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Name |
Page Number |
Abbott, Ingrid Jane - Halifax | 1414 |
Adams, Kelly L. - Halifax | 3444 |
Adams, Richard D. - Halifax | 2630 |
Algee, Erma C. - Coldbrook | 2629 |
Andrews, Frank J. - Sydney | 3855 |
Armstrong, Hal W. - Lower Sackville | 2861 |
Arsenault, Michelle - Halifax | 4882 |
Barker, Steven George - Halifax | 4394 |
Barnes, Jeffrey Burke - Sydney | 4787 |
Barron, Carmen A. - Boylston | 2630 |
Beals, Kimberley - Dartmouth | 2630 |
Beaver, Donald Brian - Halifax | 4279 |
Bell, A. Cymru - Truro | 647 |
Bell, Tammy Lynn - Digby | 1414 |
Bennett, Dorothy A. - Amherst | 647 |
Bent, Susan - Middleton | 3855 |
Bergeron, Julie Lynn - Halifax | 4882 |
Bernard, Holly Noelle - Stewiacke | 2421 |
Bezanson, Byron G. - Halifax | 2862 |
Bisbee, Brenda - Bedford | 743 |
Black, Frank Alton - Amherst | 1839 |
Bowser, Tara - Bedford | 3536 |
Brown, Dave - North Sydney | 1 |
Brown, Ian R. - Waverley | 4882 |
Buckler, George W. - Tatamagouche | 2630 |
Bullen, Jennefer D. - Dartmouth | 3729 |
Burke, Michael W. - Dartmouth | 1149 |
Burke, Myles F. - Sydney | 648 |
Burrell, Kimberly Irene Kent - Annapolis Royal | 3536 |
Burrows, Kenneth C. - Wellington |
648 |
Burt, Bernice - North Sydney | 1 |
Bushen, Aleshia - Amherst | 1571 |
Butler, James - Halifax | 743 |
Caldwell, Susan J. - Windsor | 409 |
Campbell, Dominika - Halifax | 2421 |
Campbell, Ray F. - Newport | 1414 |
Canavan, Carol A. - Sydney | 2629 |
Carpenter, Raymond L. - Port Hawkesbury | 3729 |
Casey, Duncan E. - Digby | 4582 |
Cathcart, Darlene M. - Sydney | 3855 |
Chambers, James Michael - Wolfville | 2630 |
Chiasson, Nancy - Baddeck | 1665 |
Chiasson, Victor - Grand Etang | 2225 |
Chisholm, Karen C. - New Glasgow | 3635 |
Chisholm, Michael L. - Halifax | 3444 |
Choueiri, Loran - Halifax | 3247 |
Clarke, Paul Philip - Halifax | 4787 |
Comeau, Louise - Meteghan | 4582 |
Conrad, Goldie I. - Bridgewater | 257 |
Conrod, Bruce - Halifax | 1414 |
Cookson, Wayne - Halifax | 4787 |
Corkum, Deanne Gail - Digby | 1414 |
Cornish-Taylor, Kelli - Enfield | 3444 |
Crane, Pamela R. - Dartmouth | 2421 |
Crocker, Denise T. - Yarmouth | 3444 |
Crowell, Sharon - Halifax | 3443 |
D'Astous, Denise - Halifax | 837 |
Davies, Robert James - Sydney | 1149 |
Day, Rosalie - Louisdale | 648 |
Day, Victoria Louise - Chester | 4787 |
Dean, Louise Theresa - Kentville | 2421 |
DeBaie, Sarah - Halifax | 139 |
DeCoste, Cathy - Halifax | 743 |
DeCoste, Ralph Joseph - Monastery | 4279 |
DeSchiffart, Susan Hunt - Dartmouth | 3635 |
DesJardins, Tina M. - Dartmouth | 3729 |
Deveau, Glenda - Yarmouth | 1047 |
Dickey, Stephen F. - Halifax | 923 |
DiDiodato, Gina - Dartmouth | 3729 |
Dolliver, W. Darryl - Kentville | 4394 |
Donaldson, G. Robert - Truro | 4279 |
Donnelly, Patricia - Halifax | 3855 |
Dorey, Gregory Dean - Hantsport | 2630 |
Downey, Tina Marie - Halifax | 2421 |
