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Estate Notices (M to R) | |
Estate of: |
Page Number |
MacASKILL, Christena A. | 3773 |
MacASKILL, Norman J. | 3871 |
MacAULAY, Beryl Beaton | 2973 |
MacBAIN, Beulah Catherine | 78 |
MacCALLUM. Douglas Layton | 4405 |
MacCONNELL, Helen Sophia | 506 |
MacCORMACK, Hugh Allison | 2879 |
MacCORMICK, Catherine | 195 |
MacCUISH, John Charles | 1765 |
MacCUSPIC, Charles F. | 195 |
MacDONALD, A. Webster, Sr. | 3774 |
MacDONALD, Alexander Joseph | 2642 |
MacDONALD, Alexander Stephen (Solemn Form) | 493 |
MacDONALD, Alexander Stephen | 1260 |
MacDONALD, Rev. Allan Alexander | 1168 |
MacDONALD, Angus | 195 |
MacDONALD, Annie | 1260 |
MacDONALD, Aubrey Malcolm | 4310 |
MacDONALD, Charles Alexander | 2642 |
MacDONALD, Donald B. | 1765 |
MacDONALD, Finlay | 3646 |
MacDONALD, Gerrard | 3263 |
MacDONALD, Hattie Viola | 3964 |
MacDONALD, Hugh Ross | 2545 |
MacDONALD, James Ralph | 2879 |
MacDONALD, James W. | 2338 |
MacDONALD, Jean | 1594 |
MacDONALD, John Allan Burdick | 342 |
MacDONALD, John Angus Edward | 582 |
MacDONALD, John Angus | 4500 |
MacDONALD, John Francis | 856 |
MacDONALD, John Robert (Solemn Form) | 2314 |
MacDONALD, John Young | 4405 |
MacDONALD, Kathleen C. | 769 |
MacDONALD, Kathleen Mary | 4799 |
MacDONALD, Leo Joseph | 2642 |
MacDONALD, M. Elizabeth | 2879 |
MacDONALD, Malcolm John | 1347 |
MacDONALD, Mary Ann |
506 |
MacDONALD, Mary B. | 1765 |
MacDONALD, Mary Ellen Fraser | 1765 |
MacDONALD, Mary Sarah | 2778 |
MacDONALD, Muriel Frances | 3455 |
MacDONALD, Rachael Florence | 856 |
MacDONALD, Ronald "Buns" | 1425 |
MacDONALD, Ronald Dan | 4610 |
MacDONALD, Ronald Ivor | 3068 |
MacDONALD, Roy Osborne | 2642 |
MacDONALD, Sally M. | 4500 |
MacDONALD, Shirley Viola | 4610 |
MacDONALD, William Joseph | 677 |
MacDONNELL, Eric Halsey | 506 |
MacDONNELL, Hugh Francis | 2145 |
MacDOUGALL, Kathryn Frances | 2642 |
MacDOUGALL, Marguerite P. | 2233 |
MacEACHERN, Rita | 4707 |
MacFADDEN, Loretta Elizabeth | 3455 |
MacFADYEN, Lauchlin Finlay | 4800 |
MacGILLIVARY, Lloyd Jackson | 4891 |
MacINNIS, Beatrice | 1260 |
MacINNIS, Caroline Frances | 3455 |
MacINNIS, Cecilia | 1682 |
MacINNIS, John Hugh | 677 |
MacINTOSH, James Wesley | 677 |
MacINTOSH, John Donald | 979 |
MacINTOSH, Kenneth Edward Carson | 4068 |
MacINTYRE, Allan Joseph | 4197 |
MacINTYRE, Catherine Isabel | 677 |
MacISAAC, Mary Jane | 4800 |
MacISAAC, Neil Francis | 1682 |
MacISAAC, Norbert Allan | 3774 |
MacKARACHER, Margaret | 1960 |
MacKAY, Alice Woodman | 1595 |
MacKAY, Clifford Daniel | 4707 |
MacKAY, Eileen | 769 |
MacKAY, George Alexander | 3871 |
MACKAY, Lorna Lee | 3774 |
