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Citation Notices (M to Z) | |
Estate of: |
Page Number |
MacCALDER, Alexander L. | 264 |
MacCORMACK, Kenneth Allan | 4400 |
MacCREADY, Awilda Joyce | 1589 |
MacDONALD, Alda R. | 973 |
MacDONALD, Alice Gertude | 2333 |
MacDONALD, Barbara Grace | 973 |
MACDONALD, Claire Beatrice | 499 |
MacDONALD, Donald Allan | 2637 |
MacDONALD, Huntley Joseph | 1589 |
MacDONALD, Ian | 1589 |
MacDONALD, Randall (Randy) | 4400 |
MacDONALD, Ronald H. | 2540 |
MacDONALD, William Ross | 4793 |
MacDOUGALL, Alexander Laughlin | 1254 |
MacDOUGALL, Sally Ann Fenner | 1675 |
MacGILLIVRAY, Daniel Joseph | 1254 |
MacINNIS, Thomas Elmo | 1420 |
MacINTOSH, James Wesley | 2141 |
MacINTOSH, Lillian B. | 2773 |
MacINTYRE, Donald Joseph | 764 |
MacISAAC, Donald S. | 3549 |
MacKAY, Robert Lynn | 2773 |
MacKENNA, Clair Lovett | 2637 |
MACKENZIE, Geneve Marion | 3358 |
MacKENZIE, Karl Milton | 2141 |
MacKENZIE, Sadie Annettie | 1254 |
MacKIE, Neil Leonard | 192 |
MacLEAN, Archibald | 1076 |
MacLEAN, Lillian Isabel | 2773 |
MacLEAN, Nancy Patrice | 1589 |
MacLEAN, Ruth Marion | 4604 |
MacLEAN, Susan | 264 |
MacLEOD, Patricia Irene | 192 |
MacNEIL, Angus Joseph | 3451 |
MacNEILL, Marjorie Julia | 1861 |
MADDEN, Theresa | 1497 |
MAHONEY, Neita Rose | 1861 |
MALEY, Charles Alexander |
1162 |
MALING, Cedar W. E. | 4306 |
MALLET, J. Gervais | 849 |
MANOS, Antonia | 1675 |
MARSTERS, Laurence Sanford | 3160 |
MARTIN, Margaret Elizabeth | 2638 |
MASON, Granville Firth | 4400 |
MATCAIRN, Fred William | 4401 |
MATTAR, Charlotte | 4701 |
MATTHEWS, Robert Dawson | 2437 |
MAXWELL, William Stanley | 3549 |
McCLEAVE, Barbara | 2968 |
McENANEY, Emily Esther | 499 |
McGRATH, Dorothy Mildred | 2638 |
McLAIN, Harry Joshua | 337 |
McLEAN, Arthur Kenneth | 192 |
McNEIL, Watson P. | 3062 |
McNUTT, Muriel Ramona | 3257 |
McRAE, James Ivor | 1420 |
MEAGHER, Blanche Margaret | 2228 |
MILLER, Lydia J. | 3766 |
MILLER, Mary Ruth | 1420 |
MILLER, Philip McHeffey | 337 |
MILLS, William Edward | 849 |
MOONEY, Craig McDonald | 2773 |
MOORE, Mary Tone | 2333 |
MOREAU, Frank Gerald | 425 |
MOREAU, Frank Gerald | 1420 |
MORTIMER, Kate A. | 849 |
MOSSMAN, Vernetta Florence | 2874 |
MOULES, Albert Leo | 1254 |
MUNDLE, Agnes Evelyn | 2228 |
MUNROE, Anne Amelia | 3549 |
MUNROE, Nina Eileen (cancelled) | 1589 |
MURPHY, Edith C. | 192 |
MURPHY, James Francis | 1954 |
MURRAY, Hugh MacDonald | 3640 |
MURRAY, John Douglas | 1254 |
MURRAY, Rona Irene | 1589 |
MYERS, Florence | 3550 |
NEARY, Myrna | 264 |
NELSON, Alice Irene | 1254 |
NEWBURY, Freda Alice | 670 |
NICKERSON, Ercell Garth | 3864 |
O'BRIEN, Charles Joseph | 4306 |
O'DONNELL, Arthur William | 1675 |
ORR, John Irving | 1255 |
OSBURG, Elisabeth Johanna Emma | 2437 |
OSBURG, Harry | 2437 |
OVENSTONE, Jessie Margaret | 4401 |
PARSONS, Roselta Annie | 3640 |
PATTON, Raymond Scott | 1675 |
PEARSON, Maureen Elizabeth | 4192 |
PECK, James | 1861 |
