This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only. For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Registry of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II. Regulations are amended frequently. Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Registry of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting. This electronic version is copyright © 2016, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.
Cape Chignecto Provincial Park Designation
made under Section 8 of the
Provincial Parks Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 367
O.I.C. 1998-350 (July 23, 1998, effective June 26, 1998), N.S. Reg. 51/98
O.I.C. 2015-178 (June 16, 2015), N.S. Reg. 199/2016
O.I.C. 1998-350
The Governor in Council on the report and recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources dated June 23, 1998, pursuant to Section 8 of Chapter 367 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, the Provincial Parks Act, is pleased, effective June 26, 1998, to
(a) designate land situate at Cape Chignecto, Cumberland County, owned by Her Majesty in right of the Province of Nova Scotia, to be a provincial park, the said area of land being described in Schedule “A” and shown outlined in bold line on a copy of Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre Plan No. E-15-60 marked Schedule “B”, which schedules are attached to and form part of the report and recommendation; and
(b) declare that the provincial park is to be known by the name “Cape Chignecto Provincial Park”.
Schedule “A”
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land owned by Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Nova Scotia, situate, lying and being at West Advocate, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, and consisting of land to be designated as Cape Chignecto Provincial Park as shown on a compiled plan dated June 9, 1998 having Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Field Plot P-161/94-1 (Crown Lands Record Centre Plan No. E-15-60) and more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at survey marker SM C3060 marking a northwest corner of the West Advocate Road and also being a southwest corner of land now or formerly of Herman and Jessie Marshal, situate by azimuth 289° 32' 48", 1815.059 metres from Nova Scotia Control Monument (N.S.C.M.) No. 15127;
Thence along a western boundary of land now or formerly of Herman and Jessie Marshal by azimuth 20° 21' 57", 60.940 metres to SM C3059 marking the southeast corner of land now or formerly of Megan Elizabeth Follows;
Thence along a southwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Megan Elizabeth Follows by azimuth 287° 39' 21", 12.780 metres to SM C3108 marking the northeast corner of a 12 metre wide easement over Crown Land (Document No. 3528);
Thence along a southwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Megan Elizabeth Follows by azimuth 287° 39' 22", 12.516 metres to SM C3107 marking the northwest corner of the 12 metre wide easement over Crown Land (Document No. 3528);
Thence along a southwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Megan Elizabeth Follows by azimuth 287° 39' 21", 143.566 metres to SM C3053;
Thence along a northwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Megan Elizabeth Follows by azimuth 30° 50' 57", 40.331 metres to SM C3054;
Thence along a southwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Megan Elizabeth Follows by azimuth 292° 42' 20", 27.619 metres to SM C3055;
Thence along a northwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Megan Elizabeth Follows by azimuth 31° 40' 56", 30.144 metres to SM C3056;
Thence along a northwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Megan Elizabeth Follows by azimuth 40° 30' 00", 191.800 metres to SM C3057;
Thence along a northwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Megan Elizabeth Follows by azimuth 62° 15' 00", 120.854 metres to SM C3058, situate on the western boundary of land now or formerly of David Allen Fletcher;
Thence along the western boundary of land now or formerly of David Allen Fletcher by azimuth 7° 34' 51", 21.255 metres to SM C3050, situate at a southwest corner of land now or formerly of Charles MacDonald;
Thence along a western boundary of land now or formerly of Charles MacDonald by azimuth 8° 07' 03", 1019.493 metres to SM C3049;
Thence along a western boundary of land now or formerly of Charles MacDonald and crossing the Eatonville Road by azimuth 7° 31' 13", 1043.354 metres to SM C3048, situate on a northeastern boundary of the Eatonville Road;
Thence along the northeastern boundary of the Eatonville Road by azimuth 116° 03' 12", 142.288 metres to SM C3047;