MacKAY, John Henry Gordon | 3964 |
MacKAY, Thomas Edward | 3361 |
MacKEEN, Ralph Vaughan | 1867 |
MacKENZIE, Catherine Florence | 1682 |
MacKENZIE, Clarence S. | 582 |
MacKENZIE, Georgina Laura | 769 |
MacKENZIE, Gerald Richard | 856 |
MacKENZIE, Jean Dawson | 1595 |
MacKENZIE, Katharine Marguerite | 2338 |
MacKENZIE, Neil | 3555 |
MacKENZIE, Nellie Marie | 196 |
MacKENZIE, Shirley Mae | 1082 |
MacKINNON, Alastair David | 4610 |
MacKINNON, Amelia | 1960 |
MacKINNON, Ann Frances | 3068 |
MacKINNON, Dorothy W. | 677 |
MacKINNON, Gertrude | 1765 |
MacKINNON, Jessie Sarah | 431 |
MacKINNON, John Joseph | 1168 |
MacKINNON, Marjorie Edith | 856 |
MacKINNON, Mary J. | 3555 |
MacKINNON, Minnie Edna | 2442 |
MacKINNON, Murdock | 3455 |
MacKINNON, Philip | 1960 |
MacKINNON, Russell | 1347 |
MacKINNON, Stephen Francis | 1348 |
MacKINNON, Violet May | 4707 |
MacKINTOSH, Barbara | 2545 |
MacLEAN, Alexander D. | 677 |
MacLEAN, Florence Catherine | 4068 |
MacLEAN, Henry Neil | 1766 |
MacLEAN, Henry Neil | 2338 |
MacLEAN, Robert Gordon | 677 |
MacLEAN, Stuart Douglas | 431 |
MacLELLAN, Alexander A. | 4405 |
MacLELLAN, Anne Louise | 1766 |
MacLELLAN, Donald Benson | 1504 |
MacLELLAN, John Archibald | 1682 |
MacLELLAN, Lauchlin J. | 678 |
MacLELLAN, Malcolm John | 3774 |
MacLENNAN, John Hugh | 1082 |
MacLEOD, Bertram Y. | 1168 |
MacLEOD, Cecelia | 1504 |
MacLEOD, Donald | 3555 |
MacLEOD, Donald Edward | 1867 |
MacLEOD, Frank Douglas | 4707 |
MacLEOD, Garfield Neil | 1960 |
MacLEOD, Ian Angus | 1595 |
MacLEOD, James Gerald | 4800 |
MacLEOD, Jean Grace | 3774 |
MacLEOD, Jerome | 3964 |
MacLEOD, Laura | 3871 |
MacLEOD, Margaret Davison | 2879 |
MacLEOD, Margaret E. | 2879 |
MacLEOD, Mary E. | 4405 |
MacLEOD, Mary Josephine | 3165 |
MacLEOD, Norman W. | 1504 |
MacMILLAN, Elizabeth H. | 432 |
MacMILLAN, Karla Jane | 2778 |
MacMILLAN, Peter | 856 |
MacNEIL, Donald Joseph | 2879 |
MacNEIL, Doris Leona | 2233 |
MacNEIL, Fr. Frank | 9 |
MacNEIL, Margaret Josephine | 1960 |
MacNEIL, Neil Archie | 770 |
MacNEIL, Theresa | 1168 |
MacNEIL, Violet Agnes (Zinck) | 3068 |
MacNEIL, Walter Joseph | 1961 |
MacNEVIN, William | 856 |
MacPHAIL, Bruce Anthony | 1348 |
MacPHAIL, Eva | 979 |
MacPHEE, Elsie Mavia | 770 |
MacPHEE, Frances Belle | 3455 |
MacPHEE, Sarah | 2050 |
MacPHERSON, Allister Ralph | 1682 |
MacPHERSON, George Frederick | 3455 |
MacPHERSON, Harry A. | 2050 |
MacPHERSON, Jane Marie | 4310 |
MacPHERSON, Lorraine | 2778 |
MacPHERSON, Margaret | 4800 |
MacQUEEN, Margaret Catherine | 1961 |
MacRAE, Philip Kenneth | 1867 |
MacSWEEN, Molena | 4610 |
MacVICAR, Melina Pearl | 342 |
MADER, Virginia Minola | 506 |
MAGLIARO, Silvio | 342 |
