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Legal Aid General Regulations and Tariff of Fees

made under Section 27 of the

Legal Aid Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 252

O.I.C. 77-954 (August 9, 1977), N.S. Reg. 77/1977

amended to O.I.C. 2024-170 (effective June 1, 2024), N.S. Reg. 98/2024

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.





Appeals to the Commission

Legal Aid services

Terms of employment by the Commission

Tariff of fees


Schedule “A”— [repealed]


Schedule “B”—Tariff of Fees


Extension of Terms of Certificate


Part 1: Tariffs

Tariff 1—Tariff for Criminal Law Matters Involving Adults and Young Persons

Lawyer fees based on experience

Certificate covering multiple offences

Travel allowance

Supreme Court of Canada lawyer fees

Court time maximums

Preparation time maximums

Tariff 2—Tariff for Family Law Matters

Lawyer fees based on experience

Travel allowance

Court time maximum

Preparation time maximums

Tariff 3—Tariff for Civil Law Matters

Lawyer fees based on experience

Travel allowance

Court time maximum

Preparation time maximums

Disbursements properly accounted for

Report and Account for disbursements

Maximum amount per item

Receipts for disbursements

Travel reimbursements

Meal reimbursements

No file administration fees

Tariff 5—Tariff for Matters Not Otherwise Provided For


Part 2: Forms




1        These regulations may be cited as the Legal Aid General Regulations and Tariff of Fees.


1A     (1)    Subject to the Act, an applicant is eligible to receive civil legal aid and criminal legal aid


                   (a)      when an applicant qualifies for benefits under the Social Assistance Act or benefits under the Employment Support and Income Assistance Act; or


                   (b)     when the obtaining of legal services outside of the legal aid plan would reduce the income of an applicant to a point whereby the applicant would qualify for benefits as per clause (a).


          (2)    A client who is eligible pursuant to clause (1)(b) may be required by the Commission to make a contribution towards the payment of the costs of the legal services rendered on the applicant’s behalf.


          (3)    An applicant shall not be required to dispose of their principal place of residence or assets necessary to maintain their livelihood.


2        Notwithstanding Section 1A, where the income of an applicant for legal aid exceeds the amounts specified in Section 1A, the applicant may be declared eligible for legal aid if the applicant cannot retain counsel at their own expense without the applicant or their dependants, if any, suffering undue financial hardship such as incurring heavy indebtedness or being required to dispose of modest necessary assets.


2A     All payments made by the Attorney General to the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission from and including November 1, 1977, on behalf of a person who qualified as a person in need pursuant to the Employment Support and Income Assistance Regulations, or the Social Assistance Act, shall be deemed to be a payment of assistance under these Acts.



3        Applications for legal aid shall be made in the form established by the Commission.


4        Applications for legal aid shall be accepted or rejected by a solicitor employed by the Commission or the Chief Executive Officer.

Appeals to the Commission

5        Where an applicant or client wishes to appeal to the Commission pursuant to Section 25 of the Act concerning refusal, suspension or withdrawal of legal aid or concerning cancellation or amendment of a certificate of legal aid, or concerning required contributions toward the cost of legal aid, the applicant or client shall submit to the Commission a written request for a review.


6        When the Commission receives a written request for a review, the solicitor or Chief Executive Officer who made the decision to be reviewed shall forthwith submit a written report to the Commission giving reasons for their action.


7        The Commission shall consider the report of the solicitor or the Chief Executive Officer and, upon the request of the applicant or client, the Commission shall hear the applicant or client in person regarding the review.

Legal Aid services

8        An appeal against a decision, judgment, verdict or sentence of a court may be taken where, in the opinion of a solicitor employed by the Commission and the Chief Executive Officer, the appeal has merit or where the court appealed to requests the appointment of counsel.


9        Legal aid may be granted in such manner and in such matters as may from time to time be provided pursuant to any agreement respecting legal aid in force between the Government of the Province of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada.

