procedures to provide protection to the building if a sprinkler system or part of that system is shut down for more than 6 hours.

Lightning protection systems

34      The National Fire Code is further modified by adding the following Section immediately after Section 6.8:


[Section] 6.8A Lightning Protection Systems


          6.8A.1.       Lightning Protection Systems


          6.8A.1.1.    Installation

          1)     Every person who installs a lightning protection system shall install it in accordance with CAN/CSA-B72-M87 “Installation Code for Lightning Protection Systems”.


          2)     A fire official may, at any reasonable time, require any person who sells, offers for sale, installs or maintains lightning protection systems, to supply information, including samples of materials, that explain the method of installation used to install the lightning protection system.


          3)     Every person who installs a lightning protection system shall, within 30 days after the date the installation is completed, send a certificate of installation to


                   a)       the person for whom the installation was carried out, and


                   b)       the Fire Marshal.

Additional functional statements and objectives for Table

34A   Article of the National Fire Code is modified by adding the following rows containing functional statements and objectives to Table immediately after the rows containing functional statements and objectives for Sentence




[F02-OS1.2, OS1.5]




[F02-OS1.2, OS1.5]




[F02-OS1.2, OS1.5]

6.8A.1.1. Installation


[F01, F81-OS1.1]

[F01, F82-OP1.1]



[F12-OS1.2, OS1.5]

Retrofits of boarding, lodging and rooming houses

35      The National Fire Code is further modified by adding the following Part immediately after Part 7:


Part 8

Retrofits of Boarding, Lodging and Rooming Houses


          Section 8.1 General


          8.1.1.          General



          1)     This Part applies to boarding houses, lodging houses, rooming houses and private rest homes in which residents do not require care or treatment because of age or physical limitations, where


                   a)       the building height does not exceed 3 storeys and the building area does not exceed 600 m2,


                   b)       lodging is provided for more than 3 persons and is provided in return for remuneration or the provision of services or both, and


                   c)       lodging rooms do not have both bathroom and kitchen facilities for the exclusive use of individual occupants.

(See Note A-


          2)     All fire separations accepted under this Part must maintain fire separation continuity.


          3)     This Part does not apply to residential occupancies that are regulated by or under the Homes For Special Care Act.



          1)     Fire separations required by this Part to have a fire-resistance rating shall comply with Subsection 9.10.3. of the Building Code.


       Floor Assemblies

          1)     Except as provided in Sentence (2),


                   a)       floor assemblies shall be constructed as fire separations, and


                   b)       floor assemblies and walls, columns and arches supporting floor assemblies shall have a 30-minute fire-resistance rating.


          2)     Existing floor assemblies with ceilings consisting of lath and plaster, gypsum board or noncombustible materials shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (1).


       Basement Fire Separations

          1)     Where a basement does not contain a bedroom, recreation room, meeting room or hobby room, a fire separation having no fire-resistance rating between the basement and first storey shall be deemed to be in compliance with Clause


       Walls Separating Bedrooms

          1)     Except as provided in Sentence (2), each guest room or suite of rooms shall have interior walls having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 30 minutes.


          2)     Existing wall assemblies in guest rooms or suites of rooms consisting of membranes of lath and plaster or gypsum wallboard shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (1).


       Furnace Room Fire Separations

          1)     Except as provided in Sentence (2), in a building where the building height is greater than 2 storeys or the building area is greater than 400 m2, a furnace room that is located on a floor area that contains a bedroom, recreation room, meeting room or hobby room shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 minutes.


          2)     Existing fire separations in a furnace room as described in Sentence (1) consisting of lath and plaster or gypsum board shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (1).


          3)     Where the vertical fire separation in a furnace room complies with Sentence (1) and it is not practical in the circumstances to construct the ceiling as a fire separation having the fire-resistance rating required by Sentence (1), the furnace room shall be sprinklered with a spacing that does not exceed 9.5 m2 per sprinkler head.


          4)     Except as provided in Sentence (5), a closure in a fire separation for a furnace room shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 20 minutes.


          5)     A solid core wood door that is 45 mm thick together with a solid door frame that is 42 mm thick with no approved listed fire-resistance rating shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (4).


          6)     Closures referred to in Sentences (4) and (5) shall be equipped with approved self closures and positive latching devices.


          7)     Despite Sentence (1) fire dampers or fire stop flaps are not required in ducts at penetrations of fire separations.


