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Taylor Head Provincial Park Designation

made under Section 8 of the

Provincial Parks Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 367

O.I.C. 80-641 (May 13, 1980), N.S. Reg. 82/80

O.I.C. 2015-436 (December 29, 2015), N.S. Reg. 436/2015

O.I.C. 80-641

The Governor in Council on the report and recommendation of the Minister of Lands and Forests dated the 7th day of May, A.D., 1980, and pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 244 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1967, the Provincial Parks Act, is pleased to:


       (a)    constitute all that area of land situate at Taylor Head, in the County of Halifax, owned by Her Majesty in the right of the Province of Nova Scotia, to be a Provincial Park, the said area of land being described in Schedule “A” and shown outlined in red on the copy of Crown Land Records Plan No. E-11-6 marked Schedule “B”, excepting the lands shown outlined in green on Schedule “B”, both schedules attached to and forming part of the report and recommendation; and


       (b)    declare that the park shall be known by the name of “Taylor Head Provincial Park”.

Schedule “A”

Taylor Head Provincial Park

All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Spry Bay, in the County of Halifax, Province of Nova Scotia as shown on Plan No. E-11-6 filed in the Crown Land Records Office, Department of Lands and Forests, Halifax, and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at Crown Land Iron Post No. 2014 situate on the eastern boundary of the No. 7 Highway leading from Dartmouth to Sheet Harbour and being (by grid bearings referred to the Nova Scotia Modified 3° Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 5, central meridian 64° 30' west longitude) N 24° 23' 21" E, a distance of 470.80' from Nova Scotia Control Monument No. 11693;

Thence (from the place of beginning) N 61° 05' 05" E, a distance of 2939.09' to Crown Land Iron Post No. 2013 situate on the southwestern boundary of a public highway leading to Mushaboom;

Thence in an easterly direction along the southwestern boundary of the said public highway leading to Mushaboom a distance of 120', more or less, to the mean high water mark of Mushaboom Harbour;

Thence in generally a southerly direction along the mean high water mark of Mushaboom Harbour a distance of 18,400', more or less, to Crown Land Iron Post No. 2046;

Thence continuing in a southerly direction along the mean high water mark of Mushaboom Harbour a distance of 12,500', more or less, to a point marking the northeastern corner of lands of Gerald McCarthy et al;

Thence N 74° 06' 16" W along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 19', more or less, to an iron pin;

Thence continuing N 74° 06' 16" W along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 54.70' to a point;

Thence S 75° 14' 36" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 20.63' to a point;

Thence S 75° 07' 13" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 88.17' to a point;

Thence N 88° 18' 20" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 41.43' to a point;

Thence N 83° 38' 14" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 118.41' to a point;

Thence N 87° 38' 37" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 100.92' to a point;

Thence S 66° 36' 11" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 72.20' to a point;

Thence S 81° 21' 41" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 74.58' to a point;

Thence S 63° 02' 00" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 61.74' to a point;

Thence S 70° 47' 38" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 73.91' to a point;

Thence N 69° 30' 18" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 51.24' to a point;

Thence S 71° 57' 24" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 147.97' to a point;

Thence N 44° 35' 24" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 91.15' to a point;

Thence N 43° 23' 47" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 112.84' to a point;

Thence S 65° 10' 32" W continuing along the northern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 74.84' to a point;

Thence S 33° 45' 54" W along the western boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 57.61' to a point;

Thence S 19° 07' 10" W continuing along the western boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 45.33' to a point;

Thence S 75° 24' 02" W continuing along the western boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 134.07' to a point;

Thence S 31° 06' 59" W continuing along the western boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 66.60' to a point;

Thence S 10° 28' 22" E continuing along the western boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 123.60' to a point;

Thence S 10° 56' 55" E continuing along the western boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 116.51' to a point;

Thence S 01° 04' 09" E continuing along the western boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 87.06' to a point;

Thence S 26° 29' 33" E continuing along the western boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 102.37' to a point said point being S 26° 15' 06" E a distance of 11397.59' from Nova Scotia Control Monument No. 11689;

Thence S 81° 37' 19" E along the southern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 93.13' to a point;

Thence S 63° 44' 33" E continuing along the southern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 118.05' to a point;

Thence S 67° 15' 45" E continuing along the southern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 143.45' to a point;

Thence S 73° 11' 01" E continuing along the sounthern [southern] boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 280.72' to a point;

Thence N 60° 43' 41" E continuing along the southern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 152.63' to a point;

