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Spring Weight Restriction Regulations

made under subsection 20(1) of the

Public Highways Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 371

N.S. Reg. 31/2018 (effective during period ordered by Minister or Minister’s designate)

amended to N.S. Reg. 55/2024 (effective February 22, 2024)

Effective March 6, 2025, these regulations are amended by N.S. Reg. 46/2025.

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.



Roads exempted from regulations


Maximum permitted weights

Exempted vehicles

Special permit for truck hauling bulk milk or solid waste

Effective date


Schedule A: List of Roads Exempt from Spring Weight Restrictions

Annapolis County

Antigonish County

Cape Breton County

Colchester County

Cumberland County

Digby County

Guysborough County

Halifax County

Hants County

Inverness County

Kings County

Lunenburg County

Pictou County

Queens County

Richmond County

Shelburne County

Victoria County

Yarmouth County



1        These terms and conditions may be cited as the Spring Weight Restriction Regulations.

Roads exempted from regulations

2        The roads listed in Schedule A are exempt from these regulations.


3        In these regulations,


“drive axle” means the axle or axle group that is or may be connected to the power source of a motor vehicle and that transmits power to the wheels;


“gross vehicle weight” means the total weight transmitted to the road by a vehicle or combination of vehicles and cargo;


“Schedule B roads” means the roads listed in Schedule B to the Road Lists Regulations made under the Motor Vehicle Act;


“Schedule D roads” means the roads listed in Schedule D of the Road Lists Regulations made under the Motor Vehicle Act;


“self-steering axle” means an axle whose wheels can steer in response to forces generated between its tires and the road, or through mechanisms and linkages that operate independently of the driver, regardless of whether the self-steering mechanism may be rendered inoperative;


“self-steering quad axle” means an axle group composed of a self-steering axle in front of and pneumatically connected to a tridem axle;


“single axle” means 1 or more axles whose centres are included between 2 parallel transverse vertical planes up to but not including 1.2 m apart and that have the same number and size of tires on each side of the axle(s);


“special permit” means a special permit issued under Section 6 to exempt a truck hauling bulk milk or solid waste from the weight restrictions in Section 4, subject to the conditions set out in that Section;


“tandem axle” means an axle group containing 2 consecutive axles that does not include any liftable or self-steering axles, and that has the same number and size of tires on each axle;


“triaxle” means an axle group of 3 or more consecutive axles, 1 of which is a lowered lift axle, that has the same number and size of tires on each axle;


“tridem axle” means an axle group of 3 consecutive, equally spaced axles within a vehicle that does not include any liftable or self-steering axles, and that has the same number and size of tires on each axle;


“tridem equivalent axle” means an axle group of 3 consecutive, equally spaced axles that meets all of the following criteria:


                              (i)      all lift axles are lowered,


                              (ii)     each axle has the same number and size of tires as the others,


                              (iii)    each of its axles attached to the vehicle by identical pneumatic suspensions that automatically provide load equalization.

Maximum permitted weights

4        Except as provided in Section 5, a vehicle or combination of vehicles is permitted on a highway only if its vehicle weight or axle weights do not exceed the following maximums:


                   (a)      for a single axle, a maximum weight of 6500 kg, except for a vehicle specified in clause (e);


                   (b)     for a tandem or triaxle, a maximum weight of 12 000 kg per axle group;


                   (c)      for a tridem axle or tridem equivalent axle, a maximum weight of 18 000 kg per axle group on Schedule B roads or Schedule D roads and 12 000 kg per axle group on all other roads;


                   (d)     for a self-steering quad axle, a maximum weight of 24 000 kg per axle group on Schedule B roads, 18 000 kg per axle group on Schedule D roads and 12 000 kg per axle group on all other roads;


                   (e)      a maximum gross vehicle weight of 12 000 kg for any of the following single drive axle vehicles with an axle weight exceeding 6500 kg per axle:


                              (i)      a school bus,


                              (ii)     a passenger bus,


                              (iii)    a public utility service truck,


                              (iv)    a fire-fighting truck.

Exempted vehicles

5        The weight restrictions in Section 4 do not apply to any of the following vehicles:


                   (a)      a public utility service truck while responding to an emergency situation, including while restoring services or establishing new services in an occupied building;


                   (b)     a fire-fighting truck while responding to an emergency situation, including all of the following:


                              (i)      while attending an actual fire, medical crisis or motor vehicle accident,


                              (ii)     while assisting in a fire investigation;


                   (c)      a fire-fighting truck while returning from an emergency situation referred to in clause (b) refuelled and reloaded with water and supplies;


                   (d)     a fire-fighting truck while travelling to or from a facility for emergency repairs;


                   (e)      a truck transporting bulk milk or solid waste under a special permit.

Special permit for truck hauling bulk milk or solid waste

6        (1)    To obtain a special permit for a vehicle referred to in clause 5(e), the carrier must submit an application to the Office of Service Nova Scotia identifying the exact routes the vehicle is to take.


          (2)    There is no fee for a special permit.


          (3)    A special permit is issued subject to all of the following conditions:


                   (a)      the vehicle must be transporting bulk milk or solid waste;


                   (b)     the weight of the vehicle’s load must be no greater than 80% of the axle loads permitted under the Weights and Dimensions of Vehicles Regulations made under the Motor Vehicle Act and each of its steering axles must carry no more than 6500 kg;


                   (c)      the vehicle must travel only on the routes identified on the special permit;


                   (d)     the special permit must be in the vehicle at all times and must be available for presenting to a compliance officer.

Effective date

7        These regulations are effective during any period specified in an order under subsection 20(1) of the Act made by the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal or the Minister’s designate.


Schedule A: List of Roads Exempt from Spring Weight Restrictions

Annapolis County

1.       Highway 101, from Kings County line westerly to Digby County line, 77.1 km.


2.       Trunk 1, from Kings County line westerly to Middleton town line (east), 8.2 km.


3.       Trunk 1, from Middleton town line (west) westerly to Bridgetown town line (east), 18.2 km.


4.       Trunk 1, from Bridgetown town line (west) westerly to Annapolis Royal town line, 20.6 km.


5.       Trunk 1, from Annapolis Royal town line (west) westerly to Highway 101 Exit 23, 20.3 km.


6.       Trunk 8, from Trunk 1 at Annapolis Royal southerly to Queens County line, 48.8 km.


7.       Trunk 10, from Middleton town line (south) southerly to Lunenburg County line, 48.9 km.


8.       Route 201, from South Street at Bridgetown westerly to Trunk 8 at Annapolis Royal, 21.1 km.


9.       Route 362, from Middleton town line northerly 0.7 km north of Spa Springs Road, 4.2 km.


10.     Brooklyn Street (0424), from Highway 101 Exit 18 southerly to Middleton town line (north), 1.4 km.


11.     Burns Hill Road (0611), from Waldeck Line Road northerly to Tire Recycling Atlantic Canada Corp, 0.3 km.


12.     Cape Road (0524), from Trunk 8 easterly to TIR garage, 0.3 km.


13.     Elliot Road (0434), from Highway 101 Exit 19 southerly to Trunk 1 at Lawrencetown, 2.4 km.


14.     Mary Jane Riley Road (0612), from Highway 101 Exit 23A northerly to Waldeck Line Road, 1.2 km.


15.     Rices Connector (0617), from Highway 101 Exit 21 northerly to Route 201 at Carleton Corner, 0.5 km.


16.     Rices Road (0774), from Highway 101 Exit 21 southerly to V.J. Rice Concrete Ltd., 1.5 km.


17.     South Street (0632), from Bridgetown town line (south) southerly to Route 201, 0.7 km.


18.     Victoria Road (0415), from Highway 101 Exit 18A southerly to Trunk 1 at Wilmot, 1.2 km.


19.     Waldeck Line Road (0487), from Mary Jane Riley Road westerly to Burns Hill Road, 0.3 km.

Antigonish County

1.       Highway 104, from Pictou County line easterly to Guysborough County line, 66.9 km.


2.       Trunk 4, from Highway 104 Exit 30 at Beaver Meadow easterly to Gravel Pit Road, 3.3 km.


3.       Trunk 4, from Beech Hill Road at Beech Hill westerly to Brierly Brook gypsum quarry, 8.2 km.


3A.    Trunk 4, from Route 316 westerly to Brierly Brook gypsum quarry, 16.1 km.


