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Estate Notices (M to R) | |
Estate of: |
Page Number |
MacALONEY, John B. | 1460 |
MacASKILL, Michael | 3827 |
MacAULAY, Annie Jane | 3233 |
MacCALDER, Alexander L. | 1834 |
MacCORMACK, Albert John | 519 |
MacCORMACK, Kenneth Allan | 2209 |
MacCREADY, Awilda Joyce | 2325 |
MacCUISH, Allister Ian | 1268 |
MACDONALD, Alda R. | 1834 |
MacDONALD, Alice Gertrude | 3827 |
MacDONALD, Catherine | 1925 |
MACDONALD, Claire Beatrice | 2685 |
MacDONALD, Delores Evelyn | 1268 |
MacDONALD, Donald Gordon | 431 |
MacDONALD, Edward Neil | 3062 |
MacDONALD, Elizabeth Margaret | 1742 |
MacDONALD, Ellen Catherine | 348 |
MacDONALD, Gwyneth D. | 4025 |
MacDONALD, Helen May | 348 |
MacDONALD, Hugh Archibald | 519 |
MacDONALD, Hugh Gillis | 2504 |
MacDONALD, Huntley Joseph | 987 |
MacDONALD, James Donald | 2685 |
MacDONALD, James Edmund | 988 |
MacDONALD, Jean Catherine | 2593 |
MacDONALD, Jean MacGeorge | 1654 |
MacDONALD, John Charles | 1742 |
MacDONALD, John Joseph | 2415 |
MacDONALD, Josephine | 348 |
MacDONALD, Laurie Lorraine | 1180 |
MacDONALD, Margaret | 4287 |
MacDONALD, Margaret Mary | 3728 |
MacDONALD, Margaret Rae | 4115 |
MacDONALD, Mary Ann | 4288 |
MacDONALD, Mary Anne | 3827 |
MacDONALD, Mary Elizabeth | 1654 |
MacDONALD, Mary Marcelline | 1089 |
MACDONALD, Michael Raymond | 1089 |
MacDONALD, Nita Gladys | 4367 |
MacDONALD, Robert A. | 3486 |
MacDONALD, Robert Douglas | 263 |
MacDONALD, Ronald | 3233 |
MacDONALD, Ronald A. | 2685 |
MacDONALD, Ronald H. | 3644 |
MacDONALD, Thomas Alexander | 123 |
MacDONALD, William Ross | 708 |
MacDOUGALL, Ann Cecilia | 123 |
MacDOUGALL, Clara Luella | 2019 |
MacDOUGALL, Daniel Hugh | 4736 |
MacDOUGALL, Evelyn Pauline | 263 |
MacDOUGALL, George Danforth | 4367 |
MacDOUGALL, Harriet | 3313 |
MacDOUGALL, Sally Ann Fenner | 3486 |
MacEACHERN, Archibald Leo | 2504 |
MacEACHERN, Mary | 3151 |
MacEWAN, M. Elizabeth | 3644 |
MacFADYEN, James Everett | 988 |
MacGILLIVARY, Donald I. | 2019 |
MacGILLIVRAY, Daniel Joseph | 1834 |
MacGILLIVRAY, Mary Esther Eileen | 1834 |
MacGREGOR, Elizabeth Margaret | 3486 |
MacGREGOR, John Joseph | 348 |
MacHARDIE, Gladys | 2504 |
MacHATTIE, Leona Mae | 2685 |
MacINNES, Isobel M. | 1742 |
MacINNIS, Murdock | 3233 |
MacINNIS, Thomas Elmo | 1460 |
MacINTOSH, Anna | 2593 |
MacINTOSH, Paula Elizabeth | 13 |
MacINTYRE, Daniel Joseph | 1834 |
MacINTYRE, Donald Joseph | 2594 |
