This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only. For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II. Regulations are amended frequently. Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Office of the Registrar of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting. This electronic version is copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.
Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area Designation
made under Section 11 of the
Wilderness Areas Protection Act
S.N.S. 1998, c. 27
O.I.C. 2008-628 (December 2, 2008), N.S. Reg. 438/2008
O.I.C. 2017-62 (March 21, 2017), N.S. Reg. 39/2017
Order approved by O.I.C. 2008-628
I, Mark Parent, Minister of Environment for the Province of Nova Scotia, pursuant to subsection 11(3) of Chapter 27 of the Acts of 1998, the Wilderness Areas Protection Act, hereby designate an area of land as described in Schedule A to be known as the Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area, the approximate boundary of which is shown on the map attached as Schedule B.
The written consent to the designation of these lands has been granted by the owner, the Town of Amherst, on the terms and conditions set out in Schedule C. A copy of the written consent has been filed with the Department of Environment.
This designation is effective on and after the date of its approval by the Governor in Council.
Dated and made at Halifax Regional Municipality, Province of Nova Scotia, November 7, 2008
Sgd.: Mark Parent
Honourable Mark Parent
Minister of Environment
Schedule A
List and Description of Lands Owned by the Town of Amherst
and Included in the Designation of the Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area
pursuant to subsection 11(3) of Chapter 27 of the Acts of 1998,
the Wilderness Areas Protection Act
Part 1 of 2: List of Lands by Property [Parcel] Identification Number (PID) Owned by the Town of Amherst and Included in the Designation of the Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area
Property 1
PID 25076167 173 hectares
PID 25332966 53 hectares
PID 25332974 40 hectares
Property 2
PID 25332958 98 hectares
Property 3
PID 25330028 57 hectares
PID 25330523 104 hectares
Property 4
PID 25098864 12 hectares
Property 5
PID 25361585 76 hectares
Property 6
PID 25098815 360 hectares
Part 2 of 2: Description of Lands Owned by the Town of Amherst and Included in the Designation of the Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area
Parcel A
Parcel A is Zone I of the North Tyndal Protected Water Area, as described below, as well as all that certain lot of land being situate on the northwesterly side of lands of the Chignecto Ship Railway Company Limited where said Railway lands form a northwesterly boundary of Zone I of the North Tyndal Protected Water Area in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia and shown on a Plan of Survey of said Zone I prepared by Walter C. Rayworth, N.S.L.S. dated June 15th, 1992, the said lot of land being more particularly described as follows:
(Directions in the following are oriented to the Nova Scotia Co-ordinate Grid 3 deg. MTM Zone 5 Central Meridian 64 deg. 30 min. West Longitude.)
Beginning at a survey marker (shown on the said plan as No. 466) at the intersection of the northwesterly bounds of the land of the Chignecto Ship Railway Company Limited and the southwesterly bounds of lands formerly deeded to Claude Porter (deed recorded in the Cumberland Land Registry Office in Book 221 at Page 277);
Thence from the place of beginning 228 deg. 43 min. 03 sec. a distance of 477.261 metres along the said northwesterly bounds of the lands of the Chignecto Ship Railway Company Limited to a survey marker (shown on the said plan as No. 467);
Thence 31 deg. 30 min. along the southeasterly bounds of lands formerly deeded to Claude and Audrey Porter (deed recorded in Book 507 at Page 1079) and along Crown Land (conveyed to the Crown by Crown Document No. 492) and again along the said lands formerly of Claude and Audrey Porter a total distance of 456.326 metres to a survey marker (shown on the said plan as No. 463);
Thence 121 deg. 41 min. 00 sec. a distance of 141.27 metres along the aforesaid bounds of lands formerly of Claude Porter to the place of beginning;
The above described lot of land containing 3.223 hectares and being the “Second” lot of land deeded to the Town of Amherst by deed recorded in Book 611 at Page 710; and
Being and intended to be that portion of Property [Parcel] Identification Number (PID) 25332958 which is not included in the aforementioned Zone 1 of the North Tyndal Protected Water Area.
Zone I of the North Tyndal Protected Water Area
(portion of Parcel A)
Exterior Boundary
Shown as Zone 1 on a Sketch Showing The North Tyndal Protected Water Area prepared by Rayworth & Roberts Surveys Ltd., dated August 19, A.D., 1992.
(Directions in the following are oriented to the N.S. Co-ordinate Grid, 3° MTM Zone 5 Central Meridian 64° 30' West Longitude.)