4.       Trunk 4, from Highway 104 Exit 37 easterly to East Tracadie Road, 2.3 km.


5.       Trunk 4, from Highway 104 Exit 38 at Havre Boucher easterly to Highway 104 at Aulds Cove, 8.8 km.


6.       Trunk 7, from Guysborough County line northerly to Highway 104 Exit 32, 28.5 km.


7.       Trunk 16, from Trunk 4 at Monastery southerly to Guysborough County line, 5.0 km.


8.       Addington Forks Road (0446), from Highway 104 Exit 31 southerly to Addington Lane, 0.2 km.


9.       Addington Lane (0606), from Addington Forks Road northerly to TIR field office, 0.4 km.


10.     Beaver Meadow Road (0413), from Highway 104 Exit 30 northerly to Trunk 4, 0.5 km.


11.     Beech Hill Road (0453), from Trunk 4 southerly to soil remediation plant, 7.8 km.


12.     Cloverville Road (0404), from Antigonish town line northerly to Fairmont Road, 4.0 km.


13.     East Tracadie Road (0498), from Trunk 4 northerly to TIR garage, 0.8 km.


14.     Frankville Road (0500), from Highway 104 Exit 38 northerly to Trunk 4, 0.3 km.


15.     Gravel Pit Road (0567), from Trunk 4 northerly to asphalt plant, 0.6 km.


16.     Taylors Road (0510), from Route 316 easterly, 1.4 km.

Cape Breton County

1.       Highway 105, from Victoria County line easterly to North Sydney town line, 15.8 km.


2.       Highway 125, from Highway 105 easterly to Trunk 4 at Grand Lake, 27.9 km.


3.       Highway 162, from Highway 105 Exit 17 northerly to Point Aconi power station, 9.2 km.


4.       Trunk 4, from the former Sydney City limit westerly to the junction of Meadows Road at Sydney Forks, 9.5 km.


5.       Trunk 4, from Sydney town line (east) easterly to Glace Bay town line (west), 14.5 km.


6.       Trunk 22, from Sydney town line (east) southerly to Louisbourg town line (north), 30.5 km.


7.       Trunk 28, from Lingan Road easterly to Dominion town line (west), 5.8 km.


8.       Route 223, from Highway 125 Exit 3 westerly to Grand Narrows Highway, 11.3 km.


8A.    Route 255, from Glace Bay town limits to Long Beach Road, 10.45 km.


9.       Route 239, from Route 305 at Balls Creek northerly to Point Edward Industrial Park, 8.0 km.


10.     Route 305, from Highway 125 Exit 3 at Leitches Creek southerly to Superior Propane bulk plant 0.6 km.


11.     Route 305, from Frenchvale Road easterly to Trunk 4 Sydney River, 7.9 km.


12.     Route 305, from Little Pond Road easterly to Sydney Mines town line, 1.1 km.


13.     Route 327, from Highway 125 Exit 7 southerly to end of listing, 2.4 km.


14.     Alder Point Road (0400), from Highway 105 at Little Bras d’Or northerly to end of listing, 7.4 km.


15.     Beechmont Road (0408), from Frenchvale Road to Municipal Ready Mix Limited’s quarry, 5.1 km.


16.     Birch Grove Road (0410), from Glace Bay town line easterly to McAskills Bridge, 2.7 km.


17.     Blacketts Lake Road (0412), from Coxheath Road easterly to Trunk 4, 1.7 km.


18.     Cow Bay Road (0424), from Sydney city line to end of pavement, 1.0 km.


19.     Coxheath Road (0425), from Blacketts Lake Road southerly to M.S. MacDonald pit, 7.2 km.


20.     Frenchvale Road (0440), from Route 305 southerly to Beechmont Road, 1.6 km.


21.     Gardiner Road (0445), from Trunk 4 northerly to Trunk 28, 3.9 km.


22.     Hinchey Avenue (0467), from Lingan Beach Road easterly to New Waterford town line, 1.0 km.


23.     Industrial Drive (0872), from Trunk 4 southerly to Upper Prince Street, 0.6 km.


24.     Keltic Drive Connector (0960), from Sydport Road to Route 305 (Keltic Drive), 0.5 km.


25.     Lewis Drive (0527), from Trunk 4 westerly to CNR crossing, 0.2 km.


26.     Lingan Road (0493), from Trunk 28 easterly to Hinchey Avenue, 3.5 km.


27.     Little Pond Road (0468), from Route 305 northerly to Toronto Road, 1.8 km.


27A.  Long Beach Road (1079), from Route 255 northerly, 3.7 km.


28.     Main Street (1009), from Alder Point Road westerly to railroad tracks, 0.3 km.


29.     Meadows Road (0473), from Trunk 4 southerly to Morley Road, 6.4 km.


30.     Morley Road (0477), from Meadows Road easterly to Kelly Rock Limited quarry, 0.7 km.


31.     Old Airport Road (0804), from Trunk 4 southerly to turnoff at Nova Mine, 0.1 km.


32.     Old Trunk 5 (0005), from Highway 105 westerly to Hilly Acres Farm, 1.6 km.


33.     Prince Mine Connector (1010), from Highway 162 northerly to Point Aconi Road, 1.1 km.


34.     Shore Road (0514), from Route 305 easterly to end of listing, 0.75 km.


35.     Sydport Access Road (0959), from Highway 125 Exit 5 northerly to Route 239, 3.6 km.


36.     Toronto Road (0525), from Little Pond Road westerly to end of listing, 0.3 km.


37.     Upper Leitches Creek Road (0528), from Route 223 southerly to end of listing, 5.3 km.


38.     Wilson Road (0535), from Trunk 4 to Glace Bay town limits, 1.0 km.

Colchester County

1.       Highway 102, from Highway 104 at Exit 15 southerly to Hants County line, 35.0 km.


2.       Highway 104, from Cumberland County line easterly to Pictou County line, 63.0 km.


3.       Trunk 2, from Trunk 4 at Glenholme westerly to Millers Excavation 1990 Ltd. pit, 1.3 km.


4.       Trunk 2, from Highway 102 Exit 14A westerly to Crowes Mill Road, 3.9 km.


5.       Trunk 2, from Highway 102 Exit 14 easterly to Truro town line (west) 0.8 km.


5A.    Trunk 2, from Truro Town Line, southerly to Whidden Road[,] 7.3 km.


6.       Trunk 2, from Whidden Road southerly to Route 289 at Brookfield, 1.0 km.


7.       Trunk 2, from Route 289 at Brookfield southerly to end of listing, 0.7 km.


8.       Trunk 2, from Commo Road southerly to Hants County line, 8.4 km.


9.       Trunk 4, from Cumberland County line southerly to Highway 104 Exit 12 at Masstown Connector, 20.3 km.


10.     Trunk 4, from Route 311 at Bible Hill easterly to Mingo Road at Kemptown, 17.8 km.


11.     Trunk 4, from Highway 104 Exit 18A at Mount Thom Connector easterly to Pictou County line, 2.9 km.


12.     Trunk 6, from Lake Road at Tatamagouche easterly to Pictou County line at Brule, 13.6 km.


13.     Route 236, from intersection Trunk 2/Meadow Drive (Auth 418) southwesterly to 1 km south of Archibald Road, 11.7 km.


