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Order for the Dissolution of the Village of Havre Boucher
N.S. Reg. 159/2021 (effective December 2, 2021)
In the matter of the Municipal Government Act
In the matter of a request by the Municipality of the County of Antigonish for an Order for the Dissolution of the Village of Havre Boucher
In the matter of Section 448 of the Municipal Government Act
Ministerial Order
Whereas: The Honourable Chuck Porter, Minister of Municipal Affairs for Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Nova Scotia, is responsible for the general supervision and management of the Municipal Government Act[, S.N.S.] 1998, c. 18, s. 1, to ensure compliance with the purposes and objects of the Municipal Government Act, as set out in section 2;
And whereas: The Minister of Municipal Affairs may issue an Order pursuant to subsection 448(2) of the Municipal Government Act to dissolve a village upon the request of a municipality where: (i) there has been no meeting of the electors of the village for at least two (2) years, (ii) ninety (90) days’ notice of the proposed dissolution has been served on the village; and (iii) no objection has been filed.
And whereas: Council for the Municipality of the County of Antigonish passed a special resolution dated Tuesday, July 17, 2018 to apply to the Minister of Municipal Affairs to dissolve the Village Commission of the Village of Havre Boucher, pursuant to subsection 448(2) of the Municipal Government Act;
And whereas: The Municipality of the County of Antigonish has confirmed that no meeting of the Village electors has occurred in approximately ten (10) years;
And whereas: Ninety days’ notice of the proposed dissolution of the village was served to the latest village commissioners and village clerk on or about April 3rd, 2018;
And whereas: No objections to the proposed dissolution have been filed;
The Minister hereby orders:
The Village of Havre Boucher be dissolved as a body corporate;
Any assets or liabilities of the Village of Havre Boucher, including outstanding debentures, be vested in the Municipality of the County of Antigonish;
The Municipality of the County of Antigonish to transfer ownership of any Village of Havre Boucher property to the Municipality of the County of Antigonish and assume the provision of any municipal services for the residents of the former Village of Havre Boucher; and
All terms and conditions of this Order be complied with forthwith.
Issued: at Halifax, Nova Scotia this 29[th] day of August, 2018.
sgd. Chuck Porter
The Honourable Chuck Porter
Minister of Municipal Affairs for Her Majesty the Queen
in right of the Province of Nova Scotia
Webpage last updated: 17-12-2021