Thence along the western boundary of land now or formerly of Edward Clark and Earl Clark by azimuth 13° 52' 39", 537.553 metres to SM C3046 situate at a southeast corner of land now or formerly of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc.;
Thence along a southwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc. by azimuth 291° 30' 07", 991.740 metres to SM C3045;
Thence along a southwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc. by azimuth 290° 50' 30", 978.703 metres to SM C3044;
Thence along a southwestern boundary of land now or formerly of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc. and crossing the Eatonville Road by azimuth 290° 50' 29", 369.417 metres to SM C3043, situate on a southwestern boundary of the Eatonville Road;
Thence along the southwestern boundary of the Eatonville Road by azimuth 318° 56' 02", 100.341 metres to an unmonumented point UP 525, also being a point of curvature;
Thence northwesterly along a southwestern boundary of the Eatonville Road following the arc of a curve to left of radius 214.941 metres, 80.478 metres to UP 527, also being a point of reverse curvature, said point being located by azimuth 308° 12' 21", 80.009 metres from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence northwesterly along a southwestern boundary of the Eatonville Road following the arc of a curve to the right of radius 532.078 metres, 145.681 metres to a point on curve being SM C3116, said point being located by azimuth 305° 19' 31", 145.226 metres from the last mentioned point of reverse curvature;
Thence by azimuth 223° 00' 51", 1434.414 metres to SM C3117;
Thence by azimuth 242° 25' 23", 940.716 metres to SM C3118;
Thence by azimuth 273° 45' 04", 594.227 metres to SM C3119;
Thence by azimuth 249° 48' 33", 994.652 metres to SM C3120;
Thence by azimuth 193° 19' 05", 466.609 metres to SM C3121;
Thence by azimuth 284° 52' 08", 805.417 metres to SM C3122;
Thence by azimuth 188° 03' 41", 650.406 metres to SM C3123;
Thence by azimuth 287° 08' 11", 1097.787 metres to SM C3124, situate on a western boundary of an access road over Crown land;
Thence by azimuth 287° 08' 11", 425.000 metres to SM C3125;
Thence by azimuth 17° 01' 31", 792.245 metres to SM C3126, situate on a western boundary of an access road over Crown land;
Thence along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land by azimuth 328° 00' 54", 104.109 metres to UP 400, also being a point of curvature;
Thence northerly along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land following the arc of a curve to the right of radius 163.275 metres, 108.928 metres to a point of curvature (UP 402), said point being located by azimuth 347° 07' 38", 106.920 metres from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land by azimuth 06° 14' 22", 89.929 metres to UP403, also being a point of curvature;
Thence northerly along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land following the arc of a curve to the right of radius 493.122 metres, 139.071 metres to a point of curvature (UP 405), said point being located by azimuth 14° 19' 08", 138.610 metres from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land by azimuth 22° 23' 54", 220.114 metres to UP406, also being a point of curvature;
Thence northerly along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land following the arc of a curve to the left of radius 149.238 metres, 68.757 metres to a point of curvature (UP408), said point being located by azimuth 09° 11' 58", 68.151 metres from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land by azimuth 356° 00' 03", 42.063 metres to UP409, also being a point of curvature;
Thence northerly along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land following the arc of a curve to the right of radius 1824.314 metres, 319.730 metres to a point of curvature (UP411), said point being located by azimuth 01° 01' 18", 319.320 metres from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land by azimuth 06° 02' 31", 33.706 metres to UP412, also being a point of curvature;
Thence northerly along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land following the arc of a curve to the right of radius 216.902 metres, 98.283 metres to a point of curvature (UP414), said point being located by azimuth 19° 01' 23", 97.444 metres from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land by azimuth 32° 00' 17", 140.977 metres to UP415, also being a point of curvature;
