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The Brothers Islands Wildlife Management Area Designation

made under clause 15(a) and subsection 113(1) of the

Wildlife Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 504

O.I.C. 2007-191 (March 30, 2007), N.S. Reg. 204/2007

The following area, the approximate boundaries of which are shown in the map attached as Appendix A to this designation, is designated as a Wildlife Management Area to be known as The Brothers Islands Wildlife Management Area.

All those certain two areas of land including land covered by water, comprised of two islands, together known as The Brothers, situate, lying and being seaward from the extreme westerly shoreline of Lower West Pubnico, County of Yarmouth, Province of Nova Scotia, are more particularly described as follows:

Area A

Commencing at a point, said point being the approximate geographic centre of the most northerly island of The Brothers so-called, said point being distant 680 metres more or less on a grid azimuth of due west from the most westerly shoreline of Lower West Pubnico, said point also having grid coordinates of North 4 833 820 metres, East 5 393 210 metres referenced to the 3° Average Terrestrial System 1977 Modified Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 5, Centre Meridian 64° 30' west longitude;

From thence on a grid azimuth of 135° 00' 00'' following a radial line of a circle 250 metres to the point of beginning;

Thence in a clockwise direction following the circumference of a circle having a constant radius of 250 metres, an arc distance of 1570.8 metres to the Place of Beginning containing an area of 19.6 hectares more or less.

Area B

Commencing at a point, said point being the approximate geographic centre of the most southerly island of The Brothers so-called, said point being distance 870 metres more or less on a grid azimuth of due west form [from] the most westerly shoreline of Lower West Pubnico, said point also having grid coordinates of North 4 833 080 metres, East 5 393 020 metres referenced to the 3° Average Terrestrial System 1977 Modified Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 5, Centre Meridian 64° 30' west longitude;

From thence on a grid azimuth of 135° 00' 00'' following a radial line of a circle 250 metres to the point of beginning;

Thence in a clockwise direction following the circumference of a circle having a constant radius of 250 metres, an arc distance of 1570.8 metres to the Place of Beginning containing an area of 19.6 hectares more or less.

Appendix A


Last updated: 10-12-2017