14.     Route 289, from Pictou County line westerly to Highway 102 Exit 12, 51.1 km.


15.     Route 289, from Highway 102 Exit 12 westerly to Fundy Composting and to Brookfield Lumber Company, 8.45 km.


16.     Route 311, from Truro Road at North River southerly to Truro town line at Salmon River, 7.6 km.


17.     Route 336, from Route 289 at Eastville southerly to Halifax County line, 12.5 km.


18.     Belmont Road (0620), from Plains Road at Crowes Mills northerly to Onslow Mountain Road at Belmont, 2.1 km.


19.     Brookside Road (0605), from Trunk 4 and Salmon River Road at Valley Cross Road northerly to Highway 104 Exit 17 westbound on ramp, 0.4 km.


20.     College Road (0482), from Salmon River Road westerly to Burris Drive, 1.0 km.


20A.  College Road (1089), from Burris Drive to Farm Lane, 3.5 km.


21.     Commo Road (1147), from Trunk 2 at Stewiacke northerly to end of listing, 0.8 km.


22.     Crowes Mill Road (0621), from Trunk 2 at Central Onslow northerly to Cross Road, 2.3 km.


23.     Dakota Drive (0931), from Plains Road at Debert northerly to end of listing (including loop at north end), 2.4 km.


24.     Dunlap Avenue (0419), from Trunk 2 at Lower Truro southerly to end of listing at Midland Courier, 0.1 km.


25.     East Folly Mountain Road (0648), from Plains Road at Debert northerly to Staples Brook Road, 1.6 km.


26.     East Prince Street (0481), from Truro town line easterly to Gasper Cross, 1.2 km.


27.     Cement Plant Road (0431), from Route 289 at Pleasant Valley westerly to Lafarge Canada Inc. cement plant, 0.7 km.


28.     Gasper Cross (0495), from East Prince Street northerly to CNR tracks, 0.2 km.


29.     Hudson Street (0929), from Plains Road in Debert westerly to Masstown Road, 1.5 km.


30.     Lancaster Crescent (0932), from Plains Road in Debert to Plains Road (loop on the northeast side of Plains Road), 2.2 km.


30A.  Little Dyke Road (0678), from Trunk 2 westerly, 1.5 km (south end).


31.     Masstown Connector (1163), from Highway 104 Exit 12 southerly to Trunk 4 at Masstown, 0.45 km.


32.     McClures Mill Road (0405), from Truro Heights Road at Lower Truro easterly to Truro town line (west), 1.2 km.


33.     MacElmon Road (0650), from Highway 104 Exit 13 northerly to Plains Road, 1.6 km.


34.     McWilliam Road (0623), from intersection Trunk 2 to end of listing, 0.8 km


35.     Mingo Road (0651), from Trunk 4 at Kemptown northerly to Colchester Municipal Balefill Facility, 1.0 km.


36.     Mount Thom Connector (1159), from Highway 104 Exit 18A northerly to Trunk 4 at Mount Thom, 0.25 km.


37.     Old Greenfield Road (0496), from Valleydale Road easterly to Gillis Trucking, 0.2 km.


38.     Onslow Road (0595), from Highway 102 Exit 14A at Onslow easterly to Route 311 at Upper Onslow, 3.8 km.


39.     Park Street (0482), from Truro town line at Park Street Bridge easterly to Stella Jones wood supply yard, 0.3 km.


39A.  Park Street (0482), from Stella Jones wood supply yard to Route 311, 0.22 km.


40.     Plains Road (0662), from Belmont Road at Belmont northerly to East Folly Mountain Road at Debert, 6.4 km.


41.     Salmon River Road (0484), from Trunk 4/Brookside Road at Valley Crossroads westerly to East Prince Street, 7.2 km.


42.     Stevens Cross Road (0512), from Trunk 4 at Kemptown southerly to Highway 104 Exit 18, 0.5 km.


43.     Truro Heights Connector (0909), from Truro Heights Road easterly to McClures Mill Road, 1.0 km.


43A.  [repealed]