Thence northeasterly along a western boundary of the access road over Crown land following the arc of a curve to the right of radius 385.149 metres, 119.043 metres to a point of curvature (UP417), said point being located by azimuth 40° 51' 33", 118.570 metres from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence along a northern boundary of the access road over Crown land by azimuth 49° 42' 48", 63.899 metres to UP418, also being a point of curvature;
Thence northeasterly along a northern boundary of the access road over Crown land following the arc of a curve to the right of radius 758.458 metres, 99.856 metres to a point of curvature (UP420), said point being located by azimuth 53° 29' 06", 99.783 metres from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence along a northern boundary of the access road over Crown land by azimuth 57° 15' 24", 63.358 metres to SM C3127;
Thence by azimuth 17° 36' 27", 1000.000 metres to SM C3128;
Thence by azimuth 17° 36' 27", 1051.377 metres to SM C3129;
Thence by azimuth 71° 44' 18", 674.838 metres to SM C3130, situate on a southwestern boundary of an access road;
Thence crossing the access road by azimuth 107° 31' 10", 1546.469 metres to SM C3042, situate on a southwestern boundary of the Eatonville Road;
Thence crossing the Eatonville Road and along a western boundary of land now or formerly of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc. by azimuth 15° 39' 07", 406.346 metres to SM C3131;
Thence by azimuth 315° 10' 18", 872.379 metres to SM C3132;
Thence by azimuth 351° 25' 28", 857.299 metres to SM C3133, situate on a southwestern boundary of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc.;
Thence along the southwestern boundary of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc. by azimuth
292° 57' 41", 172.112 metres to SM C3038;
Thence along a western boundary of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc. by azimuth 11° 00' 01", 1279.158 metres to SM C3037;
Thence continuing along the western boundary of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc. by azimuth 11° 00' 01", 755.773 metres to SM C3036;
Thence continuing along the western boundary of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc. and crossing the Eatonville Road by azimuth 11° 00' 01", 1185.490 metres to SM C3035;
Thence continuing along the western boundary of Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc. by azimuth 11° 00' 01", 85.0 metres more or less to a point on the ordinary high water mark of Chignecto Bay;
Thence continuing by azimuth 11° 00' 01", 150 metres more or less across tidal flats to a point on the mean low water mark of Chignecto Bay;
Thence in generally southerly and easterly courses along the mean low water mark of Chignecto Bay and Advocate Bay for a distance of 28,990 metres more or less to a point on the mean low water mark of Advocate Bay;
Thence across tidal flats by azimuth 20° 21' 56", 200 metres more or less to an unmonumented point on the ordinary high water mark of Advocate Bay;
Thence along a western boundary of land now or formerly of Herman and Jessie Marshal by azimuth 20° 21' 56", 24.174 metres to SM C3062;
Thence along a western boundary of land now or formerly of Herman and Jessie Marshal by azimuth 20° 21' 52", 24.625 metres to SM C3061, situate at a southwest corner of the West Advocate Road;
Thence along a western boundary of the West Advocate Road by azimuth 20° 22' 02", 7.407 metres to SM C3101;
Thence continuing along the western boundary of the West Advocate Road by azimuth
20° 22' 02", 12.729 metres to the point of beginning.
Excepting and reserving therefrom:
Lot “A” (New Yarmouth)
Beginning at corner marker S423 as shown on said plan;
Thence N 49° 35' W, 6.81 chains to corner marker S424, said marker being situate on the northwesterly side of an old woods road;
Thence westerly along the northwesterly side of said old woods road to corner marker M425, said marker being situate S 74° 00' W, 11.68 chains from corner marker S424;
Thence S 13° 54' W, 10.03 chains to corner marker M426;
Thence N 39° 30' W, 25.99 chains to corner marker M427;
Thence S 80° 00' W, 23.70 chains to corner marker M428;
Thence S 15° 00' W, 20.04 chains to corner marker M429;
Thence S 39° 30' E, 6.01 chains to corner marker M430;
Thence S 50° 30' W, 10.03 chains to corner marker M431;
Thence S 39° 30' E, 10.11 chains to corner marker M432;
Thence S 57° 00' E, 24.06 chains to corner marker M433, said marker being situate on the westerly side of a small brook;
Thence northeasterly following the westerly side of said small brook to corner marker M434, said marker being situate N 40° 28' E, 24.06 chains from corner marker M433;
Thence S 47° 00' E, 9.82 chains to corner marker M435;
Thence N 29° E, 37 chains more or less to the place of beginning.