MacINTYRE, Mary Cecelia | 4115 |
MacINTYRE, Mildred Mary | 2019 |
MacINTYRE, Neil Allister | 1654 |
MacISAAC, Donald S. | 3929 |
MacISAAC, Florence May | 2325 |
MacISAAC, Hugh James | 2880 |
MacISAAC, Joseph Francis | 2504 |
MacKAY, Archibald Angus | 4736 |
MacKAY, James Corliss | 263 |
MacKAY, Lillian Matilda | 3827 |
MacKAY, Robert Lynn | 2965 |
MacKENZIE, Alexander Chisholm | 798 |
MacKENZIE, David L. | 3313 |
MACKENZIE, Geneve Marion | 1834 |
MacKENZIE, June | 3233 |
MacKENZIE, June (Anc) | 2580 |
MacKENZIE, Matilda | 2415 |
MacKENZIE, Sadie Annettie | 3392 |
MACKIE, Ina Grace | 4814 |
MACKIE, Margaret F. J. | 4640 |
MacKINNON, Allan E. | 3827 |
MacKINNON, Annie Margaret | 2965 |
MacKINNON, Duncan A. | 4641 |
MacKINNON, Earl | 1925 |
MacKINNON, Gregory Malcolm | 4367 |
MacKINNON, Helen Marie | 3566 |
MacKINNON, Margaret Isabel | 4814 |
MacKINNON, Robert Scott | 1090 |
MacKINNON, W. Lloyd | 3827 |
MacKINNON, Wilfred | 3566 |
MacLANDERS, Corinne Julia Catherine | 619 |
MacLEAN, Allan James, Sr. | 13 |
MacLEAN, Archibald | 123 |
MacLEAN, Ellen (Helen) | 3929 |
MacLEAN, Hugh A. | 1563 |
MacLEAN, J. Herbert | 988 |
MacLEAN, John Lebrocq | 4115 |
MacLEAN, John Neil | 2209 |
MacLEAN, John Peter | 1090 |
MacLEAN, Kathleen Bechwith | 2325 |
MacLEAN, Melvin Arthur | 1460 |
MacLEAN, Norman James | 1268 |
MacLEAN, Ronald Hector | 3313 |
MacLEAN, Ruth Marion | 2209 |
MacLEAN, Sadie Grace | 2504 |
MacLEAN, Stephen S. (Anc) | 505 |
MacLEAN, Stephen S. | 1654 |
MacLELLAN, Duncan Vincent | 3828 |
MacLELLAN, Rita Mary (Sears) | 348 |
MacLENNAN, Margaret E. (Eldene) | 4288 |
MacLEOD, Angus Nicholson | 1268 |
MacLEOD, Catherine Frances | 2881 |
MacLEOD, Dennis | 798 |
MacLEOD, Duncan Donald (D.D.) | 431 |
MacLEOD, Frederick Curtis | 4444 |
MacLEOD, Grethe | 349 |
MacLEOD, Harry Burns | 1268 |
MacLEOD, Hugh Victor | 620 |
MacLEOD, Jessie Edith | 520 |
MacLEOD, Mary Agnes | 123 |
MacLEOD, Morris | 263 |
MacLEOD, Patricia Irene | 2019 |
MacLEOD, Sarah Evelyn | 3645 |
MacLEOD, Sophie | 3233 |
MacMILLAN, William Morrison | 1090 |
MacMULLIN, Catherine | 3233 |
MacMULLIN, John Bernard | 349 |
MacMULLIN, Mary | 349 |
MacNEIL, Angus Giles | 123 |
MacNEIL, Catherine Anne | 2881 |
MacNEIL, Cecilia Theresa | 1742 |
MacNEIL, Daniel Aloysius | 1090 |
MacNEIL, Daniel Murdock | 3566 |
MacNEIL, Earl | 4116 |
MacNEIL, Francis J. | 2594 |
MacNEIL, John Peter | 1835 |
MacNEIL, Mary Ellen | 1835 |