PHINNEY, Gerald G. | 1954 |
PIERCE, Carman Phalen | 1342 |
PIERCE, Eileen L. | 1342 |
POIRIER, Patricia Louise | 425 |
POTTIE, Edward Joseph | 4604 |
PURVIS, Florence G. | 2333 |
RAE, Effie Bell | 2773 |
RAFUSE, Ethel Irene | 3550 |
RAFUSE, Laurance James Daniel | 3640 |
RAMEY, Kenneth Melroy | 1954 |
RAMEY, Margaret Eleanor | 76 |
RAMEY, Marion Blanche | 3766 |
RANSOM, Karl Kendig | 264 |
RAYMAKERS, John J. | 2333 |
RAYNARD, Kenneth Wayne | 1590 |
REED, Priscilla Jean | 1342 |
REID, Colleen Estelle | 1675 |
REID, Edna Lillian | 764 |
RICHARDS, Vincent Leo | 576 |
RICHARDSON, John Thomas | 3640 |
RICHARDSON, Merville Robert | 264 |
RIPLEY, Bradford William | 1162 |
RIPLEY, Murray B. | 3451 |
RISLEY, Edward Campbell | 1077 |
ROBAR, Travis Basil | 4793 |
ROBICHAUD, Leo J. | 973 |
ROGERS, Jean Alice | 264 |
RUSSELL, Mary Davison | 2874 |
RUSTIG, Eveline Liselotte | 337 |
RUSTIG, Joachim Wolfgang | 337 |
RYAN, William C. | 2141 |
RYBA, Antonina | 1954 |
SANDISON, John Westwood | 764 |
SANGSTER, Bertha Novella | 1861 |
SARTY, Robert J. | 4793 |
SCALLION, Benedict | 974 |
SEARS, Lawrence Edward | 974 |
SELIG, Vida Autumn | 2774 |
SHIELS, Thomas Eugene (readvertised 2003) | 4604 |
SHIERS, John Albert | 4604 |
SILVER, Murray William | 4495 |
SIMONDS, John Frederick | 1758 |
SITEMAN, Charles Lee | 1590 |
SLAUENWHITE, Carmen Lloyd | 4306 |
SMILEY, Verna Grace (Ward) | 4401 |
SMITH, Alvin William | 1861 |
SMITH, Eileen | 3451 |
SMITH, Mary Elizabeth (Betty) | 4401 |
SMITH, Terrance David | 1758 |
SPENCER, Gordon John | 425 |
SPENCER, John Wesley, III | 3640 |
SPURR, Alfred Tennyson | 338 |
STEELE, Catherine C. | 3062 |
STEELE, Josephine Anna | 1758 |
STEVENS, Lawrence Bingley | 4701 |
STRICKLAND, Allan Douglas | 849 |
SURETTE, William W. | 3550 |
SZIRON, Florence Beatrice | 3766 |
TANNER, Ronald Basil | 3640 |
THOMSON, Neil A. | 1758 |
TURNER, Robert Gary | 3451 |
URQUHART, Irene Pearl | 576 |
VAN AUKEN, John A. | 2874 |
VATCHER, Archibald | 1420 |
VEINOT, Doris Adelia | 1676 |
WADE, Mary Thais | 338 |
WATT, Edna S. | 765 |
WAYE, Lloyd George | 2333 |
WEAGLE, Mary Jean | 1497 |
WEBBER, Elizabeth Hazel | 4793 |
WELCH, Lois Ellen | 338 |
WELCHER, Mary Elizabeth | 3160 |
WENTZELL, Ora Maud | 1590 |
WEST, William Arthur | 2141 |
WHIDDEN, Alan Robert | 338 |
WHITE, Margaret Lillian | 1676 |
WHYNACHT, Audrey Pauline | 425 |
WHYNACHT, Marguerite Kathleen | 426 |
WILSON, Helen Marie | 670 |
WOLFE, Leta Elizabeth | 1420 |
WOODWORTH, Royal Ivan | 4063 |
WOOLAVER, Reta (Solemn Form) | 650 |
YOUNG, Alexander Joseph | 2141 |
YOUNG, Charles Stanley (Sr.) | 3959 |
YOUNG, Murdoch J. (Solemn Form) | 650 |
ZINCK, Bruce St. Clair | 76 |
ZWICKER, Guy Owen | 499 |
ZWICKER, Reta Matilda | 576 |
ZWICKER, Winifred May | 2774 |
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This page and all contents copyright © 2005,Province of Nova Scotia. Comments to: Registry of Regulations |
Last updated: August 17, 2005 |