44.     Truro Heights Road (0468), from Route 236 at Lower Truro southerly to Bayside Drive, 1.0 km.


45.     Valley Road (0486), from Salmon River Road easterly to Sparkling Springs Water Plant, 1.3 km.


46.     Valleydale Road (0497), from Valley Road southerly to Old Greenfield Road, 0.3 km.

Cumberland County

1.       Highway 104, from New Brunswick border southerly to Colchester County line, 71.7 km.


2.       Highway 142, from Highway 104 Exit 5 southerly to Trunk 2, 6.5 km.


3.       Trunk 2, from Highway 104 Exit 4 southerly to Smith Road at Upper Nappan, 1.9 km.


4.       Trunk 2, from Little Forks Road at Little Forks southerly to Springhill town line (north), 8.2 km.


5.       Trunk 2, from Springhill town line (south) southerly to Parrsboro town line (north), 40.1 km.


6.       Trunk 4, from Highway 104 Exit 7 at Thomson Station southerly to Colchester County line, 32.2 km.


7.       Trunk 6, from Highway 104 Exit 3 northerly to Amherst town line (west), 1.1 km.


8.       Trunk 6, from Amherst town line (east) easterly to Colchester County Line, 71.6 km.


9.       Route 204, from Oxford town line (west) northerly to Tiger Timber yard, 0.4 km.


10.     Route 209, from Trunk 2 at Parrsboro westerly to TIR base, 2.3 km.


11.     Route 302, from Trunk 2 at Southampton northerly to Roy Hoeg Brothers lumber mill at South Athol, 6.3 km.


12.     Route 307, from Trunk 6 southerly to Quarry Road, 0.5 km.


13.     Route 321, from Oxford town line southerly to Jungle Road, 2.4 km.


14.     Route 366, from Trunk 6 at East Amherst easterly to Chapman Settlement Road, 31.2 km.


15.     Route 366, from Tidnish Linden Road northerly to Frank Foster’s Farm at East Linden, 1.5 km.


16.     Route 368, from Trunk 4 at Mahoneys Corner northerly to Trunk 6 at Head of Wallace Bay, 20.2 km.


17.     Canaan Road (0522), from West Brook Road at New Canaan easterly to Canaan Mountain Road, 0.5 km.


18.     Canaan Mountain Road (0634), from Canaan Road southerly to Shaw Resources sand pit, 1.5 km.


19.     Church Street (0804), from Trunk 6 at Pugwash northerly to Gulf Shore Road, 0.5 km.


20.     Crowley Road (0555), from Trunk 6 at Pugwash westerly to Sheas Island Road, 0.3 km.


21.     Fisher Road (0657), from Trunk 2 at Springhill westerly to J.D. Irving Ltd. yard, 0.2 km.


22.     Gulf Shore Road (0538), from Church Street northerly to J.E. Canning Ltd. pulpwood exporters, 1.0 km.


23.     Jungle Road (0688), from Route 321 at Oxford Junction easterly to CNR transfer site, 0.9 km.


24.     Little Forks Road (0426), from Trunk 2 at Little Forks northerly to landfill site at end of pavement, 2.1 km.


25.     Malagash Road (0570), from Trunk 6 easterly to Smith Road, 2.3 km.


26.     Quarry Hill Drive (0746), from Route 307 easterly to the sandstone quarry, 0.2 km.


27.     Sheas Island Road (0554), from Crowley Road at Pugwash westerly to Canadian Salt Co. Ltd. mine, 0.3 km.


28.     Smith Road (0408), from Trunk 2 in Upper Nappan westerly to Sifto Canada Inc. salt plant, 3.5 km.


29.     Smith Road (0673), from Malagash Road northerly to North Shore Road, 3.5 km.


30.     Tidnish Linden Road (0456), from Trunk 6 northerly to Route 366, 1.5 km.


31.     West Brook Road (0524), from Trunk 2 at West Brook southerly to Canaan Road at New Canaan, 4.7 km.

Digby County

1.       Highway 101, from Annapolis County line southerly to Yarmouth County line, 84.6 km.


2.       Trunk 1, from Highway 101 Exit 24 westerly to Highway 101 Exit 25, 4.5 km.


3.       Trunk 1, from Highway 101 Exit 27 westerly to Yarmouth County line, 59.8 km.


4.       Route 217, from Digby town line westerly to East Ferry, 46.8 km.


5.       Route 303, from Highway 101 at Conway north to Digby town line, 2.2 km.


6.       Route 303, from Digby town line northerly to Digby ferry terminal, 2.0 km.


7.       Route 340, From Trunk 1 at Weymouth southerly to Green Road, 19.8 km.


8.       Bonnie Road (0565), from Highway 101 at Meteghan southerly to the municipal landfill site, 4.5 km.


9.       Brooks Road (0485), from Highway 101 westerly to Fort Point Road, 1.3 km.


10.     Chemin P’Tit Paradis (0501), from Trunk 1 westerly to Township Line Road, 0.7 km.


11.     F. Comeau Road (0577), from Patrice Road at St Joseph southerly to the A.F. Theriault mill, 0.4 km.


12.     Fort Point Road (0487), from Trunk 1 at Weymouth northerly to Brooks Road, 4.7 km.


13.     Little Brook Road (0530), from Trunk 1 at Little Brook easterly to Second Division Road, 3.9 km.


14.     Meteghan Connector (0700), from Trunk 1 easterly to Highway 101, 3.7 km.


15.     New Road (0486), from Trunk 1 northerly towards Weymouth North, 1.0 km.


16.     Patrice Road (0527), from Highway 101 easterly to F. Comeau Road, 6.7 km.


17.     Robinson Weir Road (0718), from Route 303 easterly to Imperial Oil Ltd., 0.9 km.


18.     Saulnierville Road (0544), from Trunk 1 westerly to wharf, 0.5 km.


19.     Second Division Road (0535), from Saulnierville Road northerly to end of pavement, 9.0 km.


20.     Townshipline Road (0657), from Chemin P’Tit Paradis easterly to Route 340, 3.5 km.


21.     Weymouth Falls Road (0630), from Trunk 1 easterly to Weymouth Falls, 0.5 km.

Guysborough County

1.       Highway 104, from Antigonish County line easterly to Inverness County line, 1.8 km.


2.       Trunk 7, from Halifax County line northerly to Antigonish County line 72.4 km.


3.       Trunk 16, from Antigonish County line southerly to Canso, 71.5 km.


4.       Route 211, from Trunk 7 at Stillwater easterly to Route 316, 36.3 km.


5.       Route 276, from Trunk 7 to Route 316, 5.3 km.


6.       Route 316, from Route 276 at Goshen southerly to Goldboro wharf, 44.7 km.


7.       Route 344, from Trunk 16 at Boylston easterly to Middleton Road, 1.3 km.


8.       Route 344, from Highway 104 at Aulds Cove southerly to Mulgrave, 5.4 km.


9.       Route 374, from Pictou County line southerly to Halifax County line, 13.0 km.


10.     Harbourview Drive (0835), from Port Bickerton Village Road easterly to wharf, 0.4 km.


11.     Port Bickerton Village Road (0739), from Route 211 to Harbourview Drive, 1.0 km.


12.     Middletown Road (0434), from Route 344 northerly to Worth Brothers welding shop, 0.5 km.

Halifax County

1.       Highway 101, from junction of Trunk 2 and Trunk 7 at Bedford northerly to Hants County line, 16.2 km.


2.       Highway 102, from Hants County line southerly to Joseph Howe Avenue, 42.5 km.


3.       Highway 103, from Highway 102 westerly to Lunenburg County line, 41.8 km.


4.       Highway 107, from Akerley Boulevard southerly to Trunk 7 (Main Street) (including Highway 118 and Montague Road interchanges), 10.6 km.


5.       Highway 107, from Little Salmon River easterly to Trunk 7 at Musquodoboit Harbour, 25.0 km.


6.       Highway 111, from A. Murray MacKay Bridge easterly to Route 322 at Woodside (including Burnside Dr, Woodland Ave, Mic Mac Blvd, Mic Mac Parclo and Portland St interchanges), 9.5 km.


7.       Highway 118, from Highway 102 at Miller Lake southerly to Victoria Road at Dartmouth, 15.7 km.


8.       Trunk 1, from Patton Road (HRM) westerly to Richard John Drive (Mount Uniacke Business Park), 6.0 km.


9.       Trunk 2, from Hants County line southerly to Sunnylea Road at Wellington, 11.1 km.


10.     Trunk 3, from Highway 103 Exit 4 at Sheldrake Lake westerly to Lunenburg County line, 31.4 km.


11.     Trunk 7, from Bedford Bypass southerly to HRM limits, 2.3 km.


12.     Trunk 7, from Mineville Road easterly to Guysborough County line, 137.6 km.


13.     Route 207, from Stella Drive southerly to TIR base, 0.1 km.


14.     Route 212, from Pratt & Whitney Drive easterly to Grove Road, 1.0 km.


15.     Route 212, from Wyse Road easterly to Route 357, 7.4 km.


16.     Route 213, from Highway 103 westbound Exit 5 off ramp southerly to Highway 103 eastbound Exit 5 on ramp, 0.42 km.


17.     Route 214, from Hants/Halifax county line southerly to Old Truro Road, 0.3 km.


18.     Route 224, from Trunk 7 at Sheet Harbour westerly to Route 277 at Gays River, 80.4 km.


19.     Route 277, from Dutch Settlement Road northerly to Route 224 at Gays River, 13.1 km.


20.     Route 306, from Halifax Regional Municipal boundary southerly to RDM Recycling at Civic #1275, 3.8 km.


21.     Route 333, from Trunk 3 southerly to Dow & Duggan Homes, 8.4 km.


22.     Route 336, from Halifax County line southerly to Route 224, 9.7 km.


23.     Route 349, from Village Road southerly to Martins Point Road, 15.5 km.


24.     Route 357, from Trunk 7 at Musquodoboit Harbour northerly to Route 224 at Middle Musquodoboit, 38.5 km.


25.     Route 374, from Guysborough County line southerly to Trunk 7 at Sheet Harbour, 38.0 km.


26.     Aerotech Drive (2650), from Highway 102 Exit 5A easterly to end of listing, 1.3 km.


27.     Albert Walker Drive (2714), from North West Arm Drive westerly to Trunk 3, 0.3 km.


28.     Alps Road (2548), from Trunk 7 northerly to end of listing, 0.5 km.


29.     Bakers Point Road (0740), from East Jeddore Road westerly to the fish plant, 0.2 km.


30.     Beaverbank Connector (1963), from Trunk 1 southerly to Highway 101, 1.3 km.


31.     Bedford By Pass (2070), from Trunk 7 at Magazine Hill to Highway 101 at Lower Sackville, 4.7 km.


32.     Burnside Drive (3020), from Highway 111 northerly to Halifax Regional Municipal boundary, 0.5 km.


33.     Duke Street (3034), from Highway 102 Exit 4C easterly to Strescon Inc., 0.7 km.


34.     Dutch Settlement Road (0593), from Old Trunk Road northerly to Route 277, 0.7 km.


35.     East Chezzetcook Road (0882), from Trunk 7 southerly to Highway 107 Exit 21, 1.1 km.


36.     East Jeddore Road (0738), from Trunk 7 southerly to Bakers Point Road, 6.5 km.


37.     Glendale Avenue (3002), from Highway 102 Exit 4C westerly to Estates Road, 0.60 km.


38.     Grove Road (3069), from Pratt & Whitney Drive southerly to Old Guysborough Road, 0.65 km.


39.     Logan Road (0602), from Route 277 at Dutch Settlement southerly to Isenors Mill, 0.2 km.


40.     Margeson Drive (6033), from Highway 101 Exit 2A easterly to Trunk 1, 1.5 km.


41.     Marine Gateway (5023), from Trunk 7 easterly to Northern Fibre Terminal, 3.4 km.


42.     McInnis Drive (5050), from Marine Gateway northerly to Sheet Harbour Industrial Park wharf, 0.6 km.


43.     Mineville Road (0435), from 61 m northwest of Highway 107 westbound Exit 18 off ramp to Highway 107 eastbound Exit 18 off ramp 0.31 km.