MacNEIL, Robert Leo | 4288 |
MacNEIL, Zita Eileen | 1925 |
MacNEILL, Douglas Frederick | 2019 |
MacNEILL, Marjorie Julia | 3392 |
MacNEVIN, Roderick | 2789 |
MacPHEE, Beulah Irene | 1925 |
MacPHERSON, Alma Sarah | 1925 |
MacRAE, William MacKeigan | 3063 |
MADDEN, Grace Angeline | 431 |
MADDEN, Theresa Isabel | 2415 |
MAHANEY, Leota Irene | 3728 |
MAHON, Brian Alphonsus | 2594 |
MAHONEY, Neita Rose | 2325 |
MAJOR, Lewis MacKay | 3929 |
MALALLY, George Edward | 2965 |
MALCOLM, John Edward | 123 |
MALCOLM, Walter Lauchlin | 4025 |
MALING, Cedar W.E. | 1461 |
MANLY, Robert Donald | 1461 |
MANN, James Curtis | 1654 |
MANOLOPOULOS, Constantine | 988 |
MANOS, Antonia | 3313 |
MANTHORNE, Alice Maude | 3929 |
MARCAIRN, Fred William | 2881 |
MARCH, Helen Winnifred | 1742 |
MARCHAND, Helen M. | 2594 |
MARNES, Ethel Geraldine | 1180 |
MARSHALL, Vera Goreham | 1461 |
MARSTERS, Laurence Sanford | 1268 |
MARTIN, George Henry | 124 |
MARTIN, Patricia Pauline | 3566 |
MASON, Annie K. | 1461 |
MASON, Charles E. | 4116 |
MASON, Christine | 4814 |
MASON, Edwin Clay | 3929 |
MASON, Granville Firth | 708 |
MASON, Robert S. (Anc) | 85 |
MASON, Robert S. | 988 |
MATHESON, Ada | 124 |
MATHESON, Freda A. | 2965 |
MATHESON, Viola Isabel | 2881 |
MATTHEWS, Gordon | 3151 |
MATTHEWS, Hilda Jane | 2685 |
MATTHEWS, Robert D. | 3645 |
MATTINSON, Claude M. | 1090 |
MATTIX, John Arden | 3728 |
MAXWELL, Frank McCully | 2110 |
MAXWELL, William Stanley | 3645 |
MAYNARD, Alfred Russell | 2019 |
McALONEY, Douglas | 709 |
McAULAY, Louis Terrance Francis | 1180 |
McCABE, Joseph | 3566 |
McCALLUM, Margaret Mary | 124 |
McCARTHY, Freda | 2965 |
McCARVILLE, Ronald Thomas | 620 |
McCLEAVE, Barbara | 1743 |
McCONNELL, Stephen James | 3828 |
McCORMACK, George Bryan | 3645 |
McCULLOCH, Floyd Ivon | 3234 |
McCULLOCH, Foster Stephen | 4367 |
McCULLOCH, Inez Charlotte | 3234 |
McCULLY, Jessie Faulein | 4444 |
McDOUGALL, Ruth | 2881 |
McENANEY, Emily Esther | 1461 |
McEWAN, Patricia Elizabeth | 4367 |
McFADDEN, Robert John | 3063 |
McGINN, Isabella Violet | 3234 |
McGRATH, Dorothy Mildred | 3828 |
McGRATH, James A. | 2416 |
McHUGH, Donald J. | 1563 |
McINTOSH, Firman | 4367 |
McISAAC, Ella V. | 349 |
McIVOR, Mary Catherine | 1925 |
McKAY, Hazel Gwendolyn | 2416 |
McKENNA, Clair Lovett | 1461 |
McKENZIE, Abbie Jane | 3728 |
McKINNON, Helen Louise | 1366 |
McLAIN, Harry Joshua | 2416 |
McLAUGHLIN, Evelyn Jean | 1268 |