MAILMAN, Eugene Hanley | 2050 |
MAILMAN, Russell Norman | 2545 |
MAILMAN, Timothy John | 1082 |
MAIN, Kenneth Geoffrey | 2779 |
MAJOR, Eunice | 4610 |
MANNING, J. Robert | 2233 |
MANNING, Robert Anthony | 4068 |
MANTHORNE, Lila Bernice | 3872 |
MARCHAND, Harley Gerard | 3555 |
MARCHANT, John William | 3774 |
MARGESON, Cynthia Mae | 2879 |
MARKS, Helena Johanna Margaretha | 2146 |
MARO, Kristoffer | 1426 |
MARRIOTT, Lillian Gladys | 1682 |
MARRIOTT, William Ralph | 979 |
MARSH, Elizabeth | 2442 |
MARSHALL, Della Evelyn | 3964 |
MARSHALL, Edith H. | 4800 |
MARSHALL, Lillian Mathilda | 3456 |
MARSHALL, Wilfred Douglas | 4197 |
MARTELL, Donald James | 1168 |
MARTELL, Elizabeth | 3646 |
MARTELL, Henry Alexander | 1348 |
MARTHELEUR, Peter | 1683 |
MARTIN, Laurie Duncan Lorince | 10 |
MARTIN, Lawrence Robert | 1260 |
MARTIN, Marion Gordon | 2146 |
MARTIN, Robert Henry | 269 |
MASON, Gladys Irene | 3263 |
MATHESON, Sarah Ann | 342 |
MATONIS, Maria | 4800 |
MATTHEWS, William Stanley | 1426 |
MATTIX, William Arthur | 196 |
MAUGER, Lloyd | 1961 |
MAUGHAN, Susan Connachie | 1595 |
MAWDSLEY, William Ernest | 4310 |
MAXNER, Mary Kate | 4891 |
MAXWELL, Robert Borden | 1260 |
MAYNARD, Florence Letitia | 4405 |
MAYNARD, George William | 4405 |
McALDEN, Christopher Samuel Wilson | 582 |
McAVOY, Arthur Vincent | 4500 |
McCABE, Patricia | 3646 |
McCARTHY, Daniel Francis | 2973 |
McCARTHY, Haddon Ernest | 3456 |
McCARTHY, Stella | 1961 |
McCORKILL, Marjorie Pearle | 2973 |
McCORMACK, Desiree Ann Cevilla | 3165 |
McCULLOCH, Joseph Alexander | 3165 |
McCULLOCH, Lloyd Roland | 3068 |
McCULLY, Archie Leroy | 4610 |
McCURDY, Marian Ruth | 1867 |
McDONALD, Alice Rebecca | 4707 |
McDONALD, Dorothy Bell | 4058 |
McDOUGALL, John Stanhope | 4800 |
McEWAN, James William | 1595 |
McEWAN, Kathleen | 3263 |
McGEE, Francis David | 1868 |
McGIBBON, Charles Mason | 4068 |
McGRATH, Charles Gregory | 3555 |
McGRATH, Francis Joseph | 1868 |
McGRAY, Edith Alida Clare | 2779 |
McINNIS, Christena | 1504 |
McINNIS, Patricia | 2234 |
MCINNIS, Charles | 3263 |
McISAAC, Thelma Margaret | 4197 |
McKEE, Margaret Ethel | 856 |
McKIM, Margaret Ethel | 770 |
McKINNON, E. Mildred | 2051 |
McKINNON, James Robert | 3263 |
McKINNON, Marie Patricia | 3872 |
McLAREN, Robert Lloyd | 1683 |
McLAUGHLIN, Cecilia Faye | 678 |
McLEAN, Audrey Rosalind | 2146 |
McLEAN, Daniel Alexander | 2879 |
McLEAN, Florence | 1595 |
McLELLAN, Rex Thomas | 3555 |
McLEOD, Crosby William | 2442 |
McMANUS, Geraldine Alta | 3964 |
McNAIR, Barbara Mae | 3263 |
McNAMARA, Frederick Allan | 4405 |
McNEIL, Catherine | 2880 |
McNEIL, Dora | 1261 |
McNEIL, Evaline Jane | 1683 |