Terms of employment by the Commission

10      Salaries and pension, health plan, group insurance, sick leave, vacation and other benefits shall be provided to employees of the Commission on the same basis and scales as these are provided in the Department of the Attorney General [Justice].


11      The Chief Executive Officer shall be classified at the level of a Director in the Department of the Attorney General [Justice].


12      No person employed by the Commission may be a candidate in a municipal, provincial or federal election or otherwise engage in any activity which would interfere with their employment by the Commission without prior approval from the Commission.


13      No person who is a member of a city, town or municipal council, shall be employed by the Commission unless the Commission indicates by resolution it is satisfied that the duties of that office would not interfere with their employment.


14      No person who is a member of the House of Assembly or the House of Commons shall be employed by the Commission.

Tariff of fees

15      Where the Commission determines that legal aid should be provided by a lawyer in private practice who is to be compensated by the Commission, a certificate of eligibility shall be issued by the Commission.


16      Compensation pursuant to a certificate of eligibility issued in a non-criminal matter shall be paid at the rate set out in the Tariff for Family Law Matters, as set out in Tariff 2 in Schedule “B”.


17      Compensation pursuant to a certificate of eligibility issued in a criminal matter shall be paid at the rate set out in the Tariff for Criminal Law Matters Involving Adults and Young Persons, as set out in Tariff 1 in Schedule “B”.


17A   (1)    The rate to be paid under a certificate of eligibility is the rate set out in the applicable tariff in force on the date the certificate is issued.


          (2)    The tariff in effect on the date the certificate is issued remains effective for that certificate until the services covered by that certificate are complete.


18      An account submitted by a lawyer in private practice may be taxed by the Chief Executive Officer who may determine the proper fees and disbursements to be paid by the Commission.


19      A lawyer who is not satisfied with the determination of fees and disbursements may appeal to the Commission and the Commission may make a determination of proper fees and disbursements as the Commission sees fit.

Schedule “A”— [repealed]

Schedule “B”—Tariff of Fees

Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission


The Nova Scotia Legal Aid Tariff of Fees (NSLA Tariff) sets out limits on preparation times and disbursements that may be expended in rendering authorized services under a legal aid certificate of eligibility (hereinafter referred to as “certificate”). Please note that these limits are maximums, not block fees. Lawyers rendering an account may bill only for actual preparation times and actual disbursements.

The NSLA Tariff reflects fees customarily paid by a client of modest means. The fees and preparation times provided for in the NSLA Tariff apply to the authorized services covered by a certificate. However, in certain exceptional circumstances, the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission may authorize issuing a certificate that extends the terms of the original certificate.

Extension of Terms of Certificate

Approval for an extension of the terms of a certificate should be sought by the lawyer providing services under the certificate before the limits contained in the certificate have been exceeded. The approval should be sought by the lawyer providing services under the certificate by writing to the office of the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission that issued the certificate to explain why an extension of the terms of the certificate is being sought.

If approval to extend the terms of a certificate is not granted, the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission is not responsible for the payment of any account that exceeds the limits imposed by the certificate or the NSLA Tariff.

In certain exceptional circumstances, the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission may approve an increase in preparation times allowed or in disbursement expenditures that exceed the strict maximums in the issued certificate or in the NSLA Tariff.

If the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission approves a request for an increase in preparation times or in disbursement expenditures, then the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission must issue an amended certificate in the matter or a letter granting the increase in preparation times or disbursement expenditures that has been approved.