McLEAN, Arthur Kenneth | 431 |
McLEAN, Susan | 2505 |
McLELLAN, Flora | 709 |
McLELLAN, Hugh Dan | 3828 |
McLELLAN, Isabel Ferguson | 4367 |
McLEOD, Victor Dale | 3392 |
McMASTER, Theresa M. (Anc) | 784 |
McNAMARA, Otto James | 2685 |
McNAMARA, William Wendell | 1743 |
McNAUGHTON, Murray Duncan | 264 |
McNEIL, Anthony Daniel | 4367 |
McNEIL, Elizabeth Monica | 1654 |
McNEIL, Mary Matilda | 3486 |
McNEIL, William Arthur | 4814 |
McNUTT, Muriel Ramona | 1743 |
McNUTT, Walter R. | 4444 |
McPHAIL, Mary (Mamie) | 4736 |
McRAE, Donald J. | 2209 |
McRAE, James Ivor | 13 |
McRAE, Russell Cecil | 264 |
McSWEEN, Ruby Marguerite | 4210 |
McVARISH, Ronald Joseph | 520 |
MELANSON, Betti Maxine | 3728 |
MELANSON, Susie Merlene | 1564 |
MELVIN, Sylvia Elnora | 2881 |
MERCER, Marion Mary E. | 124 |
MESSOM, Pearl Eva | 2210 |
MEYER, Geertruida Gerrieta | 1269 |
MIDDLETON, Fensworth | 3486 |
MILES, Roy Arthur | 1090 |
MILLER, Lydia J. | 520 |
MILLER, Mary Ruth | 2881 |
MILLER, Olive Esther | 3392 |
MILLETT, Donald Thomas | 2594 |
MILLS, Gerald Roscoe | 520 |
MILLS, Henry Willoughby | 2505 |
MILLS, Joyce Minetta | 4116 |
MILLS, William Edward | 1366 |
MILNER, Muriel Pauline | 620 |
MINGO, Donald Sherman | 431 |
MINGO, Eve Helen | 4025 |
MITCHELL, Earle Ainslie | 798 |
MITCHELL, Malcolm Harris | 14 |
MOIR, Alexander | 1835 |
MONTGOMERIE, Frances Mary | 3151 |
MONTGOMERY, William Ernest Harp | 3645 |
MOORE, Charlene Patricia | 3313 |
MOORE, Edna | 4641 |
MOORE, James Theodore | 3828 |
MOORE, John Henry | 798 |
MORAIS, Hector Joseph | 520 |
MORASH, Barbara Ann | 2965 |
MORASH, Mildred May | 988 |
MOREAU, Frank Gerald | 2505 |
MOREAU, Linwood Gilbert | 2210 |
MORRIS, Donna M. | 620 |
MORRISON, Barbara | 2325 |
MORRISON, Frances Pearl | 4736 |
MORRISON, Frederic Charles | 349 |
MORRISON, Kathleen J. (Anc) | 2004 |
MORRISON, Kathleen J. | 2594 |
MORRISON, Vera D. | 4116 |
MORRISSY, Helena Elizabeth | 3728 |
MOSES, I. Keith | 2325 |
MOSHER, Alice Nelson | 520 |
MOSHER, Eric Murray | 3645 |
MOSHER, Frank Leslie | 349 |
MOSHER, Myra Florence | 3234 |
MOSHER, Timothy Walter | 2210 |
MOSSMAN, Vernetta Florence | 2790 |
MOULES, Albert Leo | 2881 |
MUISE, Mable Beatrice | 4814 |
MUNDLE, Agnes Evelyn | 3930 |
MUNRO, Evelyn Leone | 264 |
MUNRO, Georgina Annie | 4116 |
MUNRO, Joan | 3729 |
MUNROE, Anne Amelia | 520 |
MUNROE, John Dan | 3566 |
MUNT, Robin Albert | 1090 |
MURDOCH, Eleanor Newton | 4814 |