McNEIL, Jean Elizabeth | 857 |
McNEIL, Margaret Mary | 4197 |
McNEIL, Peter Francis | 3068 |
McNUTT, Cyril Eugene | 2234 |
McQUEEN, Glen Heber | 3069 |
McWHINNIE, Muriel | 1169 |
MEADE, Dorothy Mae | 1961 |
MEADE, Violet | 3964 |
MEAGHER, Margaret Frances | 2339 |
MECKLIN, Olive Evelyn | 1261 |
MEE, William J. | 770 |
MEIKLE, Alexander Eldon Young | 1868 |
MEISNER, William Chester | 4610 |
MELANSON, Jennie Mary | 1595 |
MELANSON, Louis Bernard | 3456 |
MELANSON, Russel Cameron | 3774 |
MELDRUM, Ernest Calvin | 678 |
MELDRUM, Gerald Lewis | 432 |
MELITIDES, Evangeline Lola | 1595 |
MELITIDES, George Alexander | 1595 |
MELVIN, Rhoda Adell | 1169 |
MERSEY, Leo Howard | 4310 |
MICHALOS, George Michael | 4801 |
MICHAUD, David Clarence | 1868 |
MICHAUD, Joseph Roger | 678 |
MILES, Anastasia | 3165 |
MILES, Mary Gertrude | 1868 |
MILLARD, Eric Richard | 2051 |
MILLEN, James Alfred | 770 |
MILLER, Angus | 2545 |
MILLER, Charles Jehu | 2339 |
MILLER, Clifford Alexander | 2051 |
MILLER, Donald James | 770 |
MILLER, Jean Gertrude May | 2973 |
MILLER, Jean Rose Marie | 4610 |
MILLER, John Robert | 3872 |
MILSOM, Walter Vernon | 1504 |
MILTON, David Elvie | 1683 |
MISNER, Daniel Wayne | 582 |
MISZCZUK, Catherine Gina | 1261 |
MITCHELL, George Alfred | 506 |
MITCHELL, John Thomas | 3555 |
MITCHELL, Lloyd Benjamin | 4707 |
MITCHELL, Madge Kathleen | 2146 |
MITRAKOS, George | 1504 |
MOFFATT, Mabel Emily | 2339 |
MOFFATT, Olive Arlene | 432 |
MOLLOY, Hugh Leo | 4708 |
MOMBOURQUETTE, Agnes I. | 342 |
MONKO, Heather Jean | 4069 |
MOOD, Rhian Lee Devin | 2974 |
MOODIE, Douglas S. | 2643 |
MOORE, Edgar Lloyd | 2234 |
MOORE, Helen Lorraine | 2442 |
MOORE, Josephine Vondel | 1505 |
MOORE, Ruby Alice | 2234 |
MORASH, Douglas Meade | 1505 |
MORELL, Mary Dorothy | 3964 |
MOREN, Helen D. | 4708 |
MORGAN, James Walter | 3165 |
MORGAN-DOWNEY, Deborah | 2339 |
MORIARTY, Corena | 3774 |
MORIN, Rene | 678 |
MORINE, Gerald A. | 3964 |
MORRELL, James Douglas | 4611 |
MORRIS, Charles Francis | 3646 |
MORRIS, Mildred Mary | 1169 |
MORRISON, Ardella Mary | 678 |
MORRISON, Charles R. | 4801 |
MORRISON, Donald | 432 |
MORRISON, Douglas Johnson | 2880 |
MORRISON, Owen Cameron | 3775 |
MORRISON, Stanley Everett | 3165 |
MORROW, Betty Currie | 2643 |
MORSE, John Lloyd | 857 |
MORTON, Harry S. | 78 |
MORTON, Ruth Murray | 1596 |
MORYKOT, John | 1261 |
MOSES, Alice Marguerite | 196 |
MOSES, Jacob Earl | 1596 |
MOSHER, John Lewis | 4611 |
MOULAISON, John Melbourne | 432 |
MOULTON, Richard Walton | 432 |
MUIR, Shirley Gloria | 678 |
MUISE, Astrid | 1083 |
MUISE, Catherine M. | 4311 |
MUISE, Ernest Joseph | 4611 |
MULCAHIE, Mary Agnes Bowen | 1766 |