The above described Lot “A” contains 190 acres more or less.
Also excepting and reserving therefrom:
Lot “B” (Eatonville)
Beginning at corner marker M2537 as shown on said plan, said marker being on the ordinary high water mark of Chignecto Bay;
Thence S 53° 00' E, 8.04 chains to corner marker M463;
Thence S 54° 46' E, 17.45 chains to corner marker M462;
Thence S 40° 00' W, 6.21 chains to corner marker M461;
Thence N 55° 30' W, 15.24 chains to corner marker M460;
Thence S 30° 00' W, 8.78 chains to corner marker M459;
Thence N 56° 45' W, 3.84 chains to corner marker M458;
Thence S 40° 15' W, 9.01 chains to corner marker M457;
Thence N 69° 30' W, 10.09 chains to corner marker M456;
Thence N 12° 15' E, 9.94 chains to corner marker M455;
Thence westerly to corner marker M451;
Thence northerly to the ordinary high water mark of Chignecto Bay;
Thence northeasterly along the ordinary high water mark of Chignecto Bay to the place of beginning.
The above described Lot “B” contains 50 acres more or less.
Also excepting and reserving therefrom:
Lot “C” (Eatonville)
Beginning at corner marker M2538 as shown on said plan, said marker being situate on an eastern boundary of the Eatonville Road;
Thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the Eatonville Road to corner marker M2540;
Thence S 50° 45' E, 5.70 chains to corner marker M2539;
Thence S 35° 20' W, 3.73 chains to corner marker M445;
Thence N 50° 45' W, 5.35 chains to the place of beginning.
The above described Lot “C” contains 2.0 acres more or less.
Also excepting and reserving therefrom:
Lot “D” (Eatonville)
Beginning at corner marker S4302 as shown on said plan, said marker being situate on an eastern boundary of the Eatonville Road;
Thence N 02° 36' W, 2.55 chains along the eastern boundary of the Eatonville Road to corner marker S4306;
Thence S 82° 00' E, 3.19 chains to corner marker S4305;
Thence S 63° 00' E, 3.06 chains to corner marker S4304;
Thence S 08° 00' E, 1.52 chains to corner marker S4303;
Thence N 82° 00' W, 5.61 chains to the place of beginning.
The above described Lot “D” contains 1.3 acres more or less.
Also excepting and reserving a lot of land now or formerly of “Robinson” situate at Spicer Cove Brook and Spicers Cove bounded by the ordinary high water mark of Spicers Cove, Spicer Cove Brook, and Post Nos. M464 and M2535, containing 2.5 acres more or less.
The above described parcel of land to be designated as Cape Chignecto Provincial Park contains an area of 4,470 hectares, more or less.
All azimuths are grid based on the Nova Scotia 3° Modified Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 5, Central Meridian 64° 30' West Longitude.
All bearings referred to herein are magnetic.
Schedule “B”
[Note: The map referred to as Schedule “B” was not filed with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations.]
O.I.C. 2015-178
The Governor in Council on the report and recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources dated January 15, 2015, and pursuant to Section 8 of Chapter 367 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, the Provincial Parks Act, is pleased, effective on and after June 16, 2015, to
(a) increase the size of Cape Chignecto Provincial Park, originally designated by the Governor in Council by Order in Council 1998-350 dated July 23, 1998, by adding to it the lands shown outlined in bold on the plan marked Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of the report and recommendation; and
(b) authorize the Minister of Natural Resources to execute such documents as may be necessary to achieve the purposes of this order.
Schedule “A”
Last updated: 10-12-2017