44.     North West Arm Drive (2069), from Route 306 at Spryfield northerly to Main Avenue at Fairview, 4.8 km.


45.     Perrin Drive (0417), from Aerotech Drive southerly to Parcel 6 in Aerotech Park, 0.4 km.


46.     Oldham Road (0584), from Trunk 2 easterly to Old Post Road, 0.66 km.


47.     Old Trunk Road (0581), from Hants County line to Elmsdale Road, 1.8 km.


48.     Perrin Drive (0417), from Highway 118 easterly to TIR Miller Lake base, 0.8 km.


49.     Pratt & Whitney Drive (1728), from Aerotech Drive northerly to airport interchange at Highway 102 Exit 6, 3.1 km.


50.     Stella Drive (0585), Trunk 7 at Chezzetcook southerly to Route 207, 0.3 km.


51.     William Porter Connector (6025), from Highway 107 Exit 20 northerly to Trunk 7, 1.6 km.

Hants County

1.       Highway 101, from Halifax County line westerly to Kings County line, 43.1 km.


2.       Highway 102, from Colchester County line southerly to Halifax County line, 24.2 km.


3.       Trunk 1, from Buster Davis Road westerly to Windsor town line (east), 18.8 km.


4.       Trunk 1, from Windsor town line (west) westerly to Falmouth Connector, 1.5 km.


4A.    Trunk 1, from Hantsport Connector westerly to Hantsport Town Line, 0.3 km.


5.       Trunk 1, from Irving Big Stop at Exit 3 (Highway 101) to Richard John Drive, 1.7 km.


6.       Trunk 2, from Colchester County line southerly to Halifax County line, 22.4 km.


7.       Trunk 14, from Windsor town line (south) southerly to Lunenburg County line, 27.8 km.


8.       Trunk 14, from Trunk 1 at Garlands Crossing easterly to Trunk 2 at Milford, 66.4 km.


9.       Route 202, from Trunk 1 northerly to Route 354 at Gore, 31.0 km.


10.     Route 214, from Trunk 14 southerly to Halifax County line, 8.7 km.


11.     Route 215, from Trunk 14 at Brooklyn northerly to North River Road, 4.7 km.


12.     Route 215, from Trunk 1 northerly to Lynch Road, 0.6 km.


13.     Route 215, from Highway 102 Exit 10 southerly to Trunk 2 at Shubenacadie, 2.4 km.


14.     Route 236, from Route 215 at Union Corner westerly to Scotch Village Station Road, 4.9 km.


15.     Route 354, from Route 202 northerly to Findley Road, 12.2 km.


16.     Route 354, from Trunk 14 southerly to TIR base, 1.0 km.


17.     Blois Road (0494), from Trunk 14 northerly to MacPhee Road, 0.5 km.


18.     Emerson White Loop (0641), from Route 354 northerly to R. White’s mill, 0.4 km.


19.     Falmouth Connector (3016), from Highway 101 Exit 7 westerly to Trunk 1, 0.3 km.


20.     Findley Road (0409), from Route 354 easterly to TIR base, 0.15 km.


21.     First Street, from Park Road to Industrial Way, 0.12 km.


22.     Hantsport Connector (3017), from Highway 101 Exit 8 northerly to Trunk 1, 1.6 km.


23.     Industrial Way, from Park Road to the end, 0.35 km.


24.     Lynch Road (0763), from Route 215 northerly to Williams pit, 0.9 km.


25.     MacPhee Road (0496), from Blois Road northerly to end of road, 1.8 km.


26.     Milford Road (0567), from Trunk 2 at Milford easterly to railway crossing, 0.2 km.


27.     Mount Uniacke Connector (3014), from Highway 101 Exit 3 northerly to Trunk 1, 0.4 km.


28.     New Ross Road (0709), from Trunk 14 westerly to Hants/Lunenburg county line, 8.4 km.


29.     North River Road (0707), from Walton Woods Road easterly to Scotch Village Station Road, 0.8 km.


30.     Park Road, from Route 214 to First Street, 0.70 km.


31.     Scotch Village Station Road (0714), from Route 236 at Scotch Village northerly to North River Road, 0.8 km.


32.     Stark Road (0749), from Trunk 1 southerly to quarry, 0.7 km.


33.     Three Mile Plains Cross Road (3005), from Trunk 1 southerly to Windsor Back Road, 0.8 km.


34.     Town Road (0795), from Trunk 1 southerly to Avon Valley Greenhouses, 1.2 km.


35.     Walton Woods Road (0705), from North River Road northerly to Cheverie Mountain Road, 8.3 km.


36.     Windsor Back Road (0718), from Three Mile Plains Cross Road westerly to J.W. Mason & Sons Ltd., 0.4 km.

Inverness County

1.       Highway 104, from Trunk 4 at Port Hawkesbury easterly to Richmond County line, 2.5 km.


2.       Highway 105, from Highway 104 at Port Hastings northerly to Victoria County line, 61.5 km.


3.       Trunk 4, from Highway 104/105 at Port Hastings easterly to Barberton Road, 12.0 km.


4.       Trunk 19, from Highway 104/105 at Port Hastings northerly to Route 219, 93.8 km.


5.       Trunk 30 (Cabot Trail), from the LaPrairie Bridge (CB Highlands National Park Boundary) in Cheticamp southerly to Victoria County line at Lake O’Law, 64.6 km.


6.       Route 219, from Trunk 19 at Dunvegan northerly to Trunk 30 (Cabot Trail) at Margaree Harbour, 20.8 km.


7.       Route 223, from Highway 105 easterly to Little Narrows ferry, 1.5 km.


8.       Route 252, from Trunk 19 easterly to Highway 105 at Whycocomagh, 26.8 km.


9.       Ashfield (0862), from Orangedale Road southerly to TIR plow shed, 0.9 km.


10.     Barberton Road (0406), from Trunk 4 north of Port Hawkesbury northerly to Long Stretch Road, 6.0 km.


11.     Duggan Mountain Road (0509), from Route 219 easterly to Evans Mine, 0.4 km.


12.     Industrial Park Road (IN0806), from Trunk 4 at Port Hawkesbury southerly to Inverness-Richmond county line, 0.7 km.


13.     Orangedale Road (0878), from Highway 105 southerly to Ashfield Road, 0.8 km.

Kings County

1.       Highway 101, from Hants County line westerly to Annapolis County line, 68.7 km.


2.       Trunk 1, from Highway 101 Exit 10 westerly to Wolfville town line (east), 4.4 km.


3.       Trunk 1, from Wolfville town line (west) westerly to Kentville town line (east), 8.6 km.


4.       Trunk 1, from Kentville town line (west) westerly to Annapolis County line, 35.3 km.


5.       Trunk 12, from Kentville town line (south) southerly to Lunenburg County line, 26.3 km.


6.       Route 201, from Bridge Street easterly to C.F.B. Greenwood, 0.5 km.


7.       Route 221, from Victoria Road easterly to Northridge Farms compost depot, 0.9 km.


8.       Route 221, from Route 359 at Centreville westerly to Rockwell Mountain Road, 2.7 km.


9.       Route 221, from Route 358 westerly to Black Hole Road, 3.9 km.


9A.    Route 221, from Route 360 westerly, 1.0 km.


9B.     Route 221, from Bishop Mountain Road easterly, 3.0 km.


10.     Route 341, from Route 359 northerly to Merles Ultramar, 0.3 km.


11.     Route 358, from Trunk 1 at Greenwich northerly to Route 221, 10.0 km.


12.     Route 359, from Kentville town line (north) northerly to Route 221, 5.7 km.


13.     Route 360, from Trunk 1 northerly to Berwick town line (south), 0.2 km.


14.     Route 360, from Berwick Town Line (north) northerly to Route 221, 3.8 km.


15.     Belcher Street (0488), from Cornwallis River Crossing westerly to Kentville town line (east), 0.6 km.


15A.  Bishop Mountain Road (0650), from Highway 101 northerly to Route 221, 2.1 km.


