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Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve Ecological Site Designation
made under Section 14 of the
Special Places Protection Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 438
O.I.C. 2004-470 (December 3, 2004), N.S. Reg. 237/2004
as amended to O.I.C. 2015-181 (June 16, 2015), N.S. Reg. 239/2015
Order approved by O.I.C. 2004-470
I hereby designate as an ecological site pursuant to subsections (1), (2), (3), and (4) of Section 14 of Chapter 438 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, the Special Places Protection Act, the land described in Appendix “A” and shown on the map attached as Appendix “B”, which ecological site shall be managed in accordance with the Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve Management Plan dated September 24, 2004, and filed at the office of the Department of Environment and Labour at Halifax, a summary of which is attached as Appendix “C”, all appendices being attached to and forming part of the designation, which shall be known as the Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve, effective on the date of publication of the designation in the Royal Gazette.
Sgd: K. Morash
Kerry Morash
Minister of Environment and Labour
Dated and signed at Halifax, Nova Scotia
October 26, 2004.
Appendix “A”
Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve
ALL that certain tract of land and land covered by water shown outlined in bold line on Compiled Plan Showing Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve, filed at Department of Natural Resources Office at Halifax, under Field Plot P-028/04, said tract of land located at Quinns Meadow, Shelburne County, Province of Nova Scotia.
CONTAINING an approximate area of 337 hectares.
Appendix “B”
Appendix “C”
Summary of Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve Management Plan
The management plan for Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve describes the outstanding natural features, boundaries, and management prescription for this reserve, located approximately 16 km southwest of Shelburne, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia. The management plan gives guidance to those charged with maintaining the ecological integrity of the reserve, emphasizing the most fundamental principle of nature reserve management—that protection must take priority over use.
Quinns Meadow is a large (376-hectare), Sphagnum-sedge-dominated bog/fen located along the lower Clyde River. It is one of four bogs in Canada known to contain a nationally endangered coastal plain plant species, Thread-leaved Sundew (Drosera filiformis). Quinn’s Meadow also contains a population of Long’s Bulrush (Scirpus longii), a species of national special concern.
Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve encompasses approximately 337 hectares, consisting of that portion of an upstream bog which feeds Quinns Meadow, as well as slopes adjacent to both Quinns Meadow and the feeder bog. The reserve also includes a narrow southeastward extension towards Bowers Meadows Wilderness Area. Significant portions of Quinns Meadow are located on private lands. These areas amount to over 300 hectares, the largest being a 200-hectare portion of the southern end of the bog. These areas are not included in the designated nature reserve but are critical areas for private land stewardship or acquisition. A significant portion of Quinns Meadow and adjacent slope, amounting to over 100 hectares is claimed by both the Province and private parties. These lands may eventually be added to the nature reserve, should a resolution be found.
Management objectives
As provided for in the Special Places Protection Act, Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve is to be managed to a high standard of protection, equivalent to IUCN Class Ia (Strict Nature Reserve), in keeping with the overriding goal of maintenance and restoration of ecological integrity.
Private land stewardship and securement are critical to the protection of Quinns Meadow and the rare and endangered species it contains. Access to the reserve for environmental education and nature appreciation purposes will be permitted to the extent that protection goals are not compromised. Motorized and non-motorized vehicle access (including ATVs, motorcycles, and mountain bikes) will not be permitted. With the exception of forest fires, natural processes will be allowed to take place in the absence of any direct human interference.
Staff will carry out regular (at least annual or more frequently if specifically warranted) and opportunistic inspections to assess compliance with the Act and the management plan.
Order approved by O.I.C. 2015-181
I, Randy Delorey, Minister of Environment for the Province of Nova Scotia, pursuant to Section 14 of Chapter 438 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, the Special Places Protection Act, hereby designate the area of land described in Appendix A and shown on the map attached as Appendix B as an addition to the Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve Designation, N.S. Reg. 237/2004, made by the Minister of Environment and Labour and approved by the Governor in Council by Order in Council 2004-470 dated December 3, 2004.
Pursuant to subsection 14(3) of the Act, this designation is effective on and after the date it is published in the Royal Gazette.
In accordance with subsection 14(6) of the Act, this description will be registered in the registry of deeds office for the registration district in which the lands are situated.
Dated and made at Halifax Regional Municipality, Province of Nova Scotia, March 24, 2015.
sgd: Randy Delorey
Honourable Randy Delorey
Minister of Environment
Appendix A
Addition to Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve Ecological Site
(original designation approved by Order in Council 2004-470)
ALL that certain parcel 24-13 of land and land covered by water located near Clyde River, in the County of Shelburne, Province of Nova Scotia, shown outlined in bold line on Field Plot P-024/13, filed at the Surveys Division at the Department of Natural Resources, Halifax, Nova Scotia and containing a total area of 46.1 hectares more or less.
Appendix B
Map of Addition to Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve
Last updated: 10-12-2017