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Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law Amendment Order for Bedford West 10 Special Planning Area

made under Section 16 of the

Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act

S.N.S. 2021, c. 21

N.S. Reg. 203/2023 (effective November 21, 2023)

Whereas the Bedford West 10 Special Planning Area Order, N.S. Reg. 56/2022, was made on March 24, 2022, and designated the Bedford West 10 Special Planning Area;

Whereas the Executive Panel on Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality has recommended amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy for Halifax and Bedford and to the Halifax Mainland Land Use By-law;

And whereas I am satisfied that the recommended amendments are necessary to advance the purpose of the Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act;

Therefore, I order the following:

1.       Municipal Planning Strategy for Halifax is hereby further amended as follows:


          1.      Within Section XV, Bedford West Secondary Planning Strategy, Sub-section 7 amend Policy BW-21K by deleting the text in strikeout and adding the text in bold below:


Policy BW-21K

                   3.       Limit density within each neighbourhood district as follows (notwithstanding Policy BW-16(c)):

(a)28.4 persons per acre in Sub Area 10B[;]

(b)53.3 48.67 persons per acre in Sub Area 10C; and

(c)28.4 persons per acre in Sub Area 10D.


          2.      Within Section XV, Bedford West Secondary Planning Strategy, Sub-section 7 amend Policy BW- 21H(1) by deleting the text in strikeout and adding the text in bold below:


Policy BW-21H(1)

Schedule BW-7A shall form the framework for land use planning within Sub-Area 10. Schedule BW-7A shall administratively divide Sub Area 10 into four distinct neighbourhood districts as follows: Sub Area 10A which will encompass the properties southwest of Sub Area 9 that contains existing development; Sub Area 10B which shall encompass undeveloped lands southeast of Sub Area 9 and northwest of the former quarry lands; Sub Area 10C which shall encompass the quarry lands as well as the existing pumping station located at 243 Kearney Lake Road the abutting parcel to the northwest; and, Sub Area 10D which shall encompass lands to the southeast of the quarry lands containing primarily undeveloped lands and one property, 189 Kearney Lake Road, currently developed with an existing dwelling.

          3.      Within Section XV, the Bedford West Secondary Planning Strategy, Sub-section 7 amend Policy BW- 21L(1) by adding the text in bold below:


Policy BW-21L(1)

In addition to the development rights conferred by the policies of this SPS, utility uses shall be permitted on lands in the ownership of Nova Scotia Power and Halifax Water through the Land Use Bylaw.


          4.      Schedule BW-7A (Community Concept Plan Sub Area 10) shall be amended to remove PID 00289215 from the Bedford West Sub Area 10, as shown on Schedule A attached hereto.


          5.      Schedule BW-7A (Community Concept Plan Sub Area 10) shall be amended to remove PID 00289207 from Sub Area 10B and include it in Sub Area 10C of Bedford West Sub Area 10, as shown on Schedule A attached hereto.

Graphic showing map of changes to Sub Area 10 Bedford West in the Halifax Land Use By-law


2.       Municipal Planning Strategy for Bedford is hereby further amended as follows:


          1.      Within the Bedford West Secondary Planning Strategy Section, amend Policy BW-41A(A) by deleting the text in strikeout and adding the text in bold below:


Policy BW-41A(A)

Schedule BW-7A shall form the framework for land use planning within Sub-Area 10. Schedule BW-7A shall administratively divide Sub Area 10 into four distinct neighbourhood districts as follows: Sub Area 10A which will encompass the properties southwest of Sub Area 9 that contains existing development; Sub Area 10B which shall encompass undeveloped lands southeast of Sub Area 9 and northwest of the former quarry lands; Sub Area 10C which shall encompass the quarry lands as well as the existing pumping station located at 243 Kearney Lake Road the abutting parcel to the northwest; and Sub Area 10D which shall encompass lands to the southeast of the quarry lands containing primarily undeveloped lands and one property, 189 Kearney Lake Road, currently developed with an existing dwelling.


          2.      Schedule BW-7A (Community Concept Plan Sub Area 10) shall be amended to remove PID 00289215 from the Bedford West Sub Area 10, as shown on Schedule A attached hereto.


          3.      Schedule BW-7A (Community Concept Plan Sub Area 10) shall be amended to remove PID 00289207 from Sub Area 10B and include it in Sub Area 10C of Bedford West Sub Area 10, as shown on Schedule A attached hereto.

Graphic showing map of changes to Sub Area 10 Bedford West in the Bedford Land Use By-law

3.       Land Use By-law for Halifax Mainland is hereby further amended as follows:

          Amend Section 62AD(2) by adding the text in bold below:


          62AD (2)    Notwithstanding 62AD(1), Utility Uses shall be permitted at PID 40379257 and PID 00289215.

This order is effective on and after the date of this order.

Dated and made November 21, 2023, at Halifax, Halifax Regional Municipality, Province of Nova Scotia.

sgd. John Lohr

Honourable John Lohr

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing




Webpage last updated: 28-12-2023