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Dominion Beach Provincial Park Designation
made under Section 8 of the
Provincial Parks Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 367
O.I.C. 92-260 (March 10, 1992), N.S. Reg. 61/92
The Governor in Council on the report and recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources dated the 30th day of January, A.D., 1992, pursuant to Section 8 of Chapter 367 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, the Provincial Parks Act, is pleased to:
(a) designate all that area of land situate at Dominion, in the County of Cape Breton, owned by Her Majesty in right of the Province, to be a Provincial Park, the said area of land being described in Schedule “A” and shown outlined in bold line on the copy of Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre Plan No. E-15-30 marked Schedule “B”, both Schedules attached to and forming part of the report and recommendation; and
(b) declare that the Park shall be known by the name of “Dominion Beach Provincial Park”.
Schedule “A”
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land and land covered by water situate, lying and being at Dominion, in the County of Cape Breton, Province of Nova Scotia, as shown on compiled plan showing certain Lands and Lands covered by water at Dominion Beach Provincial Park, Field Plot P-147/89 and filed under C.L.R. No. E-15-30, Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at survey marker CB3480 situate at the intersection of the northern boundary of Highway No. 28 leading from Gardiner Mines to Dominion and the eastern boundary of lands now or formerly of James Campbell. Said survey marker CB3480 being 69° 37' 16", a distance of 916.67 feet from N.S.C.M. 1163 having coordinates of N 16 798 000.58 feet and E 1 369 668.79 feet;
Thence along the northern boundary of the aforementioned Highway No. 28, 84° 53' 23", a distance of 154.14 feet to survey marker CB3481;
Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 455.46 feet, an arc distance of 208.83 feet to survey marker CB3482. Said survey marker CB3482 being 98° 01' 22", a distance of 207.00 feet from last mentioned survey marker;
Thence continuing along the northern boundary of Highway No. 28, 111° 09' 31", a distance of 107.66 feet to survey marker CB3843. Said survey marker CB3843 being at the intersection of the northern boundary of Highway No. 28 and the western boundary of lands administered by Government Services;
Thence along the western boundary of lands administered by Government Services, 21° 09' 31", a distance of 80.0 feet to survey marker CB3845;
Thence 111° 09' 31", a distance of 174.48 feet to survey marker CB3846;
Thence 201° 09' 31", a distance of 80.0 feet to survey marker CB3844. Said survey marker being on the eastern boundary of lands administered by Government Services and the northern boundary of Highway No. 28;
Thence along the northern boundary of Highway No. 28, 111° 09' 31", a distance of 210.64 feet to survey marker CB3483;
Thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 819.20 feet, an arc distance of 297.04 feet to survey marker CB3484. Said survey marker CB3484 being 100° 46' 17", a distance of 295.42 feet from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence 90° 23' 02", a distance of 265.65 feet to survey marker CB3485. Said survey marker being at the intersection of the northern boundary of Highway No. 28 and the northwestern boundary of Old Gardiner Road;
Thence along the northwestern boundary of the Old Gardiner Road on a curve to the right having a radius of 156.10 feet, an arc distance of 111.96 feet to survey marker CB3489. Said survey marker CB3489 being 31° 44' 00", a distance of 109.57 feet from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence continuing along the northwestern boundary of the aforementioned Old Gardiner Road 44° 59' 11", a distance of 208.99 feet to survey marker CB2531;
Thence continuing along the northwestern boundary of the aforementioned Old Gardiner Road 47° 46' 29", a distance of 184.63 feet to survey marker CB3486;
Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 130.00 feet an arc distance of 218.46 feet to a point. Said point being 95° 54' 58", a distance of 193.65 feet from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence along the western boundaries of lands now or formerly of Dominion Hawks Athletic Club and lands now or formerly of the Town of Dominion, 324° 03' 24", a distance of 151.37 feet to survey marker CB3488;
Thence 324° 03' 24", a distance of 56 feet more or less to the mean high water mark of Indian Bay;
Thence northeasterly seaward a distance of 200 feet to a point;
Thence in a northwesterly, westerly and southeasterly direction parallel to and a perpendicular distance of 200 feet from the mean high water mark of Indian Bay and Lingan Bay a total distance of 12,600 feet more or less to a point;
Thence 195°, a distance of 530 feet more or less to a point;
Thence 135°, a distance of 580 feet more or less to a point;
Thence 90°, a distance of 180 feet more or less to mean high water mark of Lingan Bay. Said point being on the eastern boundary of lands now or formerly of James Campbell;
Thence along the eastern boundary of lands now or formerly of James Campbell, 157° 08' 06", a distance of 18 feet more or less to survey marker CB3479;
Thence continuing along the eastern boundary of lands now or formerly of James Campbell 157° 08' 06", a distance of 375.30 feet to the point of beginning.
A tract of land and land covered by water having a total area of 170 acres more or less.
Schedule “B”
[Note: The map referred to as Schedule “B” was not filed with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations.]
Last updated: 10-12-2017