MURDOCK, Samuel Prowse | 4210 |
MURPHY, Bernard | 4736 |
MURPHY, Brenda Margot | 2505 |
MURPHY, Charlotte Converse | 124 |
MURPHY, Chester Lloyd | 3234 |
MURPHY, James Francis (Anc) | 1064 |
MURPHY, James Francis | 3234 |
MURPHY, John | 798 |
MURPHY, John Edward | 3234 |
MURPHY, Margaret Christina | 2020 |
MURPHY, Mary Eddis | 3566 |
MURPHY, Roderick Colin Brenton | 620 |
MURPHY, William George | 2210 |
MURRAY, Bryant Daniel | 2416 |
MURRAY, Florence Mary | 2416 |
MURRAY, Hugh MacDonald | 1926 |
MURRAY, Irene Winifred | 2505 |
MURRAY, Mary F. | 3314 |
MURRAY, Rona Irene | 1564 |
MURRAY, William Henry | 4116 |
MYATT, Thecla | 1366 |
MYERS, Florence | 4116 |
MYERS, Stanley Harold | 3234 |
MYERS, Walter J. | 3314 |
MYLES, Frederick | 4368 |
MYRA, Eva May | 3566 |
NAAS, George Edwin | 620 |
NAUGLE, Clyde R. | 1835 |
NAUGLE, Ernest Stanley | 4368 |
NAUGLE, Lester Roy | 3486 |
NAUGLER, Ruby Goldie | 2882 |
NAUSS, Jean Izeta | 1461 |
NEARY, Donald Leo | 3063 |
NEILY, Larry Avard | 4641 |
NELSON, Gordon S. | 988 |
NELSON, Helen Jean | 3235 |
NELSON, Thomas Everett | 620 |
NELSON, Willis | 4641 |
NEVES, Garnet L. | 4288 |
NEWBURY, Freda Alice | 1926 |
NEWCOMBE, Elizabeth Ann | 3828 |
NEWELL, Blanche Margaret | 4116 |
NEWELL, Eugene Alden Borden | 1090 |
NICHOLS, Charles Russell | 2416 |
NICHOLS, John Richard | 3729 |
NICHOLSON, Catherine Shirley | 349 |
NICKERSON, Ercell Garth | 3828 |
NICKERSON, George Victor | 3930 |
NICKERSON, Irene Lillian | 520 |
NICKERSON, Jeanette Ella | 4025 |
NICKERSON, Lew Morton | 124 |
NICKERSON, Mervyn | 14 |
NICKERSON, Reta Lillian | 1926 |
NICKERSON, Roger Sterling | 4887 |
NICOLL, Florence J. | 3151 |
NOSEWORTHY, David Terrence | 521 |
NOWLAN, Alfred William | 3063 |
NOWLAN, Minnie Freda Flossie | 2594 |
NOYES, Adin Morgan | 264 |
NUNN, Alvin Ashford | 4445 |
O'BRIEN, Charles Joseph | 3063 |
O'BRIEN, Marjorie Henrietta | 709 |
O'BRIEN, Vincent Gordon | 521 |
O'CONNELL, Ronald Alliston | 4025 |
O'DONNELL, Arthur William | 350 |
O'GRADY, Thomas Henry Anderson | 1926 |
O'HANDLEY, John Lawrence | 4445 |
O'HARA, William Arthur | 1269 |
O'NEIL, Dorothy Ann | 1564 |
O'NEIL, Frank Finley | 1269 |
O'NEILL, Bertha Frances | 124 |
O'REILLY, Patrick James | 3151 |
OICKLE, Clyde E. | 709 |
ORDE, Charles Harold | 1367 |
OSBORG, Reverend Dr. Bernd Carl Felix | 1461 |
OSBORNE, Harold Vincent | 4210 |
OTTO, Ruth (aka Corinne Nadeau) | 3393 |
OVENSTONE, Jessie Margaret | 1926 |