Beginning at a survey marker on the westerly bounds of Highway Route No. 366 (the Tyndal Road), said marker being 22° 56' 24" a distance of 1053.193 metres from N.S. Co-ordinate Monument #13380;
Thence 297° 44' 15" a distance of 433.279 metres along the northeasterly sideline of lands of J. D. Irving Ltd. deed recorded Book 222 Page 135 (first parcel) to a survey marker;
Thence 210° 18' 40" a distance of 629.395 metres along the westerly or rear bounds of said Irving property, (said boundary being known as “the town line”), to a survey marker;
Thence 301° 51' 10" a distance of 1137.512 metres along the northerly sideline of lands of J. D. Irving Ltd. deed recorded Book 200 Page 442 (2nd Parcel), (said sideline lying next to and easterly of the Irving Access Road running from the Tyndal Road to Long Lake), to a survey marker;
Thence 301° 50' 08" a distance of 1143.248 metres along said Irving property and said access road to a survey marker;
Thence 31° 30' 00" a distance of 797.041 metres along the southeasterly boundary of Crown land and lands of Claude and Audrey Porter to a survey marker;
Thence 48o 43' 03" a distance of 1796.247 metres along the southerly bounds of lands of the Chignecto Ship Railway Company Limited to a survey marker;
Thence 119° 32' 55" a distance of 718.401 metres along the southerly sideline of the lands of George and Minerva Holton to a survey marker on the Spectacle Plain;
Thence 30° 48' 21" a distance of 42.457 metres along the easterly bounds of said Holton property to a second survey marker on the Spectacle Plain;
Thence 121° 16' 38" a distance of 530.409 metres along the southerly sideline of the lands of Walter E. Curry to a survey marker;
Thence 122° 32' 50" a distance of 267.585 metres along said Curry sideline to a survey marker;
Thence 123° 52' 00" a distance of 167.72 metres along said Curry sideline to a survey marker;
Thence 30° 41' 00" a distance of 141.68 metres along the easterly bounds of said Walter E. Curry land, following the town line to a survey marker;
Thence 26° 35' 00" a distance of 71.90 metres along the easterly bounds of lands of Barbara Hashey, following the town line to a survey marker;
Thence 21° 22' 00" a distance of 70.148 metres along the easterly bounds of lands of the Town of Amherst, following the town line to a survey marker;
Thence 25° 34' a distance of 92.798 metres along the easterly bounds of property of Douglas and Goldie Thompson, following the town line to a survey marker;
Thence 117° 35' 26" a distance of 275.969 metres following a blazed line crossing lands of J.D. Irving Ltd. deed recorded Book 496 Page 521 to a survey marker;
Thence southwesterly following the westerly bounds of the Tyndal Road a calculated tie line bearing and distance of 205° 35' 23" 2331.828 metres to the place of beginning.
Parcel B
Parcel B is land acquired from Kimberly Clark Worldwide, Inc. by the Town of Amherst and more particularly described as follows:
All and singular that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being northwest of Highway No. 366 and northeast of Round Lake, in the Tyndal Marsh, in the County of Cumberland, Province of Nova Scotia, said parcel being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a northeast corner of the herein described parcel, which point being marked by survey marker no. 2617;
Thence on a bearing of North 35 degrees, 15 minutes West (Mag. 1974), a distance of 57.27 chains, along the Southwest boundary of land, now or formerly, of William Nicolle, to survey marker no. 2611 in the Southeast boundary of the abandoned ship railway;
Thence northeasterly, crossing the said abandoned ship railway, to survey marker no. 2612 in the northwest boundary of the said railway, which marker being on a bearing of North 63 degrees, 20 minutes East (Mag. 1974), a distance of 13.75 chains from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence on a bearing of North 37 degrees, 45 minutes West (Mag. 1974), a distance of 114.45 chains, along the southwest boundary of land, now or formerly, of Bragg Lumber Co. Ltd., to a survey marker no. 2613;
Thence on a bearing of South 53 degrees, 10 minutes West (Mag. 1974), a distance of 41.92 chains, along the Middle Road Baseline, so-called, to survey marker no. 2614;
Thence on a bearing of South 51 degrees, 00 minutes West (Mag. 1974), a distance of 18.95 chains, along the said baseline, to survey marker no. 2621;
Thence on a bearing of South 34 degrees, 50 minutes East (Mag. 1974), a distance of 120.30 chains, along the northeast boundary of land, now or formerly, of Eldon Goodwin and land of Roderick Davidson, respectively, and crossing the abovementioned abandoned ship railway, to survey marker no. 2620;
Thence on a bearing of North 52 degrees, 20 minutes East (Mag. 1974), a distance of 23.04 chains, along the northwest boundary of land, now or formerly, of Douglas and Goldie Thompson, to survey marker no. 2619;
