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Parrsboro Fossil Site Protected Site Designation

made under Section 14 of the

Special Places Protection Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 438

O.I.C. 90-102 (January 30, 1990), N.S. Reg. 49/2006

The Governor in Council on the report and recommendation of the Minister of Education dated the 23rd day of January, A.D., 1990, pursuant to Section 7 of Chapter 17 of the Acts of Nova Scotia 1980, the Special Places Protection Act, is pleased to approved the designation by the Minister of Education of the lands described in Schedule “A” and shown outlined in boldline on a plan marked Schedule “E”, as a protected site under the Special Places Protection Act, both schedules being attached to and forming part of the report and recommendation, to be known as the Parrsboro Fossil Site.

Schedule “A”

All and singular that certain lot, piece or parcel of land lying, situate and being on the shore of the Minas Basin in the District of Two Islands in the County of Cumberland in the Province of Nova Scotia as shown on Plan showing survey of Parrsboro Fossil Site dated the 27th day of May, 1988, signed by Grant MacDonald, N.S.L.S. and recorded at the Department of Lands and Forests, Dartmouth, N.S. and being more particularly described as follows:

Commencing at Nova Scotia Coordinate Monument No. 9298 having coordinate values of Northing 16 491 527.67 feet and Easting 18 106 413.78 feet;

Thence 46°10'33" 8716.89 feet to a survey marker set on the south limits of the Two Islands Road at the northeast corner of lands of Murdock Wasson, Bk. 246, Pg. 144;

Thence 165°01'10" 640.50 feet along the east line of the aforesaid lands of Murdock Wasson to a survey marker hereinafter referred to as the point of beginning;

Thence 281°31'49" 145.83 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 248°40'38" 237.39 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 235°57'14" 167.38 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 284°09'21" 205.59 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 250°43'01" 164.28 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 285°00'09" 162.83 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 247°57'27" 123.58 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 234°55'30" 196.59 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker set on the east line of lands of Jeanette Canning, Bk. 203, Pg. 425;

Thence 216°55'41" 205.26 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 238°46'04" 192.15 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 236°08'38" 323.31 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 251°42'29" 188.81 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 260°19'37" 118.85 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 205°11'27" 211.83 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 233°06'49" 265.48 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker;

Thence 239°28'22" 141.35 feet along the top of the cliff to a survey marker set on the west line of the aforesaid lands of Jeanette Canning;

Thence 165°01'10" 190 feet, more or less, down the cliff and across the gravel beach to a point on the edge of the tidal mud flats, being below ordinary high water;

Thence following the edge of the tidal mud flats in a northeasterly direction for a distance of 2985 feet, more or less, to a point being 68°37'35" 2811.73 feet from the last mentioned point;

Thence 345°01'10" 390 feet, more or less, across the gravel beach and up the cliff to the point of beginning. Containing in all 20.8 acres, more or less.

All azimuths are referred to the Nova Scotia Three Degree Modified Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 5, Central Meridian at 64°30' West Longitude.

Being, and intended to be, a portion of lands of Murdock Wasson, Book 246, Page 144 and a portion of lands of Jeanette Canning, Book 203, Page 425 and a portion of the Minas Basin below ordinary high water.

[The plan referred to as Schedule “E” was not filed with the Registry of Regulations.]

Last updated: 10-12-2017