Thence N 46° 35' 18" E continuing along the southern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 59.97' to an iron pin being S 11° 07' 48" W, a distance of 15845.46' from Nova Scotia Control Monument No. 11823;

Thence continuing N 46° 35' 18" E along the southern boundary of the said McCarthy lands, a distance of 6', more or less, to the mean high water mark of Mushaboom Harbour;

Thence in a southerly direction along the mean high water mark of Mushaboom Harbour, a distance of 12,500', more or less, to the southern most point of Taylor Head;

Thence in a northwesterly direction following the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean and Spry Bay a distance of 24,600', more or less, to a point marking the southwestern corner of lands now or formerly of Guy Boutilier;

Thence N 78° 46' 40" E along the southern boundary of the Guy Boutilier lands, a distance of 30', more or less, to an iron pin;

Thence continuing N 78° 46' 40" E along the southern boundary of the Guy Boutilier lands, a distance of 404.60' to an iron pin;

Thence S 13° 03' 33" E along a western boundary of the Guy Boutilier lands, a distance of 50.95' to an iron pin;

Thence N 74° 18' 14" E along the southern boundary of the Guy Boutilier lands, a distance of 538.34' to Crown Land Iron Pin No. 2044 being S 41° 38' 22" E, a distance of 2709.80' from Nova Scotia Control Monument No. 11689;

Thence N 16° 52' 05" W along an eastern boundary of the Guy Boutilier lands, a distance of 3250.64' to an iron pin situate on the southeastern boundary of the aforementioned Highway No. 7;

Thence N 33° 56' 29" E along the southeastern boundary of Highway No. 7, a distance of 1200.82' to Nova Scotia Control Monument No. 11690;

Thence in a northerly direction continuing along the southeastern boundary of Highway No. 7, a distance of 7000', more or less, to the place of beginning.

Saving and excepting therefrom the lands of Dr. Johannes H. Castelliz shown outlined in green as inset “B” on the abovementioned Plan No. E-11-6, being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point situate in the centre of a private road to Bull Beach and marked No. 1A on the abovementioned plan;

Thence N 02° 21' 26" E, a distance of 33.18' to a point marked No. 2;

Thence N 48° 54' 57" E, a distance of 196.51' to a point marked No. 3;

Thence N 83° 52' 57" E, a distance of 100.50' to a point marked No. 4;

Thence S 85° 41' 09" E, a distance of 78.73' to a point marked No. 5;

Thence S 25° 37' 27" E, a distance of 33.83' to a point marked No. 6;

Thence S 42° 30' 19" E, a distance of 196.34' to a point marked No. 7;

Thence S 01° 41' 55" E, a distance of 221.61' to a point marked No. 8;

Thence S 11° 17' 05" E, a distance of 233.58' to a point marked No. 9;

Thence S 24° 40' 20" W, a distance of 61.15' to a point marked No. 10;

Thence N 84° 07' 50" W, a distance of 114.43' to a point marked No. 11;

Thence N 59° 01' 58" W, a distance of 101.86' to a point marked No. 12;

Thence N 44° 13' 03" W, a distance of 104.43' to a point marked No. 13;

Thence N 52° 56' 42" W, a distance of 92.49' to a point marked No. 14;

Thence N 32° 56' 36" W, a distance of 101.45' to a point marked No. 15;

Thence N 51° 59' 30" W, a distance of 82.85' to a point marked No. 16;

Thence N 30° 07' 31" W, a distance of 76.74' to a point marked No. 1;

Thence N 02° 21' 26" E, a distance of 117.19' to the place of beginning containing 5.53 acres.

The above described Taylor Head Provincial Park contains 1982 acres, more or less.

Also saving and reserving any portion of the above described land used for energy or communication transmission purposes.

Schedule “B”

[Note: The map referred to as Schedule “B” was not filed with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations.]

O.I.C. 2015-436

The Governor in Council on the report and recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources dated December 3, 2015, and pursuant to Section 8 of Chapter 367 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, the Provincial Parks Act, is pleased, effective on and after December 29, 2015, to:


                (a)    increase the size of Taylor Head Provincial Park, originally designated by the Governor in Council by Order in Council 80-641 dated May 13, 1980, by adding existing Crown lands shown outlined in bold on the plan marked Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of the report and recommendation; and


                (b)    authorize the Minister of Natural Resources to execute such documents as may be necessary to achieve the purposes of this Order.



Schedule “A”
Taylor Head Provincial Park Addition



Addition to Taylor Head Provincial Park


Last updated: 10-12-2017