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Delegation of General Powers to the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers Regulations

made under subsection 6(2) of the

Natural Products Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 308

N.S. Reg. 147/2017 (October 4, 2017)


1     These regulations may be cited as the Delegation of General Powers to the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers Regulations.


2     In these regulations,


“Act” means the Natural Products Act;


“beef cattle” means beef cattle as defined in the Marketing Plan;


“Cattle Producers Commodity Board” means the Nova Scotia Cattle Producers, a body corporate continued under the Marketing Plan;


“Marketing Plan” means the Cattle Marketing Plan made under Section 11 of the Act.

Delegation of general powers

3     Pursuant to subsection 6(2) of the Act, the Council delegates the power to do all of the following to the Cattle Producers Commodity Board, subject to the supervision of Council:


                (a)    investigate the cost of producing, distributing and transporting beef cattle, prices, price spreads, trade practices, methods of financing, management, grading, policies and other matters relating to the marketing or production of beef cattle (clause 6(1)(b) of the Act);


                (b)    do such acts, make such orders and issue such directions as are necessary to enforce the Act, the Marketing Plan and the Cattle Producers Marketing Regulations made under the Act (clause 6(1)(c) of the Act);


                (c)    borrow money for the purposes of carrying out any provision of the Plan (clause 6(1)(e) of the Act);


                (d)    stimulate, increase and improve the marketing or production of beef cattle for the purpose of carrying out the Marketing Plan (clause 6(1)(f) of the Act);


                (e)    exempt from the Marketing Plan any person or class of persons engaged in the production or marketing of beef cattle, or the production or marketing of a class, variety or grade of beef cattle (clause 6(1)(h) of the Act);


                (f)    establish and implement promotional and research programs for the purpose of stimulating, increasing, promoting and improving the marketing of beef cattle and recover all expenses incurred by levying and collecting a rate on persons engaged in the production or marketing of beef cattle (clause 6(1)(fa) of the Act);



                (g)    require persons engaged in the production or marketing of beef cattle to register their names, addresses and occupations with the Cattle Producers Commodity Board (clause 6(1)(i) of the Act);


                (h)    require persons engaged in the production or marketing of beef cattle to register the quantity of beef cattle produced or marketed by them with the Cattle Producers Commodity Board (clause 6(1)(i) of the Act);


                (i)     require persons engaged in the production or marketing of beef cattle to furnish such additional information in regard to beef cattle as the Cattle Producers Commodity Board may determine (clause 6(1)(i) of the Act);


                (j)     inspect the books and premises of persons engaged in the production or marketing of beef cattle (clause 6(1)(i) of the Act);


                (k)    require, by order, any persons who are engaged in marketing or the production of beef cattle to deduct from any amount payable by them to any other person engaged in the production or marketing of beef cattle any amount payable to the Cattle Producers Commodity Board by such other persons by way of licence fees, levies or charges provided for in a plan and to remit all amounts so deducted to the Cattle Producers Commodity Board (clause 6(1)(j) of the Act);


                (l)     require the person in charge of any vehicle thought to be conveying beef cattle to stop the vehicle and to permit any person appointed by the Council for such purpose to inspect the vehicle and its contents (clause 6(1)(k) of the Act);


                (m)   co-operate with any board or agency, established under any federal Act or any provincial Act, to market or promote, facilitate, control, regulate or prohibit the marketing or production of beef cattle and to act conjointly with any such board or agency (clause 6(1)(l) of the Act);


                (n)    prohibit any person, other than the Council or the Cattle Producers Commodity Board from marketing or producing beef cattle (clause 6(1)(m) of the Act);


                (o)    require the furnishing of security or proof of financial responsibility by any person engaged in the marketing or production of beef cattle (clause 6(1)(n) of the Act).


Last updated: 10-12-2017