Thence on a bearing of South 34 degrees, 05 minutes East (Mag. 1974), a distance of 49.95 chains, along the northeast boundary of land of the said Thompsons, to survey marker no. 2618;
Thence on a bearing of North 50 degrees, 00 minutes East (Mag. 1974), a distance of 30.83 chains, along the northwest boundary of land, now or formerly, of J. D. Irving Limited, to the point of beginning;
An area containing 890 acres, more or less;
Saving and excepting from the above described parcel all land now or formerly being owned by the Chignecto Ship Railway Company Limited;
Being and intended to be the portion of the land as acquired by Scott Paper Company from A. E. Mundle & Company Limited (in liquidation) by an indenture dated February 11, 1969 and recorded in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds for Cumberland County in Book 256, at Page 537;
Also being and intended to be portion of the land owned by Scott Worldwide, Inc. at the time of a merger into Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc., as evidenced by a certificate of Agreement of Merger dated November 19, 1996 and as recorded in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds for Cumberland County on February 17, 1997, in Book 660, at Page 167.
Schedule B
Map Showing Approximate Boundaries of Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area
Schedule C
Terms and Conditions of the Consent by the Town of Amherst
to the Designation of Certain Lands Owned by the Town of Amherst
as the Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area
pursuant to subsection 11(3) of Chapter 27 of the Acts of 1998,
the Wilderness Areas Protection Act
1. The consent of the Town of Amherst (“the Town”) to the designation of lands under the Wilderness Areas Protection Act is granted only for the properties described in Schedule A (the “designated town lands”), and referenced by Property [Parcel] Identification Numbers (PIDs):
PID 25076167
PID 25332966
PID 25332974
PID 25332958
PID 25330028
PID 25330523
2. The Town’s consent is subject to the provisions of the North Tyndal Protected Water Area designation and regulations, N.S. Reg. 200/92, made under subsections 106(5) and (6) of the Environment Act, S.N.S. 1994-95, c. 1, and any amendments to those regulations, which prohibit or regulate certain activities in the North Tyndal Protected Water Area. Furthermore, for greater certainty, the provisions of the aforementioned regulations will continue to apply on the Town lands, even where activities so prohibited or regulated would otherwise be permitted under the Wilderness Areas Protection Act.
2A. The Town’s consent is granted for a period of five (5) years beginning on July 1, 2008, and shall be automatically renewed on July 1, 2013, for a further five (5) year period, and on July 1, 2018 shall be automatically granted in perpetuity, unless, at least 180 days prior to a renewal date, the Town provides notice in writing to the Minister that it intends to revoke its consent respecting some or all of the designated Town lands, or wishes to renegotiate the terms and conditions of its consent respecting some or all of the designated Town lands. The Town’s consent is granted under the further condition that, in the event that the Town gives timely notice prior to one of the two renewal dates that it intends to revoke its consent respecting some or all of the designated Town lands, the Minister of Environment (“Minister”) will undertake the actions necessary under the Wilderness Area Protection Act to revoke the designation within a reasonable time.
3A. The Town reserves the right to decide, at any time, whether and to what extent
i) regulations made pursuant to Section 39 of the Wilderness Areas Protection Act shall apply to the designated Town lands;
ii) management plans made pursuant to Section 15 of the Wilderness Areas Protection Act shall apply to the designated Town lands; and
iii) activities authorized under Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 26 of the Wilderness Areas Protection Act shall apply to or be permitted to occur on the designated Town lands.
3B. To exercise the right reserved in Section 3A of this Schedule, the Town shall provide written notice to the Minister requesting that a regulation or management plan or provision thereof not apply to, or an activity otherwise permitted to occur under the Wilderness Areas Protection Act not be permitted to occur on, the designated Town lands. Upon receipt of said notice, the Minister shall take all necessary steps to ensure the Town’s request is granted within a reasonable period of time.
Where such a request has been previously granted, the Town may at any time, by providing written notice to the Minister, request that its earlier request be revoked, and the Minister shall take all necessary steps to ensure the Town’s earlier request is revoked within a reasonable period of time.