Duff, Michelle - Halifax | 139 |
Dugas, Nicole Lyn - Yarmouth | 1047 |
Dumelié, Dale Keddy - Lunenburg | 1149 |
Dunn, Adrianne - Sydney | 3536 |
Durnford, Joan M. V. - RR 3 Bridgewater | 4691 |
Emenau, Elizabeth Anne - Bridgewater | 648 |
Emerson, Patricia L. - Halifax | 331 |
Ernst, Geraldine (Gerry) - Halifax | 1665 |
Everett, Fay Marie - Annapolis Royal | 3536 |
Facey, Laura Louise - New Glasgow | 3055 |
Fader, Kim Leslie - Halifax | 2630 |
Fancy, Amanda - Bridgewater | 409 |
Fergus, Cathy - Bible Hill | 4487 |
Ferguson, Norman A. - Stellarton | 2862 |
Fletcher, Bruce - Kennetcook | 2225 |
Forbes, Sandra - Bedford | 1665 |
Forsyth-Yeadon, Donna - Halifax | 139 |
Francis, Nelson - Digby | 923 |
Frankland, Dianna L. - Digby | 2225 |
Franklin, Donna B. - Digby | 3856 |
Galbraith, Susan - Halifax | 743 |
Gardiner, Suzanne M. - Antigonish | 1047 |
Gaudet, Michael L. - Belnan | 2630 |
Gaul, Judith Arline - Dartmouth | 1665 |
Godwin, Shelley Denise - Berwick | 2421 |
Goldie, Heather - Halifax | 4153 |
Gould, Jacqueline R. - Pubnico | 4582 |
Gouthro-Snow, Judith - Sydney | 3855 |
Grady, Juli - Halifax | 139 |
Grant, Kelley Elizabeth - Halifax | 3536 |
Gray, Gayle K. - Halifax | 837 |
Greene, Angela - Amherst | 1329 |
Greening, Janet - Lower Sackville | 409 |
Griffin, Mary C. - Annapolis Royal | 3443 |
Griffiths, Valerie - Halifax | 2421 |
Gupta, Sanjeev - Halifax | 3444 |
Hall, Deborah A. - Westchester | 4881 |
Hamilton-Hinch, Barbara-Ann - Halifax | 647 |
Handren, Cindy - Truro | 4279 |
Hardy, Kathy - Sydney | 3856 |
Harvey, Annie M. - Windsor | 409 |
Hayre, Earl Douglas - Halifax | 4394 |
Hayre, Janet Diana - Halifax | 4582 |
Henwood, Mike - Halifax | 837 |
Hernden, Lindsay - Halifax | 744 |
Hicks, David Thomas - Amherst | 1839 |
Higgins, Brian G. - Halifax | 4394 |
Hiltz, Stephanie A. - Kentville | 3444 |
Hines, Erna May - Pictou | 257 |
Hines, Stephen C. - Sydney | 837 |
Holden, Heather R. - Halifax | 1839 |
Hollis, Jennifer - Halifax | 139 |
Holmesdale, Arthur Donald - Wolfville | 4582 |
Hubley, Gloria - Bridgewater | 4582 |
Hubley, Maureen E. - Halifax | 3444 |
Huestis, Suzanne Mary - Berwick | 648 |
Humby, Darlene L. - Sydney | 2862 |
Hurd, Martin J. - Halifax | 1414 |
Hutt, Karen L. - Halifax | 3055 |
Ineson, Peter Gordon - Halifax | 2630 |
Isenor, Karen Irene - Dartmouth | 4787 |
Isnor-Boyd, Nancy - Windsor | 4882 |
Jardim, Ruth E. - Halifax | 4153 |
Jewers, Heather - Halifax | 3535 |
Johnson, Linda Marie (MacDonald) - Antigonish | 4280 |
Jones, Linda - Halifax | 2421 |
Josephson, Belinda R. - Liverpool | 1665 |
Joyce, Brenda Lee - Halifax | 3444 |
Kampen, Deborah - Trenton | 648 |
Keats, Blanche M. - Digby | 2630 |
Kenney, Donna Marie - Dartmouth | 2225 |
Kent, Geraldine M. - Halifax | 2225 |
Keough, Donna Marie - Sydney | 4582 |
Kissock, Joyce - Tatamagouche | 2630 |
Ladd, Shelley - Yarmouth | 1665 |
LaFleur, Sarah (Sally) D. - Barton | 648 |