OXNER, Eva May | 4368 |
PACE, Annie Viola | 350 |
PACE, Lorne Edward | 350 |
PARKER, Herman Dimock | 3930 |
PARSONS, Cecil J. | 2595 |
PARSONS, Roselta Annie | 2965 |
PATTON, Raymond Scott | 1367 |
PAYN, Molly D. | 3567 |
PEACH, Catherine Margaret | 988 |
PEACOCKE, Douglas Dennison | 1269 |
PEARL, Gloria Mae | 2210 |
PEARSON, Richard | 1655 |
PEERS, Florence | 3645 |
PEERS, Iota Louisa | 3314 |
PEFHANY, Angus | 1835 |
PENDER, Jean | 989 |
PENTZ, Raymond Arnold | 3487 |
PENVIDIC, Irene Ida | 4210 |
PERO, Elizabeth | 1743 |
PERRIN, Lyman Dean | 3151 |
PERRY, Leonard V. | 1367 |
PERRY, Nelson Cromwell, Sr. | 1367 |
PETERS, Margaret Edna | 989 |
PETRIE, James B. | 521 |
PETTIPAS, Annie Lorraine | 4117 |
PETTIPAS, Michael | 350 |
PFINDER, Reta Mary | 1462 |
PHALEN, Mary Alice | 3487 |
PHILLIPS, Lloyd George | 2020 |
PHINNEY, Gerald G. | 4026 |
PICARD, Shirley Rita | 4210 |
PIKEN, Pauline (Anc) | 195 |
PITMAN, Clifford J. | 2325 |
PITMAN, Nora G. | 1091 |
PITMAN, Walter Oliver | 3930 |
POIRIER, Paul D. | 432 |
POLLOCK, Phyllis Annabelle Dauphinee (Anc) | 2400 |
POOLE, Alice May | 2210 |
POPE, Mary Ann | 125 |
PORTEOUS, Phyllis | 3235 |
PORTER, Zelda Mary | 1743 |
POTHIER, Charles | 1462 |
POTHIER, Charles Benoit | 3063 |
POTHIER, Yvonne Gertrude | 432 |
POTTER, Blodwen | 2416 |
POTTIE, Edward Joseph | 1835 |
POWELL, Barbara Edith Mildred | 2790 |
POWELL, Marvin J. (Anc) | 2580 |
POWELL, Minnie | 1462 |
POWER, Fulton William | 3930 |
POWER, Noreen Grace | 521 |
POWER, Sadie Stella | 621 |
PREISS, Eric F. | 989 |
PRENDERGAST, Blaise | 4814 |
PRINCE, Marjorie Euphemia | 4211 |
PROBERT, Sylvia Elizabeth | 2020 |
PROUT, Randall Battell | 350 |
PULSIFER, Florence M. White | 2595 |
PURCELL, George David | 1835 |
PURDY, Helen J. | 709 |
PURDY, Helen J. (Anc) | 196 |
PURVIS, Florence G. | 3828 |
QUINN, Frank Robert | 1835 |
QUINN, Sidney F. | 350 |
RAE, Effie Bell | 2685 |
RAESLER, Kenneth Hines | 4026 |
RAFAEL, Leslie | 3645 |
RAFUSE, Ethel Irene | 2210 |
RAFUSE, Laurance James Daniel | 2965 |
RAMEY, Kenneth Melroy | 1367 |
RAMEY, Margaret Eleanor | 798 |
RAMEY, Marion Blanche | 3567 |
RAND, Frederick | 4445 |
RANDALL, Joseph W. | 2882 |
RANKIN, Donald Roderick | 798 |
RASMUSSEN, Rosie Lillian | 4288 |
RATZ, Golda Viola | 1462 |
RAVOIRA, Joan Gertrude | 432 |
RAWDING, Manson Ervin | 989 |
RAWLINSON, Margaret N. (Anc) | 3040 |
RAWLINSON, Margaret N. | 4368 |