3C. In the absence of the Minister receiving express written notice from the Town, any aforementioned regulation or activity shall apply to or be allowed to occur on the designated Town lands in the same manner as in other wilderness areas designated under the Act, and any management plan completed for the Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area shall apply to the designated Town lands in the same manner as to the remainder of the Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area.
3D. The Minister shall provide written notice to the Town of any regulations made or intended to be made pursuant to Section 39 and management plans made or intended to be made pursuant to Section 15 of the Wilderness Areas Protection Act. Any such regulations or management plans shall take effect on the designated Town lands 180 days following the provision of such notice, except where the Town provides its written consent to an earlier application date, or the Town provides written notice of its objection to the application of these regulations or management plans to some or all of the designated Town lands.
4. Notwithstanding anything in the Act, but subject to any other applicable statute or regulation, the Town reserves the right to undertake on the designated Town lands such activities and developments as are reasonably necessary for the development, operation, maintenance, expansion, restoration, repair, or dismantling of the Town’s municipal water supply, including, but not limited to, the expansion of water production, distribution, and treatment capacity through the building of new access roads, drilling of new wells, and construction or installation of any necessary associated infrastructure.
Prior to exercising any of the above-mentioned rights, the Town agrees to inform and consult with the Minister regarding its intentions for the designated Town lands.
5. The Town may post signs at intervals along the boundary of the designated Town lands as required to enable the Town to meet its obligations under the Environment Act with respect to the North Tyndal Protected Water Area.
6. The Town may blaze the zone boundaries of the North Tyndal Protected Water Area as necessary to maintain the boundaries, including marking, blazing and cutting of trees.
7. The Town may carry out such activities on the designated Town lands as are required in a waterworks-related emergency situation, in order to fulfill their obligations as waterworks operator, provided that care is taken to have the least environmental impact possible in the circumstances and that efforts are made to inform and consult with the Minister as soon as possible.
8. The Town may use motorized and non-motorized vehicles, including all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), snowmobiles, and bicycles, on existing and future roadways on the designated Town lands, for the purpose of maintaining and protecting the North Tyndal Protected Water Area and for exercising the rights reserved in Sections 4, 5, 6, and 7 of this Schedule.
9. The Town reserves the right to disallow public access to the designated Town lands for any reason, including, but not limited to, concerns regarding the health and safety of people or the water supply,
wildlife, forests, watercourses, or occupiers’ liability, and undertakes to provide public notice thereof through erection of signage, fencing, or other appropriate means.
10. The Town hereby agrees to at all times indemnify and save harmless Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Nova Scotia and the Minister from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, debts, damages, actions, suits, or other proceedings by whomever made, sustained, brought, or prosecuted in any manner based upon, occasioned by, arising out of, or attributable in any way to the performance or purported performance of the Town, its servants, agents, or independent contractors, of the Town’s obligations and activities to protect and maintain the North Tyndal Protected Water Area.
11. The Town’s consent is granted on the condition that the Province shall at all times indemnify and save harmless the Town from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, debts, damages, actions, suits, or other proceedings by whomever made, sustained, brought, or prosecuted in any manner based upon, occasioned by, arising out of, or attributable in any way to the performance or purported performance of the Province, its servants, agents, or independent contractors of the Province’s obligations and activities to protect and manage the Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area.
Order approved by O.I.C. 2017-62
I, Margaret Miller, Minister of Environment for the Province of Nova Scotia, pursuant to clause 11(3)(b) of Chapter 27 of the Acts of 1998, the Wilderness Areas Protection Act, hereby designate an area of Crown land in Cumberland County, with approximate boundaries as shown on the map attached as Appendix A, as an addition to Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area, designated by the Minister of Environment and approved by the Governor in Council by Order in Council 2008-628 dated December 2, 2008, N.S. Reg. 438/2008.
The actual boundaries of the designated additional areas shall be as described and shown on a description and plan signed by the Director of Surveys and deposited in the Provincial Crown Land Information Management Centre, formerly known as the Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre, the signed description and plan forming part of this designation.
This designation is effective on and after the later of the date it is approved by the Governor in Council and the date the description and plan are deposited in the Provincial Crown Land Information Management Centre.
Dated and made at Halifax Regional Municipality, Province of Nova Scotia, Nov 29 2016 [sic], 2016.
sgd. Margaret Miller
Honourable Margaret Miller
Minister of Environment
Appendix A
Map Showing Approximate Boundaries of
Addition to Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area
Last updated: 10-12-2017