MULLEN, Edwin Gerald | 3165 |
MULLOCK, Joseph Clark | 2974 |
MULOCK, Margaret Evelyn | 1596 |
MUNRO, George Douglas | 1083 |
MUNROE, Leona Sophia | 3166 |
MURPHY, Bernadette (Solemn Form) | 493 |
MURPHY, Clarence Edgar | 4501 |
MURPHY, Gerald Patrick | 3556 |
MURPHY, Harris William | 1961 |
MURPHY, Lawrence Everette | 4611 |
MURPHY, Margaret Mary | 2146 |
MURPHY, Reginald Laurie | 2051 |
MURPHY, William Joseph | 4891 |
MURRAY, Clyde Richard, III | 3556 |
MURRAY, David Adamson | 3264 |
MURRAY, Dorothy May | 507 |
MURRAY, Douglas Hayes | 507 |
MURRAY, Evelyn S. | 269 |
MURRAY, Gordon Lyman | 432 |
MURRAY, Marion Alma | 342 |
MURRAY, Mary Grace | 1261 |
MURRAY, Ruth B. | 771 |
MYERS, Anna Susan | 979 |
MYERS, Daniel Aubrey | 1683 |
MYLES, Donald N. | 4405 |
NAAS, Dwayne Derek | 1596 |
NASON, Genevieve E. | 4069 |
NATVIK, Angerd Sara | 2779 |
NATVIK, Dagfinn Orbeck | 2643 |
NAUGLER, Mildred Elizabeth | 4311 |
NAUSS, Madge Lucille | 1868 |
NEILY, Vera Constance | 979 |
NELSON, Loretta Pearl | 1083 |
NELSON, Muriel Norma | 4501 |
NETTLETON, Ida Ruth | 79 |
NEVES, Ralph Burwill | 3166 |
NEVILLE, Ursula Augustine | 980 |
NEWCOME, Mona | 4611 |
NEWELL, John Alfred | 4611 |
NEWELL, Lavance T. | 2443 |
NICHOLS, Douglas Everett | 2779 |
NICHOLSON, Earl Gray | 3069 |
NICHOLSON, John J. | 4501 |
NICKERSON, Burnley Thomas | 679 |
NICKERSON, Eva Leona | 3362 |
NICKERSON, Jean | 1261 |
NICKERSON, Leonard Clinton | 582 |
NICKERSON, Lorraine Louise | 679 |
NICKERSON, Myrna Loy | 980 |
NICKERSON, Ralph Uriah | 3872 |
NIELSEN, Hans Christian | 2643 |
NIXON, Irene Bethia | 1961 |
NOCK, Katherine Margaret | 4708 |
NOEL, Doris Louise | 3362 |
NORTON, Margaret Rose | 1961 |
NOVELLO, Antonio | 1083 |
NUTTALL, Vernon St. Clair | 1683 |
O'BLENIS, Elaine H. | 2339 |
O'BRIEN, Brian Joseph | 507 |
O'BRIEN, Leah | 3646 |
O'DONNELL, Shawn Patrick | 1348 |
O'HANDLEY, Joseph Allen | 2974 |
O'HEARN, Joseph Clarence | 2234 |
O'LEARY, Viola Dorothy | 1261 |
O'SHEA, Francis Melvin | 1348 |
O'TOOLE, Dollie | 679 |
OBENDORF, Hazel | 507 |
OBENDORF, Philip John | 79 |
OGILVIE, Janet Alberta | 679 |
OICKLE, Aubrey Wesley | 857 |
OICKLE, Debney Basil | 1505 |
OLDHAM, Catherine Florence | 2146 |
OLTHOUSE, Stella Mae | 3556 |
ORTON, Mildred Elva | 343 |
OUELLETTE, William Joseph | 2880 |
OUTHOUSE, Hughie Franklin | 3775 |
PADDOCK, Norman Stacey | 2546 |
PAINTER, Reginald John | 507 |
PALUMBO, Ellen Catherine (Helen) | 4069 |
PARKER, Charles Rae | 3646 |
PARKER, Lois Ada | 4501 |
PARKER, Willena Anne (Connie) | 2643 |
PARNELL, Kathleen Margaret | 4801 |
PARRIS, Geraldine Elizabeth | 3456 |
PARSONS, Julia Mildred | 4197 |
