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Polling District Order: Municipality of the County of Richmond

made under Section 369 of the

Municipal Government Act

S.N.S. 1998, c. 18

N.S. Reg. 182/2023 (effective October 4, 2023)


Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board

In the matter of the Municipal Government Act

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In the matter of an application by the Municipality of the County of Richmond to confirm the number of councillors and to alter the boundaries of polling districts


Before:                            Roland A. Deveau, K.C., Vice Chair
Richard J. Melanson, LL.B., Member
Julia E. Clark, LL.B., Member


The Board having heard an application by the Municipality of the County of Richmond pursuant to s. 369 of the Municipal Government Act and the Board issued its decision on August 9, 2023;

It is hereby ordered that the application is approved as follows:


          1.      The number of polling districts is confirmed at five (5);


          2.      The number of councillors is confirmed at five (5);


          3.      The boundaries of the polling districts are amended; and


          4.      The digital maps of the polling district boundaries are attached to this order.

And it is further ordered that all provisions of the Municipal Government Act and the Municipal Elections Act and any other Acts of the Province of Nova Scotia applying to the preparation for and holding of the regular election of councillors of the Municipality in the year 2024 will be complied with as if the above-noted changes had been made on the first day of March, 2024, but for all other purposes, such changes shall take effect on the first day of the first meeting of the Council after the election of councillors for the year 2024.

Dated at Halifax, Nova Scotia, this 4th day of October, 2023.


sgd. Bruce A. Kiley
Clerk of the Board

Graphic showing map of the Electoral Districts of the Municipality of Richmond County

Graphic showing map of Electoral District 1 of the Municipality of Richmond County

Graphic showing map of Electoral District 2 of the Municipality of Richmond County

Graphic showing map of Electoral District 3 of the Municipality of Richmond County

Graphic showing map of Electoral District 4 of the Municipality of Richmond County

Graphic showing map of Electoral District 5 of the Municipality of Richmond County




Webpage last updated: 03-11-2023