Lane, Richard D. - Halifax | 744 |
Lawson, June E. - Liverpool | 1839 |
LeBlanc, Audrey - Margaree | 4881 |
LeBlanc, Rick E. - Dartmouth | 4280 |
LeFrense, Tracy Dyan - Bedford | 3444 |
LeRue, Sally - Halifax | 1665 |
Letourneau, Mary - Halifax | 1571 |
LeVatte, Melanie Erin - Dartmouth | 3729 |
Lightfoot, Heather Jo - Kentville | 3247 |
Little, Marilyn - Halifax | 2421 |
Locke, Pamela - Halifax | 744 |
Lockhart, Lesley Jane - Amherst | 409 |
Logan, Collin J. - Lantz | 743 |
Lombardo, Frank - Guysborough | 2630 |
Long, Anne Marie - Halifax | 3444 |
Lyle, Vera - Halifax | 139 |
Lynch, Connie - Halifax | 139 |
MacArthur, Gina - Sydney | 1 |
MacCulloch, Carol - Dartmouth | 1414 |
MacDonald, Catherine J. - Halifax | 3444 |
MacDonald, Fern - Inverness | 648 |
MacDonald, Ian Michael - Kentville | 4582 |
MacDonald, Karen L. - Amherst | 648 |
MacDonald, Lisa Ann - Port Hawkesbury | 2225 |
MacDonald, Robert H. - New Glasgow | 1839 |
MacDonald, Stephanie - Sydney | 1 |
MacDonald, Vera - Mulgrave | 837 |
MacDonald, Wanda - Guysborough | 139 |
MacFarlane, Mary Theresa - Antigonish | 1414 |
MacInnis, Michael Laurie - Halifax | 3444 |
MacIntosh, Holly Christine - West Bay | 3247 |
MacIntyre, John C. - Halifax | 837 |
MacKay, John G. - Digby | 3055 |
Mackenzie, Ronald A. - Halifax | 2630 |
MacKinnon, Frederick D. - Inverness | 4582 |
MacKinnon, Georgeina - Glace Bay | 1 |
MacKinnon, Kathy - Upper Tantallon | 3729 |
MacKinnon, Rodina - Sydney | 2225 |
MacLean, Heather A. - Sheet Harbour | 1 |
MacLean, Jeanette - Halifax | 4787 |
MacLean, Lauchie - Baddeck | 1329 |
MacLean, Lori - Sydney | 744 |
MacLean, Michael - Halifax | 1665 |
MacLean, Patricia L. - Halifax | 4582 |
MacLean, Sean Martin - New Glasgow | 1414 |
MacLean, Sgt. Don - Halifax | 2630 |
MacLellan, Angela D. - Halifax | 4582 |
MacLeod, Judith Anne - Truro | 2421 |
MacNeil, Margaret Ann (Peggy) - New Glasgow | 2630 |
MacNeil, Susan - Bedford | 3055 |
MacNeil, William F. - Dartmouth | 4787 |
MacPhail, Beverley - New Glasgow | 4394 |
MacPherson, Heather M. - North Sydney | 3055 |
MacQuarrie, D. Blaine - Port Hawkesbury | 1 |
MacSween, Carl G. - Sydney | 2630 |
Magee, Catherine R. - Sydney River | 3536 |
Mahar, Deanna Marie - Kentville | 3536 |
Malcolm, Jennifer L. - New Glasgow | 2862 |
Mann, Allan L. - Halifax | 4394 |
Manuel, Janet Mary - Halifax | 3729 |
Matheson, Deanna - Kentville | 2225 |
Matheson, Douglas - Halifax | 1665 |
Matheson, Sandra - Sydney | 2629 |
Mattatall, Elroy M. - Dartmouth | 1414 |
Matthews, Sharon Stephanie - Sydney | 744 |
McCready, Connie Anne - Dartmouth | 2862 |
McDow, Mildred Ellen - Dartmouth | 3729 |
McGee, Paul J. - Halifax | 4882 |
McInnis, Catherine - Glace Bay | 648 |
McKenzie, Jessie - Sydney | 744 |
McLellan, Leanna S. - Windsor | 1839 |
McNaughton, Blair N. - Halifax | 3536 |
McPhee, Colleen M. - Sydney | 743 |
Melvin, Christopher L. - Halifax | 140 |