PARSONS, Martin | 4611 |
PARSONS, Nellie Mae | 4069 |
PATTEN, Mildred Ida | 3647 |
PATTERSON, Clifford Phillips | 583 |
PATTERSON, Ronald Irwin | 3647 |
PAUL, Lorne Winfred | 269 |
PAULIN, Robert Joseph | 4708 |
PAYNE, Arthur Ray | 4069 |
PAYSON, Charles Arnold | 343 |
PAYZANT, Clifford Cecil | 343 |
PEARL, Warren Vincent | 507 |
PECK, Jean MacArthur | 1169 |
PELERINE, Elizabeth Ann | 4406 |
PELLETIER, Mabel Eugenie | 857 |
PELRINE, Beatrice Bessie | 2234 |
PENNEY, Bernard J. | 1083 |
PENNEY, Edward John | 2051 |
PENNY, Gerald Frederick | 3264 |
PENNY, Mamie Mary | 433 |
PERRIN, Cecil Frederick | 2234 |
PERRIN, Raymond A. | 1683 |
PERRY, Benjamin | 2643 |
PERRY, Carl Makaska | 771 |
PERRY, Ralph Clayton | 583 |
PERTUS, John Wilfred | 2339 |
PETERS, Robert Arthur (Solemn Form) | 4789 |
PETHICK, William Homer | 1083 |
PETRIE, Hilda Mary | 2974 |
PETTIPAS, Raymond Kenneth | 1683 |
PHALEN, Joseph Dougal | 1348 |
PICK, Marian Evelyn | 269 |
PIERCE, Sylvia Jane | 1766 |
PIKE, Walter D. | 2779 |
PINKHAM, Bessie Maude | 2643 |
PITCAIRN, Mildred | 1868 |
PITTMAN, Ralph George | 1869 |
PLATT, Henry Hopton | 1505 |
PLEASANT, Norma Aleta | 4069 |
POIRIER, James Thomas | 1684 |
POIRIER, Jean Elizabeth | 2234 |
POIRIER, Jerome J. | 4801 |
PORTER, Garnet W. | 3264 |
PORTER, Grace Hilda | 1426 |
PORTER, John Robert | 1348 |
PORTER, John William | 3264 |
PORTER, Joyce Audrey | 1261 |
PORTER, Magdalene Helena Claudette | 857 |
PORTER, Murray W. | 4197 |
PORTER, Willard Edwin | 583 |
POSTLETHWAITE, Eric G. | 1348 |
POTHIER, Jean Emily | 1262 |
POTTIE, Mary Martha | 3965 |
POULER, Wilfred Bernard | 1348 |
POULOS, Stratos Peter | 3556 |
POUND, John David | 3069 |
POWER, Harold Edward | 3556 |
POWER, Joseph Russell | 196 |
POWER, Kathleen ("Kay") Rose | 1596 |
POWER, Keith Eldon | 4406 |
POWER, Ovelina Marion | 2051 |
POWER, Steven Joseph | 1869 |
PRYOR, Harry Roger | 343 |
PUDDINGTON, Elizabeth Lorraine | 4611 |
PUGH, Herbert Hamilton | 2146 |
PULLEY, Marie C. Russell | 196 |
PULLEY, Orrin Warden | 10 |
PURCELL, Charles Vincent | 3456 |
PURCELL, Roy Wilson | 1596 |
PURDY, Edith Erma | 3456 |
PURDY, Wallace Roland | 196 |
PURKIS, Charles Alfred | 980 |
PURSE, Ruth B. | 583 |
PURVIS, George Austin | 2051 |
PYKE, Marion Elizabeth | 4612 |
QUINLAN, Cynthelia McGray | 583 |
QUINLAN, Margaret Lunn | 583 |
QUINN, Masie Doris | 3264 |
RACINE, Leslie E. (Earl) | 343 |
RAFUSE, Edna Winnifred | 4612 |
RAFUSE, Eileen Pearl | 1169 |
RAFUSE, James Everett | 1083 |
RAFUSE, Phyllis Irene | 4612 |
RALPH, Dorothy E. | 2974 |
RAMSAY, Arthur Alfred | 4801 |
RAMSAY, Isabelle | 4069 |
RAMSAY, Marion A. | 4612 |
RAND, Howard Barclay | 2546 |
