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Personal Directives Act Referral Regulations

made under Section 42 of the

Public Trustee Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 379

O.I.C. 2010-71 (February 16, 2010), N.S. Reg. 32/2010


1     These regulations may be cited as the Personal Directives Act Referral Regulations.

Form for referral to Public Trustee

2     An individual must complete Form 1: Referral to Public Trustee (Personal Directives Act) to make a referral to the Public Trustee under Section 8A of the Public Trustee Act regarding a person who is being placed in a continuing-care home or is to be provided home-care services in accordance with a decision made under Section 14 of the Personal Directives Act.

Form for declaration of competency

3     A duly qualified medical practitioner may use Form 2: Declaration of Competency (Personal Directives Act) for the written opinion required by subsection 8A(2) of the Public Trustee Act when assessing the capacity of a person who is the subject of a referral described in subsection (1) to manage their financial affairs.

Form 1: Referral to Public Trustee (Personal Directives Act)

Regarding Finances of Person Requiring Continuing-Care or Home-Services Care

(subsection 8A(1) of Public Trustee Act)

I, _____________________________________________________________ (full name), am


Check one:


              the person in charge of _____________________________________________, a continuing-care home, as defined in the Personal Directives Act, where the person who is the subject of this referral resides.


              the person in charge of _____________________________________________, a provider of home-care services, as defined in the Personal Directives Act, to the person who is the subject of this referral.


              the person who made the decision to accept placement in a continuing-care home or regarding provision of home-care services for the person who is the subject of this referral under Section 14 of the Personal Directives Act.


              the delegate named in the personal directive of _____________________________

_________________ (name of person who is the subject of the referral).

______________________________________________________ (full name of person who is subject of referral) has been examined by _________________________ (full name and professional designation), a duly qualified medi[c]al practitioner and has been found to be not capable of managing their financial affairs.


      The written opinion of the duly qualified medical professional or prescribed health-care professional is attached.

I hereby advise you that circumstances are such that the Public Trustee should consider immediately assuming management of the financial affairs of ___________________________ (full name of person who is subject of referral).


(date of signature)




(witness’s name – printed)






1)     This form must be used by a person in charge of a continuing-care home, a home-care services provider or by a person making the decision to place a person in a continuing-care home or have home-care services provided for them.

(s. 8A(3) of Public Trustee Act)


2)     This form must be accompanied by the written opinion of a duly qualified medical professional or prescribed health-care professional.

(s. 8A(2) of Public Trustee Act)


Form 2: Declaration of Competency to Administer Estate (Personal Directives Act)

Regarding Person Requiring Continuing-Care or Home-Services Care

(subsection 8A(2) of the Public Trustee Act)

I, ___________________________________ (full name), a duly qualified medical practitioner personally examined ______________________ (full name of person assessed) on _____/_____/_____ (dd/mm/yyyy) at ______ a.m./p.m. at ____________________________ ______________ (location of examination).

In my opinion, the person (check one):


❑is competent to administer their estate.

❑is not competent to administer their estate.

In arriving at this opinion I have considered all of the following:


      the nature and degree of the person’s condition

      the complexity of the estate

      the effect of the person’s condition on their conduct in administering the estate

      any other circumstances that I consider relevant to the estate and the person and their condition

The following information supports my opinion:

A)   Observations from my examination of the patient:


B)   Information from other sources:


Sources of above information (identify specific sources):





(date of signature)





(printed name)

Last updated: 10-12-2017