Miller, Sheila D. - Sydney | 3855 |
Mombourquette, Paul - Lantz | 1149 |
Montgomery-Frizzell, Donna - Baddeck | 2630 |
Moore, Herbert Owen - Waverley | 3729 |
Moore, Leslie Ruth - Windsor | 409 |
Mosher, Bruce P. - Dartmouth | 4280 |
Mosher, Erin S. - Dartmouth | 3729 |
Mosher, Ruth - Dartmouth | 3729 |
Mosher, Sarita J. - Bedford | 1839 |
Mossman, Amanda Elaine - Bridgewater | 3444 |
Mott, Heather - Dartmouth | 1571 |
Munroe, Shelley Dawn - Sydney | 4153 |
Murphy, Annastasia - New Glasgow | 648 |
Murphy, Douglas Gerald - Dartmouth | 3729 |
Murray, Charles R. - Amherst | 4582 |
Myra, Pamela Marie - Chester | 2862 |
Naas, Pamela M. - Halifax | 2630 |
New, Lynn Elizabeth - Halifax | 4582 |
Nippard, Lesley Anne - Enfield | 3151 |
Nippard, Leslie Anne - Enfield | 2630 |
Noiles, Susan J. - Amherst | 2630 |
Norman, Tara L. - Halifax | 4881 |
O'Brien, June Marie - Halifax | 3856 |
O'Keefe, Gael - Halifax | 4582 |
Ormond, Christene Dawn - Antigonish | 4787 |
Osbourne, Susan - Halifax | 2421 |
Pace, Susan Elaine - Halifax | 2421 |
Palmer, Edward George - Bedford | 4153 |
Parker, Angela - Truro | 4582 |
Parsons, Randall A. - Bickerton | 4582 |
Perley, Karen - Antigonish | 2225 |
Pero, Joanna L. - Sydney | 1839 |
Perry, Edward Patrick - Amherst | 1839 |
Pettipas, Amy Marie - Halifax | 648 |
Piercy, Ethel S. E. - Oxford | 2630 |
Pike, Peter C. - Enfield | 2421 |
Pittman, Jo-Anne - Westville | 4393 |
Poulin, Roxanne - Greenwood | 4581 |
Power, Paul - Halifax | 837 |
Power, Theresa L. - Bedford | 3855 |
Pozdnekoff, Pat - Halifax | 1665 |
Racey, Elizabeth - Halifax | 140 |
Rae, Karen Marie - Truro | 3729 |
Rankin, Patricia Ann - Bridgewater | 3055 |
Rathbun, Carolyn - Windsor | 4882 |
Redden, Garth David - Halfiax | 4394 |
Redden, Margaret E. - Upper Musquodoboit | 648 |
Retson, William E. - Truro | 743 |
Rew, Allison - Blockhouse | 2038 |
Rhymes, Cindy - Halifax | 140 |
Riley, Elaine - Sydney | 2629 |
Ripley, Lina C. - Parrsboro | 2630 |
Rizkallah, Loran - Halifax | 140 |
Roberts, Doreen R. - Canso | 4787 |
Robichaud, Cheryl - Halifax | 4882 |
Robinson, Dean - Halifax | 4788 |
Rose, Dawn - Halifax | 3443 |
Rossong, Mary Lisa - Halifax | 3055 |
Roy, Jean-Claude, Dartmouth | 744 |
Royal, Faye Christine - Stellarton | 647 |
Ryan, Donna M. - Truro | 744 |
Sampson, Nancy Marie - Halifax | 2421 |
Saulnier, Nadine R. - Meteghan | 744 |
Saunders, Julie - Halifax | 140 |
Scott, Connie - Amherst | 1329 |
Scott, Marlene E. - RR 3 Truro | 1329 |
Scott, Pauline - Halifax | 3856 |
Scott, Sheri Christene - New Glasgow | 1665 |
Seymour, Sharon Anne - Bridgewater | 2862 |
Shaffner, Natalie - Halifax | 1329 |
Shaw, Johan - Dartmouth | 4582 |
Sheehan, Jo-Anne K. - Halifax | 1665 |
Sheppard, Alan - Halifax | 1 |
Sherlock, Shelley - Glace Bay | 1 |
Sigouin, Marc - Halifax | 837 |
Sims, Paul - Halifax | 744 |
Sinclair, Kim - Sydney | 3536 |