       Combustion Air

          1)     Where a furnace room is separated to comply with the requirements of Article, sufficient combustion air shall be brought directly from the exterior of the building for the safe operation of the appliance.


       Means of Egress

          1)     Except as otherwise provided in this Article, each floor area shall be served by at least 2 exits.


          2)     A building with sleeping accommodations for 10 persons or less shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (1) if it has one exit from each of the first and second floor areas.


          3)     A building with no sleeping accommodations in the basement or cellar shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (1) if it has one exit from the basement or cellar.


          4)     A sleeping room with a window that conforms to Subsection 9.9.10. of the Building Code may serve as the second means of egress required by Sentence (1) from a basement or cellar.


       Acceptable Exits

          1)     Exits required by Article shall comply with Article of the Building Code.


          2)     Despite the requirement in Sentence for fire separations for exits, one of the exits required by Article from a basement or cellar may lead through the first floor area.


          3)     In a building with sleeping accommodations for 10 persons or less, corridors that are contiguous to a stairway may form part of the stairway enclosure.


          4)     Only one stairway enclosure described in Sentence (3) shall be permitted as an exit.


     Approval of Fire Official

          1)     Despite Articles and alternative means of egress may be approved where, in the opinion of a fire official, they will provide protection for fire safety and life safety similar to the protection provided by compliance with Articles and


     Fire Escapes

          1)     Except as provided in Sentence (2), each fire escape used as an exit shall be constructed in compliance with Subsection 3.4.7. of the Building Code.


          2)     An existing fire escape may be approved by a fire official if the fire official is satisfied that it provides protection for fire safety and life safety similar to the protection provided by compliance with Sentence (1).


          3)     Access to a fire escape from a corridor shall be by means of an exterior exit door.


          4)     Where a fire escape is used as an exit, it shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of Article of the Building Code.


     Protection of Exits

          1)     Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), each exit, other than a doorway opening directly onto a fire escape or to the outdoors at ground level, shall be separated from the remainder of the building or from another exit by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 30 minutes.


          2)     An existing exit stairway separated from the remainder of the building by walls consisting of lath and plaster or gypsum wallboard shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (1).


          3)     An existing separation of noncombustible material may be approved by a fire official if the fire official is satisfied that it provides protection for fire safety and life safety similar to the protection provided by compliance with Sentence (2).


     Interior Stairways

          1)     Floor separations shall be maintained at interior stairways that are not required exits.


          2)     A floor separation shall be maintained at an exit permitted by Sentence


          3)     Floor separations required by Sentence (1) shall be rated in accordance with Articles and


     Protection of Openings in Fire Separations

          1)     Except as provided in Sentences (2) to (5), closures shall be constructed in accordance with Subsection 9.10.13. of the Building Code with a minimum 20-minute fire-resistance rating, if they are


                   a)       in fire separations for exits (Article or interior stairways (Article, or


                   b)       located along contiguous corridors permitted by Sentence


          2)     Fire dampers or fire stop flaps are not required in ducts at penetrations of a fire separation.


          3)     A solid core wood door that is 45 mm thick shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (1).


          4)     Frames for doors described in Sentence (3) may be of wood or hollow metal construction.


          5)     Existing wired glass closures shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (1).


     Exit Signs

          1)     In buildings that are more than 2 storeys in building height or that have sleeping accommodations for more than 10 persons, exit signs shall be installed in accordance with Subsection 9.9.11. of the Building Code.


     Interior Finishes

          1)     The flame-spread rating of interior finishes on walls and ceilings within a means of egress shall not exceed 200.


     Illumination of Egress

          1)     Corridors and stairways shall be lighted to the intensity of 50 lx measured at the floor level, or 5 W/m2 of floor area.


     Emergency Lighting

          1)     In a building with sleeping accommodations for more than 10 persons, emergency lighting shall be provided to corridors and stairways in accordance to Article of the Building Code.


     Fire Alarm Requirements

          1)     A building shall have a fire alarm system if it does not have


                   a)       floor assemblies having a minimum 45-minute fire-resistance rating, and


                   b)       public corridors or corridors serving sleeping rooms not within a dwelling unit that are separated from the remainder of the building by a minimum 30-minute fire-resistance rating.


          2)     A fire alarm system complying with Subsection 9.10.18. of the Building Code shall be installed in a building


                   a)       that has sleeping accommodations for more than 10 persons, and


                   b)       where the floor assemblies have a minimum 45-minute fire-resistance rating and public corridors serving sleeping rooms not within a dwelling unit are separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation with a minimum 30-minute fire resistance rating.