16.     Black Hole Road (0421), from Route 221 northerly to Bains Road, 0.9 km.


17.     Bridge Street (0711), from Trunk 1 southerly to Route 201, 2.2 km.


18.     Brooklyn Street (0610), from Kentville town line westerly to Fundy Xpress Transport at Civic #8487, 0.9 km.


19.     Cambridge Mountain Road (1354), from Trunk 1 southerly to Prospect Road, 3.3 km.


20.     Collins Road (0491), from Starrs Point Road northerly to Cobi Foods, 0.2 km.


21.     Cornwallis Avenue (0511), from Trunk 1 at New Minas northerly to end of listing, 0.6 km.


22.     Cornwallis River Crossing (1271), from Trunk 1 northerly to Belcher Street, 2.0 km.


23.     Crescent Drive (1131), from Trunk 1 easterly to TIR base at New Minas, 0.3 km.


24.     Deep Hollow Road (0583), from Trunk 1 at New Minas southerly to White Rock Road, 3.5 km.


25.     Grand Pré Road (0532), from Ridge Road southerly to Hamilton Road, 0.7 km.


26.     Greenwich Connector (1108), from Highway 101 Exit 11 northerly to Trunk 1, 1.0 km.


27.     Highbury School Road (0510), from New Road southerly to Civic #433, 0.15 km.


28.     Ira Bill Road (0443), from Rockwell Mountain Road westerly to end of listing, 0.3 km.


29.     Kars Street (1356), from Route 358 easterly to Shurgain facility, 0.2 km.


30.     Maple Street (0730), from Highway 101 Exit 17E southerly to Trunk 1, 0.8 km.


31.     Marshall Road (0651), from Highway 101 Exit 17W at Kingston southerly to Trunk 1, 0.9 km.


32.     Middle Street (1290), from Starrs Point Road southerly to Kars Street, 0.2 km.


33.     New Canaan Road (0508), from Highway 101 Exit 12 southerly to Highbury School Road, 0.3 km.


34.     New Minas Connector (1096), from Highway 101 Exit 12 northerly to Trunk 1, 1.7 km.


35.     Orchard Street (0638), from Trunk 1 at Berwick northerly to TIR base, 0.1 km.


36.     Randolph Road (0721), from Waterville Mountain Road southerly to Michelin site, 1.0 km.


37.     Ridge Road (1147), from Highway 101 Exit 10 westerly to Grand Pré Road, 1.2 km.


38.     Rockwell Mountain Road (0438), from Route 221 northerly to Ira Bill Road, 1.0 km.


39.     Saxon Street (0451), from Route 358 easterly to Cobi Foods, 2.1 km.


40.     Starrs Point Road (0487), from Route 358 at Port Williams easterly to Evangeline Transport Inc., 0.9 km.


41.     South Bishop Road (1345), from Trunk 1 northerly Highway 101 at Coldbrook, 2.0 km.


42.     Terrys Creek Road (1357), from Starrs Point Road southerly to Shurgain, 0.1 km.


43.     Victoria Road (0643), Trunk 1 at Aylesford northerly to Route 221, 2.8 km.


44.     Waterville Mountain Road (0722), from Trunk 1 southerly to Randolph Road, 0.7 km.

Lunenburg County

1.       Highway 103, from Halifax County line westerly to Queens County line, 77.3 km.


2.       Trunk 3, from Halifax county line westerly to Mahone Bay town line (east), 42.5 km.


3.       Trunk 3, from Mahone Bay town line (south) westerly to Route 332 at Lunenburg, 7.7 km.


4.       Trunk 3, from Lunenburg town line (west) westerly to Bridgewater town line (east), 15.0 km.


5.       Trunk 3, from Bridgewater town line (west) westerly to Highway 103 Exit 14, 6.4 km.


6.       Trunk 10, from Annapolis County line southerly to Bridgewater town line (north), 37.0 km.


7.       Trunk 12, from Kings County line southerly to Trunk 3 at Chester Basin, 37.3 km.


8.       Trunk 14, from Hants County line southerly to Trunk 3 at Chester, 24.6 km.


9.       Route 208, from Route 325 westerly to Queens County line, 3.0 km.


10.     Route 208, from Route 325 easterly to end of listing, 2.2 km.


11.     Route 210, from Route 325 westerly to Queens County line, 16.2 km.


12.     Route 324, from Route 325 at Blockhouse southerly to Route 332, 9.4 km.


13.     Route 325, from Bridgewater town line northerly to Route 208, 26.0 km.


14.     Route 325, from Mahone Bay town line (west) westerly to Bridgewater town line (east), 11.3 km.


15.     Route 329, from Trunk 3 at East River southerly to Deep Cove Road, 9.4 km.


16.     Route 331, from Trunk 10 at Cooks Bridge southerly to Bridgewater town line (north), 1.0 km.


17.     Route 332, from Blue Rocks Road southerly to Lahave River ferry crossing, 22.1 km.


18.     Battery Point Road (0804), from Blue Sea Road southerly to wharf, 0.7 km.


19.     Cornwall Road (0466), from Route 325 northerly to Maurice Bruhm Limited, 12.2 km.


20.     David Wile Road (0877), from Route 325 at Wileville southerly to Armour Transport Systems, 0.3 km.


21.     Forties Road (0694), from Trunk 12 at New Ross westerly to Fraxville Road, 7.9 km.


22.     Fraxville Road (0700), from Forties Road northerly to Reeves Mill, 0.2 km.


23.     Harold Whynot Road (1003), from Pine Grove Road easterly, 1.7 km.


24.     Hirtle Road (0570), from Highway 103 Exit 16 southerly to the Middlewood quarry, 4.6 km.


25.     Kraut Point Road (0444), from Lower Lahave Road westerly to fish plant, 0.9 km.


26.     Logan Road (1033), from Route 325 northerly to Bridgewater town line (west), 1.2 km.


27.     Lower Lahave Road (0400), from Route 332 southerly to Kraut Point Road, 1.45 km.


28.     Mill Lake Road #1 (0708), from Highway 103 Exit 6 easterly to Trunk 3 at Hubbards, 0.6 km.


29.     Mullock Road (0495), from Route 325 southerly to Whynot Road, 1.6 km.


30.     New Elm Road (0612), from Route 210 westerly to Archibald Weagle Road, 7.3 km.


31.     New Russell Road (0686), from Hants County line westerly to Civic #3090, 0.3 km.


32.     New Russell Road (0686), from Trunk 12 easterly to TIR base, 0.9 km.


33.     Oakhill Road (0490), from Route 325 easterly to Trunk 3 at Dayspring, 3.3 km.


34.     Pine Grove Road (0487), from Trunk 10 at Cookville easterly to Cooks Poultry Farm, 1.3 km.


35.     Schnares Crossing Road (0429), from Trunk 3 at Martins Brook westerly to Route 324 at Lillydale, 0.9 km.


36.     Waterloo Road (0604), from Route 210 southerly to Boliver Road, 7.9 km.

Pictou County

1.       Highway 104, from Colchester County line easterly to Antigonish County line, 72.5 km.


2.       Highway 106, from Highway 104 Exit 22 northerly to Caribou ferry dock (including the Pictou rotary and Mount William interchange), 19.0 km.


3.       Trunk 4, from Colchester County line easterly to Cowan Street at Westville, 28.4 km.


4.       Trunk 4, from Highway 104 Exit 27 westerly to Verhagen shop at Civic #6408, 6.6 km.


5.       Trunk 4, from Highway 104 Exit 29 westerly to Laggan Road, 4.5 km.


6.       Trunk 6, from Meadowville Station Road at Toney River easterly to Pictou rotary, 16.1 km.


7.       Route 256, from Route 376 at Lyons Brook westerly to 0.7 km west of Campbell Hill Road, 8.8 km.


8.       Route 289, from New Glasgow town line (south) southerly to Westville town line (north), 2.5 km.


9.       Route 289, from Westville town line (south) southerly to Pictou/Colchester county line, 24.1 km.


10.     Route 347, from New Glasgow town line easterly to Marsh Road at Coalburn, 3.4 km.


11.     Route 348, from New Glasgow town line (south) southerly to Plymouth Park Road at Plymouth, 2.6 km.


12.     Route 374, from Stellarton town line (south) southerly to Guysborough County line at Trafalgar, 31.4 km.


13.     Route 376, from Pictou rotary southerly to West River Greenhouses, 14.5 km.


14.     Balodis Drive (2039), from Truro Road easterly to end of listing, 0.2 km.


15.     Barneys River Road (0444), from Highway 104 Exit 29 at Barneys River Station northerly to railway crossing, 1.0 km.


