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Number Plates for Farmers and Fishermen Regulations

made under Section 38 of the

Motor Vehicle Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 293

O.I.C. 2012-335 (October 30, 2012), N.S. Reg. 203/2012


1     These regulations may be cited as the Number Plates for Farmers and Fishermen Regulations.


2     In these regulations,


“farmer” means a person


                         (i)     who resides on a farm and derives the major part of their income from that farm, or


                         (ii)    who operates a farm that gives employment to 1 or more persons on a full-time basis;


                “fisherman” means                          


                         (i)     a person who holds a valid commercial fishing vessel registration under the Fisheries Act (Canada) and a valid registration card issued under Section 36 of the Revenue Act Regulations made under the Revenue Act, or


                         (ii)    a person who holds an aquaculture licence issued under the Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act;


“FM number plate” means a special number plate issued under these regulations to a farmer or a fisherman.

Description of FM number plate

3     An FM number plate must


                (a)    have dimensions of 15.24 cm in width by 30.48 in length;


                (b)    bear the words “Nova Scotia” at the top;


                (c)    bear the letters “FM” followed by random numbers; and


                (d)    be in general accordance with the number plate depicted in Schedule A.

Eligibility for FM number plate

4     On application to the Department in the form approved by the Registrar, and subject to these regulations, a farmer or fisherman may be issued an FM number plate.

Plate issue and display restrictions

5     (1)    An FM number plate may be issued only to a farmer or fisherman.


       (2)    An FM number plate may be displayed only on


                (a)    a commercial truck that is owned or leased by the farmer or fisherman who was issued the plate; or


                (b)    a passenger van with a minimum seating capacity of 7 that is owned or leased by the farmer or fisherman who was issued the plate.

Vehicle use restrictions

6     (1)    A driver must not use a vehicle bearing an FM number plate issued to a farmer for any of the following purposes:


                (a)    to transport any passenger for gain;


                (b)    as transportation to or from the driver’s employment, other than employment related to the farmer’s farm business;


                (c)    to carry goods for gain, unless the goods are for the use of or products of a farm that is located in the Province.


       (2)    A driver must not use a vehicle bearing an FM number plate issued to a fisherman for any of the following purposes:


                (a)    to transport any passenger for gain;


                (b)    as transportation to or from the driver’s employment, other than employment related to the fisherman’s fishing business;


                (c)    to carry goods for gain, unless the goods are for the use of or products of a fisherman.

Schedule A


Depiction of FM Number Plate


Depiction of FM Number Plate


Last updated: 10-12-2017