          3)     Where a fire alarm system is required in a building with sleeping accommodations for less than 14 persons, an existing interconnected smoke alarm system installed in accordance to Subsection 9.10.19. of the Building Code shall be deemed to be in compliance with Sentence (1).


          4)     Despite Sentences (2) and (3), existing fire alarm systems may be approved where system reliability and performance will not increase the risk to life or safety.


          5)     Smoke alarms shall be installed in each sleeping area and may be battery-operated.


          6)     Smoke alarms shall be installed in conformance with Subsection 9.10.18. of the Building Code.


     Fire Suppression

          1)     At least one 2A rated portable fire extinguisher shall be provided in an easily accessible and visible location on each floor.


          2)     At least one 2A10BC rated portable fire extinguisher shall be installed in each kitchen that has shared cooking facilities.


Section 8.2. Objectives and Functional Statements


          8.2.1.          Objectives and Functional Statements


       Attribution to Acceptable Solutions

          1)     For the purposes of compliance with this Code as required in Clause of Division A, the objectives and functional statements attributed to the acceptable solutions in this Part shall be the objectives and functional statements listed in Table (See Note A-


Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed to the

Acceptable Solutions in Part 8

Forming Part of Sentence

Functional Statements and Objectives Application



[F03-OP1.2] Floor Assemblies






[F03-OP1.2] Basement Fire Separations



[F03-OP1.2] Wall Separating Bedrooms



[F03-OP1.2] Furnace Room Fire Separations
























[F03-OP1.2] Combustion Air


[F01, F81, F82 - OP1.2, OP1.1]


[F81, F82 - OS3.4]


[F01, F81, F82 - OS1.1, OS1.2] Means of Egress


[F10 - OS3.7]


[F10 - OS3.7]


[F10 - OS3.7]


[F10 - OS3.7] Acceptable Exits


[F10 - OS3.7]


[F10 - OS3.7]


[F10 - OS3.7]


[F10 - OS3.7] Approval of Fire Official


[F10 - OS3.7] Fire Escapes




[F10, F12 - OS3.7]

[F20 - OS3.1]

[F20 - OS2.1]

[F30 - OS3.1]


[F05 - OS1.5]

[F06 - OS1.2]

[F10, F12 - OS3.7]

[F20 - OS3.1]

[F20 - OS2.1]

[F30 - OS3.1]


[F30 - OS3.1]

[F10 - OS3.7]




[F10, F12 - OS3.7]

[F20 - OS3.1]

[F20 - OS2.1]

[F20 - OS3.1] Protection of Exits


[F05 - OS1.5]

[F03 - OS1.2]

[F03 - OP1.2]


[F05 - OS1.5]

[F03 - OS1.2]

[F03 - OP1.2]


[F05 - OS1.5]

[F03 - OS1.2]

[F03 - OP1.2] Interior Stairways


[F04 - OS1.2]

[F03 - OP1.2, OP1.3]


[F10 - OS3.7]


[F05 - OS1.5]

[F03 - OS1.2]

[F03 - OP1.2] Protection of Openings in Fire Separations


[F03 - OS1.2]


[F03 - OP1.2]


[F03 - OS1.2]


[F03 - OP1.2]


[F03 - OS1.2]


[F03 - OP1.2]


[F03 - OS1.2]


[F03 - OP1.2]


[F03 - OS1.2]


[F03 - OP1.2] Exit Signs


[F10, F81 - OS3.7] Interior Finishes


[F02 - OS1.2] Illumination of Egress


[F30 - OS3.1]

[F30 - OS3.7] Emergency Lighting


[F30 - OS3.1]

[F10 - OS3.7] Fire Alarm Requirement


[F-11 - OS1.5]

[F13 - OS1.2, OS1.5]

[F03 - OS1.2]


[F11 - OS1.5]

[F13 - OS2.1, OS1.5]

[F03 - OS1.2]


[F81, F11 - OS1.5]


[F11 - OS1.5]

[F13 - OS1.2, OS1.5]

[F03 - OS1.2]


[F81, F11 - OS1.5]


[F81, F11 - OS1.5] Fire Suppression


[F81, F02, F12 - OS1.2]

[F81, F02, F12 - OP1.2]


[F81, F02, F12 - OS1.2]

[F81, F02, F12 - OP1.2]


Form 1—Preliminary Insurance Report Form

(subsection 36(1) of the Fire Safety Act)

Office of the Fire Marshal

Please complete this Preliminary Insurance Report Form as completely and accurately as possible. This form may be filled in electronically using QuattroPro. The information obtained is used by the Office of the Fire Marshal in its reporting process and for the development of training and education programs. The data is also submitted for use in the Canadian Fire Statistics Database.