16.     Bridge Avenue (2041), from Stellarton town line (east) easterly to Route 348 at Plymouth, 0.2 km.


17.     Campbell Hill Road (0765), from Route 256 near Scotsburn southerly to end of listing, 0.7 km.


18.     Coalburn McLellans Brook Road (0561), from Route 347 southerly to McLellans Brook Road, 2.8 km.


18A.  Condon Road (0800), from Route 256 northerly to Scotsburn Lumber, 0.8 km.


19.     Conley Drive (0658), from Truro Road easterly to Truro Road, 0.8 km.


20.     Ferry Road (0684), from Highway 106 at Caribou southerly to Three Brooks Road, 0.5 km.


21.     Glen Road (0566), from McLellans Brook Road southerly to McLellans Mountain Glencoe Road, 1.1 km.


22.     Glengarry Road (0620), from Lorne Station Road westerly to Holmes quarry, 1.7 km.


23.     Granton Abercrombie Branch Road (2046), from Granton Abercrombie Road northerly to Neenah Paper Inc. at Abercrombie Point, 1.4 km.


24.     Granton Abercrombie Road (0400), from Highway 106 at Exit 2 easterly to Granton Abercrombie Branch Road, 2.4 km.


25.     Granton Abercrombie Road (0400), from Highway 106 at Exit 2 westerly to Michelin North America Inc. at Granton, 3.3 km.