The NSLA Tariff is composed of the above Introduction and Extension of Terms of Certificate, and all of the following:

          Part 1 - Tariffs


Tariff 1 - Tariff for Criminal Law Matters Involving Adults and Young Persons

                   Tariff 2 - Tariff for Family Law Matters

                   Tariff 3 - Tariff for Civil Law Matters

                   Tariff 4 - Tariff for Disbursements

                   Tariff 5 - Tariff for Matters Not Otherwise Provided for Herein

          Part 2 - Forms

Part 1: Tariffs

Tariff 1—Tariff for Criminal Law Matters Involving Adults and Young Persons

Lawyer fees based on experience

1        (1)    A lawyer will be paid for preparation time and court appearances at the rates set out in the following table, according to the number of years of experience the lawyer has practising law as a member of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society or an equivalent organization in another jurisdiction:

 Years of experience

 Rate per hour

less than 5


5 or more


10 or more

$160.00 for offences for which the mandatory sentence is imprisonment for life (e.g. murder)

Paralegal or Articled Clerk


          (2)    In this Section, years of experience are calculated as of the date that the lawyer is retained for services under a certificate.

Certificate covering multiple offences

2        The Commission may issue 1 certificate covering multiple offences, with the terms of that certificate being based on the most serious criminal offence charged, when a person is charged with multiple offences in relation to a set of events that are similar on some or all of the following characteristics:


                   (a)      date of alleged offence;


                   (b)     type of alleged offence;


                   (c)      location of alleged offence;


                   (d)     common purpose;


                   (e)      involvement of the same parties.

Travel allowance

3        An allowance of $45.00 per hour, to a maximum of 6 hours per day, may be paid for time spent travelling a distance of 20 km or more, one way, if the lawyer satisfies the Commission that the travel is reasonable and necessary.

Supreme Court of Canada lawyer fees

4        Lawyer fees for hearings in the Supreme Court of Canada will be paid at the rates noted in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Tariff.

Court time maximums

5        A lawyer’s fee for actual court time will be paid up to a maximum billing of 6 hours per day.

Preparation time maximums

6        A lawyer’s fee for actual preparation time will be paid according to the authorized service and up to the maximum time limits as set out in the following table:

Tariff Item

Authorized Service

Maximum Hours


First degree and second degree murder punishable by mandatory life imprisonment



Homicide punishable by possible life imprisonment (e.g. manslaughter, criminal negligence causing death, impaired driving causing death)



Dangerous offender or long term offender application



Appeal to NS Court of Appeal on tariff items C.1, C.2 or C.3 matters



Electable indictable offence other than a hybrid offence for which the Crown proceeds summarily


(an additional 5 hours preparation time may be allowed if there is a

preliminary hearing held)


Summary conviction offences including an absolute jurisdiction indictable offence and a hybrid offence for which the Crown proceeds summarily



Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms application arising in tariff items C.5 or C.6 only


(must be applied for and authorized by the Commission in writing in advance)


Appeal of conviction or conviction and sentence on tariff item C.5



Appeal of sentence on tariff item C.5



Appeal of conviction or conviction and sentence on tariff item C.6



Appeal of sentence on tariff item C.6



Application for leave to appeal to Supreme Court of Canada



Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada



YCJA application to determine whether a young person is liable to adult sentence



YCJA review of sentence



Independent legal advice or opinion – any offence (adult or young person)



Criminal Code Review Board matter


(may be increased to a maximum of 20 hours, depending upon the liberty interest involved, if approved by the Commission in advance)


Breach of a conditional sentence order


(may be increased to a

maximum of 4 hours if approved by the Commission in advance)


Any other special matter – any offence (adult or young person)

as authorized by the Commission in advance


Sexual assault (Criminal Code s. 276 and s. 278, and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms)



Sexual assault (summary)


Tariff 2—Tariff for Family Law Matters

Lawyer fees based on experience

1        (1)    A lawyer will be paid for preparation time and court appearances at the rates set out in the following table, according to the number of years of experience the lawyer has practising law as a member of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society or an equivalent organization in another jurisdiction:

Years of experience

Rate per hour

less than 5


5 or more


10 or more

$160.00 for representing parent or party with standing and presenting plan for custody or return of child where the case meets the criteria described in the Tariff Reference Manual

Paralegal or Articled Clerk



          (2)    In this Section, years of experience are calculated as of the date that the lawyer is retained for services under a certificate.