Also, please note the time fields are in 24hr format. i.e. 1:00 p.m. = 13:00

Section A: Fire Information


Date of fire (mm/dd/yyyy)                                                 Time of fire (hr:min)


Civic #                                Street name                             Unit/Suite/Apt #


City/Town/County             Province                                 Country


Postal code

Owner Information



Name                                                                                              Company


Civic #                                Street name                             Unit/Suite/Apt #


City/Town/County             Province                                 Country


Postal code                                                                         Phone #

Insured: □ Yes □ No

Property classification

Occupant Information - For Real and Personal Property



Name                                                                                              Phone #

Insured: □ Yes □ No

Section B: Mobile Property (where fire starts on or within)

Please note “mobile property” is considered to be any vehicle, trailer, boat, farm equipment, etc.



Make                                  Year                Model             Serial #                       Licence#



Make                                  Year                Model             Serial #                       Licence#



Equipment, boat, etc.                          Brief description

Section C: Origin

Information not required until Final Report, Form 2, filed.

Section D: Fire Loss Details

The information related to the reserve will not be used in any way other than general statistics. All specific information provided will be held in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.



Insurance company/Broker:                                               Insurance phone #


Adjuster’s name                 Adjusting company                Adjuster’s phone #



Policy #                              Claim #

Reserve for estimated loss:


□ Under $50,000                             □ $50,000-$500,000                □ Over $500,000

Casualty Information (Voluntary)


























Hospital required: □ Yes □ No


Injury details

Section E: Additional Information



Responding fire department                                               Report date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Additional comments (voluntary) 



Signature                                                                            Contact phone #


Form 2—Final Insurance Report Form

(subsection 36(4) of the Fire Safety Act)

Office of the Fire Marshal

Please complete this Insurance Final Form as completely and accurately as possible. This form may be filled in electronically using QuattroPro. The information obtained is used by the Office of the Fire Marshal in its reporting process and for the development of training and education programs. The data is also submitted for use in the Canadian Fire Statistics Database.

Also, please note the time fields are in 24hr format. i.e. 1:00 p.m. = 13:00

Section A: Fire Information



Date of fire (mm/dd/yyyy)                                                 Time of fire (hr:min)


Civic #                                Street name                             Unit/Suite/Apt #


City/Town/County             Province                                 Country


Postal code

Owner Information


Name                                                                                  Company


Civic #                                Street name                             Unit/Suite/Apt #


City/Town/County             Province                                 Country


Postal code                                                                         Phone #

Insured: □ Yes □ No

Occupant Information - For Real and Personal Property



Name                                                                                  Phone #

Insured: □ Yes □ No

Section B: Mobile Property (where fire starts on or within)

Please note “mobile property” is considered to be any vehicle, trailer, boat, farm equipment, etc.


Make                                  Year                Model             Serial #                       Licence#


Make                                  Year                Model             Serial #                       Licence#


Equipment, boat, etc.                                 Brief description

Section C: Origin



Property classification


Fire origin


Igniting object


Material first ignited


Fuel or energy


Possible cause (upon closing the file)

Equipment Involved - Where Equipment Has Been the Cause of the Fire:



Make                                              Year                            Model                         Serial #



Make                                              Year                            Model                         Serial # 

Section D: Fire Loss Details

The information related to the building value, building loss and uninsured loss are estimates only and will not be used in any way other than general statistics. All specific information provided will be held in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.



Insurance company/Broker:                                               Insurance phone #



Adjuster’s name                 Adjusting company                Adjuster’s phone #



Policy #                              Claim #


Building value                    Insured loss paid (building)                Uninsured loss (building)



Contents value                   Insured loss paid (contents)                Uninsured loss (contents)



Total value                         Total loss                                            Total uninsured loss

Casualty Information (Voluntary)


























Hospital required: □ Yes □ No


Injury details

Section E: Additional Information



Responding fire department                                               Report date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Additional comments:  



Signature                                                                            Contact phone #