26.     Granton Abercrombie Road (0400), from New Glasgow town line (north) northerly to Trenton Connector, 2.0 km.


27.     Harris Road (0795), from Route 376 at Haliburton northerly to Murray Road, 1.0 km.


28.     Laggan Road (0486), from Trunk 4 southerly to TIR plow shed, 0.5 km.


29.     Lorne Station Road (0619), from Route 374 at Lorne westerly to Glengarry Road, 1.3 km.


30.     MacGregor Avenue Extension (0672), from Stellarton town line (north) northerly to Route 289, 0.3 km.


31.     McLellans Mountain Glencoe Road (0574), from Glen Road southerly to Webster Road at Kirkmount, 3.6 km.


32.     Marshdale Road (0610), from Route 374 at Hopewell westerly to Balodis Inc. quarry, 3.3 km.


33.     Marsh Road (0553), from Route 347 at Coalburn easterly to MacLeans salvage yard, 0.9 km.


34.     McLellans Brook Road (0563), from Route 348 at Stellarton easterly to TIR base, 1.4 km.


35.     McLellans Brook Road (0563), from Glen Road westerly to Verhagen Demolition Ltd., 1.5 km.


36.     Mount William Road (0401), from Highway 106 Exit 1A easterly to Trenton Connector, 0.3 km.


37.     Pleasant Valley Road (0883), from Highway 104 at Alma southerly to Salter Road at Pleasant Valley, 1.0 km.


38.     Salem Loop Road (0819), from Salem Road easterly to Trunk 4, 0.5 km.


39.     Salem Road (0840), from Salem Loop Road to Trunk 4, 0.14 km.


40.     Salt Springs Connector (2069), from Highway 104 Exit 19 at Salt Springs northerly to Trunk 4, 0.35 km.


41.     Scotch Hill Road (0788), from Route 376 at Lyons Brook northerly to TIR base, 0.4 km.


42.     Simpsons Road (0679), from Three Brooks Road at Caribou easterly to Gulf Seafoods Ltd., 0.8 km.


43.     Salter Road (0640), from Pleasant Valley Road at Pleasant Valley southerly to Route 289 at Union Centre, 3.2 km.


44.     Three Books Road (0681), from Ferry Road at Caribou southerly to Pictou town line (north), 8.0 km.


45.     Trenton Connector Road (0542), from Mount William Road northerly to Route 348 at Trenton, 6.4 km.


46.     Truro Road (0613), from Trunk 4 easterly to Balodis Drive, 0.3 km.


47.     Webster Road (0575), from McLellans Mountain Glencoe Road southerly to Blaine MacLean pit/quarry, 0.3 km.


48.     West River Station Road (0814), from Trunk 4 at Salt Springs southerly to TIR base, 0.5 km.

Queens County

1.       Highway 103, from Lunenburg County line westerly to Shelburne County line, 52.3 km.


2.       Trunk 3, from Highway 103 Exit 18 westerly to Highway 103 Exit 20 at Broad River Bridge, 25.2 km.


3.       Trunk 8, from Annapolis County line southerly to Trunk 3 at Liverpool, 63.5 km.


4.       Route 208, from Lunenburg County line westerly to Trunk 8, 14.5 km.


5.       Route 210, from Lunenburg County line westerly to Trunk 8, 18.1 km.


6.       Route 331, from Highway 103 Exit 17 westerly to Trunk 3 at Mill Village, 1.2 km.


7.       Central Port Mouton Road (0413), from Highway 103 southerly to Carters Beach Road, 2.5 km.


8.       Medway River Road (0474), from Route 210 at Greenfield southerly to Bangs Falls Road, 2.9 km.


9.       Moose Harbour Road (0657), from Shore Road easterly to end of pavement, 0.2 km.


10.     Port Medway Road (0460), from Highway 103 at Exit 17A northerly to Old Trunk 3, 0.9 km.


11.     Shore Road (0400), from Liverpool town line (south) southerly to Moose Harbour Road, 4.0 km.


12.     White Point Connector (0715), from Highway 103 Exit 20A easterly to Trunk 3, 1.2 km.

Richmond County

1.       Highway 104, from Inverness County line easterly to Trunk 4 at River Tillard, 35.8 km.


2.       Trunk 4, from Highway 104 at River Tillard easterly to Route 247, 5.1 km.


3.       Route 206, from Route 320 at Martinique easterly to Boudreauville Road, 17.9 km.


4.       Route 206, from Boudreauville Road easterly towards Little Anse to end of listing, 2.0 km.


5.       Route 247, from Trunk 4 at Saint Peters easterly to Saint Peters Forchu Road at Lower L’Ardoise, 12.6 km.


6.       Route 320, from Louisdale Connector southerly to Route 206 at Martinique, 4.5 km.


7.       Bear Island Road (0408), from Industrial Park Road easterly to end of pavement, 1.8 km.


8.       Boudreauville Road (0651), from Route 206 southerly to fish plant, 2.5 km.


9.       Henry Paint Street (0493), from Industrial Park Road westerly to Georgia Pacific Corp. wharf, 1.5 km.


10.     Louisdale Connector (0501), from Highway 104 Exit 46 at Louisdale southerly to Route 320, 0.8 km.


11.     St. Peters Forchu Road (0509), from Route 247 at Lower L’Ardoise easterly to Grand River Bridge, 8.8 km.

Shelburne County

1.       Highway 103, from Queens County line westerly to Yarmouth County line, 66.9 km.


2.       Trunk 3, from Highway 103 Exit 23 westerly to Highway 103 Exit 24, 33.7 km.


3.       Trunk 3, from Highway 103 Exit 25 westerly to Shelburne town line (east), 3.2 km.


4.       Trunk 3, from Shelburne town line (west) westerly to Highway 103 Exit 27, 6.8 km.


5.       Trunk 3, from Highway 103 Exit 29 westerly to Yarmouth County line, 35.2 km.


6.       Route 203, from Highway 103 Exit 24 northerly to Yarmouth County line, 35.6 km.


7.       Route 309, from Highway 103 at Clyde River southerly to Shore Road, 3.3 km.


8.       Route 309, from Shore Road at Port Clyde southerly to Lyles Road (Ultramar storage tanks), 0.6 km.


9.       Route 330, from Trunk 3 southerly to Clarks Harbour, 11.5 km.


10.     Adamant Drive (0629), from Hero Road southerly to end, 0.6 km.


11.     Cape Sable Island, all paved roads on Cape Sable Island, 36.2 km.


12.     Hero Road (0628), from Sand Point Road westerly to end of listing, 0.2 km.


13.     Old Trunk 3 (1081), from Trunk 3 at Shelburne westerly to TIR base, 0.7 km.


14.     Sand Point Road (0428), from Shelburne town line southerly to end of listing, 1.5 km.


15.     Shore Road (0404), from Route 309 at Port Clyde southerly to Kenny & Ross Ltd. at Port Saxon, 3.7 km.

Victoria County

1.       Highway 105, from Inverness County line easterly to Cape Breton County line, 63.9 km.


2.       Trunk 30 (Cabot Trail), from Inverness county line southerly to Highway 105 at Nyanza, 22.2 km.


3.       Campbell Street (0803), from Old Margaree Road at Baddeck southerly to TIR base, 0.1 km.


4.       Kempt Head Road (0445), from Highway 105 at Boularderie southerly to TIR base, 0.2 km.


5.       New Campbellton Road (0471), from Highway 105 northerly to Kelly Cove, 5.0 km.


6.       Old Margaree Road (0449), from Highway 105 Exit 9 southerly to Campbell Street, 0.5 km.


7.       Old Margaree Road (0449), from Highway 105 Exit 9 northerly to Baddeck landfill site, 1.4 km.


8.       Little Narrows Road (0448), from Little Narrows ferry easterly to end of road, 5.3 km.

Yarmouth County

1.       Highway 101, from Digby County line southerly to Starrs Road at Yarmouth, 20.4 km.


2.       Highway 103, from Shelburne County line westerly to Hardscratch Road at Yarmouth, 50.0 km.


3.       Trunk 1, from Digby County line westerly to Yarmouth town line (north), 18.6 km.


4.       Trunk 3, from Shelburne County line westerly to Highway 103 Exit 32, 27.6 km.


5.       Trunk 3, from Highway 103 Exit 32A westerly to Yarmouth town line (west), 24.5 km.


6.       Route 203, from Shelburne County line westerly to Algoma tin mine, 20.3 km.


7.       Route 203, from Route 340 at Carlton easterly to Carleton River Bridge, 0.3 km.


8.       Route 308, from Highway 103 Exit 33 northerly to Slocumb Crescent, 0.3 km.


9.       Route 334, from Trunk 3 southerly to end of pavement, 17.2 km.


10.     Route 335, from Trunk 3 southerly to d’Entremont Road, 8.9 km.


11.     Route 340, from Trunk 1 at Hebron northerly to Route 203, 20.3 km.


12.     Abbots Harbour Road (0850), from Route 335 westerly to wharf, 2.2 km.


13.     Bloomfield Road (0406), from Valley Crescent Road at Pleasant Valley northerly to end of pavement at Hurlburt’s mill, 1.4 km.


14.     Brazil Lake Road (0762), from Route 340 northerly to Lake Annis Road, 5.7 km.


15.     Brooklyn Road (0507), from Hardscratch Road westerly to Highway 101, 0.6 km.


16.     Chebogue Road (0487), from Yarmouth town line (south) southerly to Bunkers Island Road, 0.2 km.


17.     Chebogue Road (0487), from Trunk 3 at Arcadia southerly to Wyman Road, 4.2 km.


18.     Dennis Point Road (0688), from d’Entremont Road southerly to Dennis Point Wharf, 1.2 km.


19.     Doucet Wharf Road (0680), from Route 334 westerly to wharf, 0.3 km.


20.     d’Entremont Road (0623), from Route 335 easterly to Dennis Point Road, 0.7 km.


21.     Greenville Road (0504), from Trunk 3 at Pleasant Lake westerly to Trunk 1 at Dayton, 7.9 km.


22.     Hamilton Road (0404), from Route 340 at Pleasant Valley northerly to Valley Crescent Road, 0.1 km.


23.     Hardscratch Road (0505), from Yarmouth town line (north) northerly to Route 340, 10.3 km.


24.     Jacquards Road (0684), from Route 334 easterly to wharf, 0.8 km.


25.     Lake Darling Road (0456), from Trunk 1 westerly to Short Beach Road, 2.4 km.


26.     Lake George Road (0433), from Route 340 at South Ohio northerly to Dale Ibbitson Enterprises mill, 10.1 km.


27.     Mood Road (0409), from Highway 103 northerly to fish plant, 1.4 km.


28.     Richmond Road (0446), from Trunk 1 easterly to Lake George Road, 6.8 km.


29.     Short Beach Road (0854), from Lake Darling Road westerly to Wedgeport Industries Ltd., 0.4 km.


30.     Slocumb Crescent (0757), from Route 308 at Tusket westerly around Tusket Industrial Park loop, 1.2 km.


31.     Tuna Wharf Road (0685), from Route 334 westerly to wharf, 0.3 km.


32.     Valley Crescent Road (0756), from Route 340 at Pleasant Valley westerly to Bloomfield Road, 0.3 km.




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Spring Weight Restriction Regulations

N.S. Reg. 31/2018

Public Highways Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Spring Weight Restriction Regulations made under the Public Highways Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


(period ordered by Minister or designate1)

date specified

Mar 2, 2018


Feb 28, 2018

date filed

Mar 16, 2018


Mar 11, 2019

date filed

Mar 29, 2019


Feb 28, 2020

date filed

Mar 13, 2020


Mar 24, 2023

date filed

Apr 7, 2023


Feb 21, 2024

date filed

Mar 8, 2024


Feb 22, 2024

date filed

Mar 8, 2024

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision


ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted


Provision affected

How affected


Schedule A


Antigonish County


Item 3A.......................................

ad. 35/2018


Item 5..........................................

am. 35/2018


Item 16........................................

ad. 35/2018


Cape Breton County


Item 8A.......................................

ad. 53/2024


Item 27A.....................................

ad. 53/2024


Item 38........................................

ad. 53/2024


Colchester County


Item 5A.......................................

ad. 57/2023


Item 20A.....................................

ad. 43/2019


Item 30A.....................................

ad. 35/2018


Item 33........................................

am. 55/2024


Item 39A.....................................

ad. 43/2019


Item 41........................................

am. 55/2024


Item 43........................................

rs. 34/2020


Item 43A.....................................

ad. 43/2019; rep. 34/2020


Item 44........................................

am. 55/2024


Cumberland County


Item 3.........................................

am. 53/2024

Halifax County

Item 16........................................

am. 53/2024

Item 43........................................

am. 53/2024


Hants County


Item 4A.......................................

ad. 34/2020


Kings County


Items 9A-9B................................

ad. 34/2020


Item 14........................................

rs. 34/2020


Item 15A.....................................

ad. 34/2020


Pictou County


Item 7..........................................

rs. 43/2019


Item 14........................................

am. 53/2024


Item 18A.....................................

ad. 43/2019


Item 46........................................

am. 53/2024


Yarmouth County



Items 9-35...................................

ra. as items 6-32

Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:





These regulations are effective during any period specified in the Spring Weight Restriction Regulations Effective Date Order made by the Minister’s designate under s. 20(1) of the Act.



For 2018, the effective period is as specified in N.S. Reg. 32/2018, as amended.



For 2019, the effective period is as specified in N.S. Reg. 42/2019.



For 2020, the effective period is specified in N.S. Reg 27/2020.



The reference to the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal in s. 7 should be read as a reference to the Department of Transportation and Active Transit in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-56 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Feb 23, 2021


The reference to the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal in s. 7 should be read as a reference to the Department Public Works in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-209 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Aug 31, 2021

Repealed and Superseded:



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.




Webpage last updated: 06-03-2025