Slade, Judith A. - Dartmouth | 1 |
Smale, Patrick Walter - Middleton | 3444 |
Smith, Chiles - Halifax | 1665 |
Smith, Erna May - New Glasgow | 4393 |
Smith, Len - Halifax | 140 |
Smith, Valerie - Halifax | 4582 |
Smith, Walter E. - Antigonish | 4691 |
Sparling, Katherine M. - Sydney | 4788 |
Spidle, Darryl Roy - Brooklyn | 923 |
Staley, Deborah Eileen - Bedford | 1839 |
Starritt, Cameron Amos - Halifax | 4153 |
Steele, David A. - Lower Sackville | 257 |
Steeves, Theresa M. - Bedford | 3729 |
Stewart, Kimberly D. - Truro | 2421 |
Swan, Sylvia - Dartmouth | 4280 |
Teiman, Edward David - New Glasgow | 2630 |
Tennant, Michael - Digby | 1 |
Terrio, M. David - Halifax | 648 |
Theriault, Sandra L. - Yarmouth | 744 |
Thibault, Karen L. - Yarmouth | 2630 |
Thibault, Lia - Halifax | 331 |
Thompson, David Harold - Berwick | 2630 |
Tobin, Debbi - Antigonish | 409 |
Tobin, Debbi M. - Port Hawkesbury | 3443 |
Townsend, Peter - Annapolis Royal | 4582 |
Townsend, Reverend Randy Duane - Hubbards | 4280 |
Tracey, Nancy L. - Middleton | 4788 |
Tulk, Elaine - Halifax | 140 |
Turple, Justin - Halifax | 1665 |
Usifer, Sandra M. - Ingonish | 1414 |
Van Luven, Ken - Halifax | 837 |
Vandendorpel, Deborah - Antigonish | 4280 |
Vermette, Deborah Jane - Middleton | 3444 |
Verschuren, Lana Mae - Sydney | 923 |
Walker, Edith Ernestine - Halifax | 648 |
Walker, Mindee-sue - Halifax | 3856 |
Walsh, Michael C. - Halifax | 4153 |
Warwick, Sharon Jennie - Dartmouth | 409 |
Waterfield, Kirsten - Halifax | 140 |
Watson, Bobbie-Jean (B.J.) - Dartmouth | 2225 |
Weatherby, Kathleen Elaine - Halifax | 3055 |
Webb, Colleen - Halifax | 140 |
Weeks, Alan E. - Halifax | 2630 |
Whelan, Connie - Halifax | 1839 |
White, Darrell Eugene - Oxford | 2631 |
White, Douglas - Halifax | 4280 |
White, Leeanne - Halifax | 4582 |
Whynot, Patricia L. - Bridgewater | 3151 |
Whynot-Lohnes, April - Bridgewater | 3444 |
Wigglesworth, Armand Frederick - Summerville Centre | 4582 |
Williams, Anja D. - Dartmouth | 2861 |
Williams, Betty L. - Sydney | 4394 |
Williams, Brenda - Halifax | 2421 |
Williams, Douglas Alister - Springhill | 2225 |
Williams, Graham C. - Sydney | 4394 |
Williams, Sherry Lynn - Halifax | 3536 |
Williams, Susan Jayne - Halifax | 3055 |
Williamson, Jennifer - Baddeck | 2225 |
Willison, Krista Danielle - New Glasgow | 1329 |
Wilson, Anita Marie - Truro | 4393 |
Wilson, Karen Elisa - Halifax | 2421 |
Wilson, Tammy Shirley - Bridgewater | 3444 |
Winters, Heather Lynn - Parrsboro | 4280 |
Wishart, Dale - Sackville | 2631 |
Wood, Milton - Oxford | 1149 |
Wright, D. Wade - Dartmouth | 3730 |
Yakimchuk, Dena - North Sydney | 1 |
Young, Joyce Y. - Lockeport | 744 |
Zima, Brenda Lynn - Halifax | 2421 |
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This page and all contents copyright © 2005,Province of Nova Scotia. Comments to: Registry of Regulations |
Last updated: August 17, 2005 |