Legislative History
Reference Tables

Fire Safety Regulations

N.S. Reg. 48/2003

Fire Safety Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Fire Safety Regulations made under the Fire Safety Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Feb 28, 2003

date specified

Mar 21, 2003


Mar 18, 2004

date specified

Apr 2, 2004


May 1, 2004

date specified

Apr 6, 2004


Oct 31, 2006

date specified

Nov 10, 2006


Apr 1, 2007

date specified

Mar 30, 2007


Apr 1, 2008

date specified

Apr 18, 2008


Apr 1, 2009

date specified

Apr 14, 2009


Apr 1, 2011

date specified

Apr 15, 2011


Jun 21, 2011

date specified

Jul 1, 2011


Apr 1, 2013

date specified

Apr 12, 2013


Apr 1, 2015

date specified

Apr 8, 2015


May 1, 2017

date specified

Apr 28, 2017


Jan 14, 2020

date specified

Jan 31, 2020

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected


am. 3/2020 (clause lettering removed)

2(1), defn. of “Committee”..............

am. 194/2006

2(1), defn. of “municipal unit”.........

rep. 194/2006

2(1) defn. of “National Fire Code”..

ra. from 2(1)(f) 194/2006; am. 215/2011, 68/2017, 3/2020

2(1)(f) defn. of “National Fire Code”

ra. as 2(1)(e) 194/2006


rs. 194/2006


am. 3/2020


am. 215/2011, 68/2017


rs. 194/2006


rs. 194/2006


am. 68/2017


rs. 194/2006


rep. 33/2004

8 to 11...............................................

rep. 194/2006


am. 3/2020


fc. 67/2004, 103/2007, 161/2008, 103/2009, 76/2011, 102/2013, 101/2015


fc. 67/2004, 103/2007, 161/2008, 103/2009, 76/2011, 102/2013, 101/2015




am. 3/2020 (clause lettering removed)


am. 3/2020 (clause lettering removed)

19, defn. of “licence”..................

am. 3/2020


fc. 67/2004, 103/2007, 161/2008, 103/2009, 76/2011, 102/2013, 101/2015


rs. 194/2006


am. 3/2020


am. 3/2020


am. 3/2020 (clause lettering removed)

29, sentence 2)......................

am. 215/2011, 3/2020

29, clause 2) b).....................

am. 68/2017, 3/2020

29, clause 3) a).....................

am. 194/2006, 68/2017

30, sentences 2)-4)...............

am. 68/2017


ad. 68/2017


am. 194/2006

31, clause 1) b)..............

am. 3/2020

31, clause 1) c)..............

am. 3/2020


rs. 194/2006

32, sentence 1)...............

am. 3/2020

34, section 6.8A................................

ra. from 6.9. 68/2017

34, subsection 6.8A.1.......................

ra. from 6.9.1. 68/2017

34, article 6.8A.1.1...........................

ra. from 68/2017

34, sentence 6.8A.1.1.1)...................

am. 68/2017

34, section 6.9...................................

ra. as 6.8A. 68/2017

34, subsection 6.9.1..........................

ra. as 6.8A.1. 68/2017

34, article

ra. as 6.8A.1.1. 68/2017


ad. 68/2017

35, sentence 1).....................

am. 3/2020

35, sentence 4).....................

am. 68/2017

35, sentence 1).....................

am. 68/2017

35, sentence 4)...................

am. 68/2017

35, sentence 1)...................

am. 215/2011

35, sentence 1)................

am. 215/2011

35, sentence 1)...................

am. 215/2011

35, sentence 2)-3)..............

am. 194/2006

35, sentence 1)-2)..............

am. 35/2004

35, section 8.2...................................

ad. 68/2017

municipal unit” replaced throughout with “municipality”........................

am. 194/2006





Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections





The reference to Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations in s. 5(1)(b) should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs in accordance with O.I.C. 2014-71 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.
(Corrected by N.S. Reg 68/2017)

Apr 1, 2014


The brackets surrounding the text in the right-hand column of tables in s. 30A, 34A and 35 added by N.S. Reg 68/2017 are part of the regulations and do not indicate editorial corrections made by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations.



The reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs in s. 5(1)(b) should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with O.I.C. 2019-50 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Jun 3, 2019


The reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs in s. 5(1)(b) should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-58 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Feb 23, 2021


The reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs in s. 5(1)(b) should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-209 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Aug 31, 2021

Repealed and Superseded



In force



Automatic Sprinkler System Maintenance Regulations under the Fire Prevention Act

Oct 28, 1996

Feb 28, 2003


Portable Fire Extinguished Control Regulations under the Fire Prevention Act

Oct 1, 1972

Feb 28, 2003

Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.



Webpage last updated: 24-09-2021