Travel allowance

2        An allowance of $45.00 per hour, to a maximum of 6 hours per day, may be paid for time spent travelling a distance of 20 km or more, one way, if the lawyer satisfies the Commission that the travel is reasonable and necessary.

Court time maximum

3        A lawyer’s fee for actual court time will be paid up to a maximum billing of 6 hours per day.

Preparation time maximums

4        A lawyer’s fee for actual preparation time will be paid according to the authorized service and up to the maximum time limits as set out in the following table:

Tariff Item

Authorized Service

Maximum Hours

Parenting and Support Act


Uncontested application or uncontested application to vary



Contested custody, or contested custody and one or more contested issues of maintenance, access or paternity



One or more contested issues of maintenance, access, paternity or contested application to vary any of them



Merit assessment on application to terminate parent-child custody



Termination of child support, minimal issues


Divorce Act


Divorce proceedings – minimal issues only



Divorce proceedings with contested custody or with contested custody plus one or more contested issues of maintenance, access, paternity or Matrimonial Property Act



Divorce proceedings – with one or more contested issues of maintenance, access, paternity or Matrimonial Property Act



Independent legal advice or opinion for divorce proceedings


Children and Family Services Act


Application for standing as a party



Representing parent or a party with standing and presenting plan for custody or return of child



Representing parent or a party with standing who is not seeking custody or return of child



Independent legal advice or opinion for Children and Family Services proceedings

as authorized by the Commission in advance


Merit assessment for family and Children and Family Services Act appeals


Adult Protection Act


Application under Act



Review under Act




Negotiating, drafting or executing separation agreement



Independent legal advice or opinion on other family law matter

as authorized by the Commission in advance


Appeal to Nova Scotia Supreme Court on behalf of any party on family law matter



Appeal to Nova Scotia Court of Appeal on behalf of any party on family law matters



Any other special family law matter not otherwise covered in the Tariff for Family Law Matters, including appeal to Supreme Court of Canada on family law matter

as authorized by the Commission in advance


Tariff 3—Tariff for Civil Law Matters


Lawyer fees based on experience

1        (1)    A lawyer will be paid for preparation time and court appearances at the rates set out in the following table, according to the number of years of experience the lawyer has practising law as a member of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society or an equivalent organization in another jurisdiction:


Years of experience

Rate per hour

Less than 5


5 or more


Paralegal or Articled Clerk



          (2)    In this Section, years of experience are calculated as of the date that the lawyer is retained for services under a certificate.


Travel allowance

2        An allowance of $45.00 per hour, to a maximum of 6 hours per day, may be paid for time spent travelling a distance of 20 km or more, one way, if the lawyer satisfies the Commission that the travel is reasonable and necessary.


Court time maximum

3        A lawyer’s fee for actual court time will be paid up to a maximum billing of 6 hours per day.


Preparation time maximums

4        A lawyer’s fee for actual preparation time will be paid according to the authorized service and up to the maximum time limits as set out in the following table:


Tariff Item

Authorized Service

Maximum Hours



Civil litigation on behalf of any party for all services for civil claims (pleadings, trial preparation, pre-trial applications or attendances)



Legal services for civil matter (not litigation)



Representing any party in any other special matter including administrative tribunals

as authorized by the Commission in advance


Tariff 4—Tariff for Disbursements


Disbursements properly accounted for

1        A lawyer will be paid for disbursements necessarily incurred in providing authorized services if they are properly accounted for in the Report and Account in accordance with this Tariff.


Report and Account for disbursements

2        (1)    A lawyer cannot charge any accounts for disbursements directly to the Commission.


          (2)    Disbursements must be billed to the account of the lawyer and claimed on a Report and Account form submitted to the Commission.


          (3)    An Interim Report and Account form may be submitted for fees and disbursements if the total amount claimed is $300 or more.


Maximum amount per item

3        Disbursements may not exceed $200 per item unless approved in advance by the Commission.


Receipts for disbursements

4        Receipts for all disbursements, which clearly show the amount of harmonized sales tax paid, must accompany the Report and Account form.