RAYMAKERS, John J. | 3828 |
RAYNARD, Kenneth Wayne | 2882 |
RAYNARD, Patricia Lynn | 4211 |
REASHORE, Wilfred Terrance | 4641 |
REDDEN, Alice Alwen Carilee | 2110 |
REDDEN, Freida B. | 3063 |
REDDEN, Marion Edna | 3235 |
REDMOND, Eileen Marie | 350 |
REED, Priscilla Jean | 350 |
REID, Colleen Estelle | 432 |
REID, Edna Lillian | 1743 |
REID, Leonard Mills | 1462 |
REID, Lillian Edna | 1367 |
REID, Marjorie Madeline | 3487 |
REID, Sherie Lynn | 2326 |
REID, Stanley | 1269 |
REID, William Murrell | 989 |
REIMER, Marjorie Sarty | 3930 |
REMME, Doris Gwendolyn | 3567 |
RENNIE, Joseph Augustine | 798 |
REYNOLDS, George William | 2595 |
RHIND, Kathleen Ruth | 3235 |
RHULAND, Christopher Anthony | 2882 |
RICE, Lena Speakman | 2882 |
RICHARD, Bertram F. | 1180 |
RICHARD, Emma Marie | 1180 |
RICHARDS, Charlotte Marie (Show Cause) | 1445 |
RICHARDSON, Albert | 4026 |
RICHARDSON, John Thomas | 1462 |
RICHARDSON, Kathleen Margaret | 4736 |
RICHARDSON, Reginald | 621 |
RILEY, Hilda M. | 2882 |
RIPLEY, Bradford William | 264 |
RIPLEY, Murray B. | 3487 |
RITCEY, Marguerite E.G. | 432 |
RITCEY, Violet Marie | 3567 |
ROACH, June Virginia | 351 |
ROACHE, Rita Marilyn | 1180 |
ROBERTS, Annette Isabelle (Anc) | 784 |
ROBERTS, Gladys M. | 2790 |
ROBERTS, Shirley Caroline | 1091 |
ROBERTSON, Annie Mary | 621 |
ROBERTSON, Frances M. | 3393 |
ROBERTSON, George Burnley | 3829 |
ROBERTSON, John Laird | 3646 |
ROBICHAUD, Leo J. | 989 |
ROBICHAUD, Lillian | 2965 |
ROBICHEAU, Louis Denis | 2326 |
ROBINSON, Arthur | 799 |
ROBINSON, Frederick F., Sr. (Anc) | 1732 |
ROBINSON, Katherine Ross | 2790 |
ROBISON, Alonzo | 2882 |
ROCHE, Pauline | 1269 |
RODENHISER, Valson Herbert | 2020 |
ROLFE, Doris Clara | 1180 |
ROOP, Reginald Norman | 3567 |
RORISON, Mary Elizabeth | 1926 |
ROSE, Hilda Mae | 1367 |
ROSS, Basil Allen | 799 |
ROSS, Charles Glendon (Glen) | 4211 |
ROUSE, Kathleen | 3567 |
ROWLINGS, Stewart M. | 4117 |
ROWTER, Allen P. | 4737 |
RUDGE, Eleanor Joan | 2882 |
RUSSELL, Henry Miller | 4445 |
RUSSELL, Mary Davison | 3314 |
RYAN, Cyril John | 351 |
RYAN, Frank H. | 1836 |
RYAN, Joanne Mary | 264 |
RYAN, William Charles | 1091 |
RYBA, Antonina | 2326 |
RYER, Nora Louise | 1269 |
RYERSON, Sheldon Bruce | 4815 |
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This page and all contents copyright © 2005, Province of Nova Scotia. Comments to: Registry of Regulations |
Last updated: August 17, 2005 |