RANKIN, Annie Ellen | 3872 |
RANKIN, John C. | 1169 |
RAWDING, Dorothea M. | 1962 |
READING, Marion Ruth | 1869 |
RECTOR, Donald Wayne | 3647 |
RECTOR, June Darlene | 771 |
REDMOND, Marjorie Gertrude Bernice | 1349 |
REDMOND, Walter Arnold | 433 |
REGAN, Evelyn Belle ( Solemn Form) | 257 |
REGAN, Evelyn Belle | 2546 |
REID, Grace Ann | 1596 |
REID, James Gillum | 1962 |
REID, Margaret Ruth | 3647 |
REINBOLD, Michael | 2051 |
RENOUF, Georgina Joan | 3362 |
RETEFF, Murdoch | 2147 |
REYNOLDS, Helen Murray | 4612 |
RHODENIZER, Frances Bertine | 3556 |
RHUDA, Lila Adeline | 2643 |
RICE, Walden Primrose | 4801 |
RICH, Stanford Duncan | 4708 |
RICHARDSON, Basil Rensford | 3166 |
RICHARDSON, Crista Marie | 679 |
RICHARDSON, David Dale | 79 |
RICHARDSON, David James | 2546 |
RICHARDSON, Derald Joseph | 3647 |
RICHARDSON, Evelyn Odessa | 3166 |
RICHARDSON, Thomas | 3556 |
RICHARDSON, Verna Isabelle | 4070 |
RILEY, George Stuart | 4801 |
RILEY, Howard Sinclair | 79 |
RIPLEY, Mary P. | 4612 |
RITCEY, Margaret Mary | 3069 |
RIVERS, Mary Catherine | 1169 |
ROACH, Alphonse | 2339 |
ROACH, Olive Bettina | 4070 |
ROACH, Shirley | 4406 |
ROACHE, Basil Leonard | 2974 |
ROACHE, James Calvin | 3069 |
ROBACZEWSKI, Wieslaw | 980 |
ROBAR, Emily Marion | 433 |
ROBAR, Mary Gertrude | 1766 |
ROBAR, Travis Basil | 1170 |
ROBART, Arthur | 2880 |
ROBBINS, Alice C. | 1505 |
ROBERTS, Austin | 2052 |
ROBERTS, Beverley Adah | 857 |
ROBERTS, Florence | 3166 |
ROBERTS, Laura Kathleen | 507 |
ROBERTSON, Doris Viola | 3264 |
ROBERTSON, Gordon R. | 3069 |
ROBERTSON, Horace Burton | 4406 |
ROBERTSON, Rose | 2644 |
ROBICHAUD, Therese C. | 771 |
ROBINSON, Jean Frances | 2443 |
ROBINSON, Karl Alexander | 3456 |
ROBINSON, Valerie May (nee Miller) | 1596 |
ROCK, Irvin | 1869 |
ROCK, Robert Edwin | 1426 |
ROGERS, Dexter L. | 79 |
ROMA, Francis Napoleon | 3647 |
ROMO, Charles Stewart | 3647 |
ROPER, Howard Waldron | 4612 |
ROSCOE, Ruth Linda | 3069 |
ROSENBLUM, Leah R. | 2147 |
ROSS, Audrey Oneita | 3965 |
ROSS, Bernard Sidney | 2546 |
ROSS, Catherine Rosaline | 4406 |
ROSS, Lawrence Albert | 1766 |
ROSS, Lawrence Coleman | 1766 |
ROUSE, Walter Curwood | 2147 |
ROWAN, James | 1505 |
ROY, Margaret Mrytle | 4708 |
RUSHTON, Pauline Isabel | 4070 |
RUSHTON, Russell Leon | 771 |
RUSSELL, Gwendolyn P. | 771 |
RUSSELL, Theodore James | 583 |
RUTHERFORD, Dorothy Helen | 2339 |
RUTHERFORD, Lloyd Trueman | 507 |
RYAN, Everett | 3069 |
RYAN, James Clement | 3556 |
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This page and all contents copyright © 2005,Province of Nova Scotia. Comments to: Registry of Regulations |
Last updated: August 17 2005 |