Travel reimbursements

5        (1)    Reimbursement for reasonable and necessary travel will be allowed at the rate per kilometre approved by the Province for its employees travelling on government business.


          (2)    The Commission will not reimburse for taxi charges.


Meal reimbursements

6        If approved in advance by the Commission, reimbursement will be allowed for meal expenses at the rates approved by the Province for its employees travelling on government business.


No file administration fees

7        Lawyers are not permitted to charge a file administration fee.


Tariff 5—Tariff for Matters Not Otherwise Provided For


1        (1)    The Chief Executive Officer must allow a reasonable fee in respect of any matters, proceedings, actions or appeals under a certificate that are not covered by Tariffs 1 to 4.


          (2)    In determining the fee to be paid under subsection (1), the Chief Executive Officer must take preparation times and fees allowed for comparable services in Tariffs 1 to 4 into account.



Part 2: Forms


1        The Commission must determine the form and content of the certificate of eligibility to be used by the Commission in issuing certificates and the Report and Account Form to be used by lawyers when invoicing the Commission for the services provided under a certificate.


2        The Commission may direct the use of any forms it prepares and considers necessary for the effective operation of the Legal Aid Certificate System.


3        (1)    The lawyer who has provided services under a certificate must attach to their Report and Account form a detailed time-keeping statement showing dates, the particulars of service and the time expended by date for all preparation, court and travel time.


          (2)    The Commission may require the lawyer to provide any other documents the Commission considers necessary to enable the Commission to satisfy itself as to the accuracy of any Report and Account form submitted for payment, including whether it complies with the terms of the certificate and the NSLA Tariff.






Legislative History
Reference Tables

Legal Aid General Regulations and Tariff of Fees Regulations

N.S. Reg. 77/1977

Legal Aid Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Legal Aid General Regulations and Tariff of Fees made under the Legal Aid Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Aug 9, 1977

date made

Aug 31, 1977


May 27, 1982

date made

Jun 17, 1982


May 24, 1983

date made

Jun 16, 1983


May 28, 1985

date made

Jun 13, 1985


Oct 15, 1989

date specified

Nov 3, 1989


Oct 15, 1989

date specified

Apr 20, 1990


Aug 1, 2003

date specified

Aug 22, 2003


Feb 10, 2006

date specified

Mar 3, 2006


May 1, 2014

date specified

May 2, 2014


Jun 1, 2024

date specified

May 31, 2024

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected

1 ........................................................

rs. 128/1982; ra. as 1A 98/2024


ad. 98/2024


ra. from 1 98/2024

. 1A(1)(a)..........................................

am. 98/2024

. 1A(1)(b).........................................

am. 98/2024

. 1A(2)..............................................

am. 98/2024

. 1A(3)..............................................

am. 98/2024


rs. 128/1982; am. 98/2024


ad. 90/1983; am. 98/2024

3 -4....................................................

am. 98/2024

6 -8....................................................

am. 98/2024


am. 98/2024


am. 12/2006


rs. 86/1985, 142/2003; am. 12/2006


rs. 86/1985, 142/2003; am. 12/2006


ad. 12/2006


am. 12/2006, 98/2024


am. 12/2006


ad. 86/1985; rep. 98/2024


Schedule A: Application for Legal Aid........................................................

rs. 86/1985; rep. 98/2024

Schedule B: Tariff of Fees and Disbursements................................

ad. 86/1985; rep. 196/1989

Appendix I: Nova Scotia Legal Aid Tariff of Fees..................................

ad. 196/1989; rep. 102/1990

Appendix II: Nova Scotia Legal Aid Tariff of Fees..................................

ad. 102/1990; rep. 12/2006

Schedule A..................................

am. 142/2003

Schedule B..................................

am. 142/2003

Schedule B: Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission Tariff of Fees...........

ad. 12/2006; am. 55/2014, 98/2024

Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections













Repealed and Superseded



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.



Webpage last updated: 13-06-2024