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Petroleum Products Pricing Information Regulations

made under Section 14 of the
Petroleum Products Pricing Act
S.N.S. 2005, c. 11
O.I.C. 2005-302 (July 13, 2005), N.S. Reg. 144/2005

1 These regulations may be cited as the Petroleum Products Pricing Information Regulations.

2 In these regulations,

(a) "cross-lease arrangement" means an arrangement in which a wholesaler compensates a retailer for the use of the retailer’s facilities to re-sell the wholesaler’s petroleum products;

(b) "exchange agreement" means an agreement that allows a refiner or wholesaler to exchange petroleum products with another refiner or wholesaler at an agreed rate of exchange;

(c) "refiner" means the manufacturer or processor of petroleum products from crude oil.

Petroleum product pricing information from wholesaler
3 (1) After receiving a request from the Minister, a wholesaler must provide the Minister with all of the following petroleum product price information within the time frame specified by the Minister in the request:

(a) the purchase price, in cents per litre, that the wholesaler paid to the refinery or other wholesaler for petroleum products intended for re-sale, and the volume purchased;

(b) if the wholesaler has an exchange agreement with a refiner or another wholesaler,

(i) the price,

(ii) the terms of the exchange agreement relating to petroleum products sold in the Province, and

(iii) the volume of petroleum products to be purchased or exchanged under the exchange agreement;

(c) if transportation costs are not included in a wholesale price, a schedule of the transportation costs charged by the wholesaler to each retailer;

(d) the wholesale price, in cents per litre, that is charged by the wholesaler to each retailer, wholesaler or reseller who purchased petroleum products intended for re-sale;

(e) the self-serve and full-serve retail price charged for each grade of gasoline by each of the wholesaler’s controlled retailers, and the volumes sold;

(f) any additional information required by the Minister.

(2) Except as provided in Section 5, a wholesaler must inform the Minister of any changes to the petroleum product price information provided under subsection (1), along with the effective date of the changes, within the time frame specified by the Minister in a request made under subsection (1).

(3) The petroleum product price information required by subsection (1) and any change to the petroleum product price information required by subsection (2) must

(a) be submitted with the following information attached:

(i) the name and street address of the wholesaler,

(ii) the name and grade of the petroleum products,

(iii) for gasoline price information, the name and location, sorted by county, of the controlled retailers to which the information applies; and

(b) be provided in the manner specified by the Minister.

Petroleum product price information from retailers
4 (1) After receiving a request from the Minister, a retailer must provide the Minister with all of the following petroleum product price information within the time frame specified by the Minister in the request:

(a) the wholesale price, in cents per litre, that the retailer paid to the wholesaler for the petroleum products, and the volume purchased;

(b) the self-serve and full-serve retail price charged by the retailer for each grade of gasoline, and the volume sold;

(c) if transportation costs are not included in the wholesale price, the transportation costs charged to a retailer.

(2) Except as provided in Section 5, a retailer must inform the Minister of any changes to the petroleum product price information provided under subsection (1), along with the effective date of the changes, within the time frame specified by the Minister in a request under subsection (1).

(3) The petroleum product price information required by subsection (1) and any change to the price information required by subsection (2) must be provided in the manner specified by the Minister.

Change in pricing information not required for tax increase or decrease
5 A wholesaler or retailer is not required to inform the Minister of a change in petroleum price information under subsection 3(2) or 4(2) if the increase or decrease in the price of a petroleum product is entirely a result of a change in taxation.

Cross-lease arrangements information
6 A wholesaler must provide the Minister with all of the following information about each cross-lease arrangement that the wholesaler is party to:

(a) the amount, in cents per litre, that the wholesaler paid to the retailer;

(b) the time frame during which the cross-lease arrangement is in effect;

(c) other compensation provided to a retailer for selling the petroleum products of the wholesaler;

(d) a copy of the cross-lease arrangement.

Supply contracts provided on request
7 (1) After a request from the Minister, a wholesaler must provide the Minister with the current supply contract between the wholesaler and a retailer within the time frame specified by the Minister in the request.

(2) After a request from the Minister, a retailer must provide the Minister with the current supply contract between the retailer and a wholesaler within the time frame specified by the Minister in the request.

Contact information provided to Minister
8 (1) No later than 15 business days after the date these regulations come into force, a wholesaler must provide the Minister with all of the following contact information in writing:

(a) mailing address;

(b) telephone number;

(c) fax number;

(d) e-mail address;

(e) the name and position title of an individual designated by the wholesaler to receive all communications from the Minister on behalf of the wholesaler.

(2) A person who becomes a wholesaler after the date these regulations come into force must provide the Minister with the information required by subsection (1) no later than 20 business days after becoming a wholesaler.

(3) A wholesaler must inform the Minister in writing of any changes to the wholesaler’s contact information provided under subsections (1) and (2) no later than 15 business days after the change.

Last updated: 14-03-2025