This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only. For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II. Regulations are amended frequently. Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Office of the Registrar of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting. This electronic version is copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.
Hospital Insurance Regulations
made under Section 17 of the
Health Services and Insurance Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 197
N.S. Reg. 11/1958 (December 1, 1958)
amended to O.I.C. 2023-45 (effective February 7, 2023), N.S. Reg. 33/2023
Table of Contents
Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.
Insured services outside the Province
Payments to hospitals in the Province other than federal hospitals
Payments to federal hospitals in the Province
Schedule A - Drugs, Biologicals and Related Preparations
1 In these regulations
(a) Act means the Health Services and Insurance Act;
(b) agreement means an agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia under the Act;
(c) board means board of directors, governors, trustees, commission or other governing body or authority of a hospital;
(d) Commission means the Health Services and Insurance Commission;
(e) federal hospital means a hospital that is owned or operated by Canada;
(ee) fiscal year means the period commencing on April 1 and ending on March 31, with the exception of the period beginning January 1, 1977 and ending on March 31, 1978 which shall be deemed to be a fiscal year;
(eee) Halifax Metropolitan Hospitals means Victoria General Hospital, Grace Maternity Hospital, Izaak Walton Killam Hospital for Children, Camp Hill Medical Centre, Dartmouth General Hospital, the Nova Scotia Rehabilitation Centre and Point Pleasant Lodge;
(f) hospital region or region means an area of the Province as designated from time to time by the Commission;
(g) in-patient means a person admitted to and assigned to a bed in a hospital on the application of a duly qualified medical practitioner;
(h) in-patient services means any or all of the following services to an in-patient in a hospital:
(i) accommodation and meals at the standard ward level,
(ii) necessary nursing services,
(iii) laboratory, radiological and other diagnostic procedures, together with the necessary interpretations for the purpose of maintaining health, preventing disease and assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of any injury, illness or disability,
(iv) drugs, biologicals and related preparations as specified in Schedule A to these regulations, when administered in a hospital,
(v) use of operating room, case room and anaesthetic facilities including necessary equipment and supplies,
(vi) routine surgical supplies,
(vii) use of radiotherapy facilities where available,
(viii) use of physiotherapy facilities where available,
(ix) services rendered by persons who receive remuneration therefor from the hospital,
(x) the administration in a hospital of blood therapeutic blood fractions;
(i) out-patient means a person other than an in-patient, who receives services at a hospital;
(j) out-patient services means all of the following services provided to out-patients:
(i) laboratory examinations, from time to time specified by the Commission, together with the necessary interpretations thereof,
(ii) electroencephalographic examinations and the interpretations thereof,
(iii) diagnostic procedures involving the use of radioactive isotopes, and the interpretations thereof,
(iv) use of radiotherapy facilities, where available, for the treatment of malignancy,
(v) use of physiotherapy facilities where available,
(vi) necessary nursing services,
(vii) radiological examinations, from time to time specified by the Commission, together with the necessary interpretations, and
(viii) when used for emergency diagnosis and treatment, within 48 hours after an accident,
(A) all necessary laboratory and radiological diagnostic procedures and electrocardiograms together with the necessary interpretations for the purpose of assisting in the emergency diagnosis and treatment,
(B) use of operating room and anaesthetic facilities including the necessary equipment and supplies,
(C) routine surgical supplies,
(D) drugs, biologicals and related preparations as specified in Schedule A to these regulations, when administered in the hospital,
(E) necessary meals at the standard ward level,
(F) necessary nursing services,
(ix) services, other than medical services, provided by the Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation of Nova Scotia,
(x) the administration in the hospital of blood or therapeutic blood protein fractions,
(xi) hospital services in connection with the following minor medical and surgical procedures:
(A) any procedure involving the cutting of tissue, and the
insertion and removal of sutures,
(B) the application and removal of casts (casts to be restricted to
Plaster of Paris or similar hard material),
(C) surgical procedures requiring special aseptic technique,
(D) treatment of haemorrhage,
(E) treatment of dislocations and fractures,
(F) any procedure done under general anaesthesia (except dental
extractions on patients 16 years of age or over),
(G) search for or removal of foreign bodies,
(H) taking of cytological smear material for suspected carcinoma,
(I) injections of haemorrhoids,
(J) nerve block,
(K) electroconvulsive therapy,
(L) aspiration or injection of joint cavities, bursae, cysts, thorax,
abdomen, hydrocoele or other cavities,
(M) treatment of poisoning,
(N) certain endoscopic procedures (bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy,
gastroscopy, cystoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, proctoscopy),
(O) dilatation of strictures,
(P) catheterization,
(Q) transfusions,
(R) spinal punctures,
(S) dental extractions under general anaesthesia, 15 years of age and under,
(xii) drugs, biologicals and related preparations as specified in Schedule A to these regulations which are necessarily incidental to the performance of the procedures listed in subclause (xi) of this clause,
(xiii) hospital services, where available, including necessary meals, in connection with a day patient care clinic for the necessary training and instruction of diabetics,
(xiv) haemodialysis,
(xv) ultrasonic diagnostic procedures and the interpretation thereof,
(xvi) the non-medical component (excluding drugs, biologicals and related preparations) of all other general diagnostic and treatment procedures (excluding dental procedures) to the extent that the hospital can provide the same,
(xvii) radiotherapy for non-malignant conditions,
[Please note: subclause 1(j)(xviii) is missing because the number was never used.]
(xix) subject to the Hospitals Act, psychiatric services which are not medical services,
(xx) services other than medical services provided by and within the Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Clinic,
(xxi) home parenteral nutrition,
(xxii) equipment for the treatment of erythromelalgia and the servicing of such equipment when such equipment and servicing is provided by or through any approved hospital,
(xxiii) continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis,
(xxiv) chemotherapy in hospitals which are designated in writing by the Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation of Nova Scotia for the provision of such service;
(k) prescribed form means form prescribed by the Commission;
(1) Rate Board means the board set up by the Commission for the purposes of recommending the basis of payment to hospitals for insured services;
(m) (i) resident means a person who is legally entitled to remain in Canada and who makes his home and is ordinarily present in Nova Scotia, but does not include a tourist, a transient, or a visitor to Nova Scotia; for the purposes of the Act and these regulations a person who is a resident of Nova Scotia and who moves from Nova Scotia to acquire residence in another part of Canada, herein called the new province, shall be deemed to continue to be a resident of Nova Scotia during normal travelling time and any waiting period, not exceeding three months, which may be necessary in order to qualify for benefits under the hospital insurance legislation of the new province if the new province is a participating province, as defined in subsection (2) of Regulation 7, or shall be deemed to continue to be a resident of Nova Scotia for a period of three months from the date of his departure from Nova Scotia if the new province is not a participating province,
(n) standard ward means an area in a hospital designated by the board of the hospital and approved by the Commission as a standard ward;
(o) superintendent means the person who has the direct and actual superintendence and charge of a hospital;
(p) province includes the Northwest Territories and the Yukon Territory.
2 (1) Subject to the Health Services and Insurance Act and these regulations,
(a) a resident is entitled to receive in-patient and out-patient services that are medically required by him, without charge as insured services, commencing on the first day of the third month immediately following the month in which he becomes a resident of Nova Scotia;
(b) a new Canadian is entitled to receive in-patient and out-patient services that are medically required by him, without charge as insured services, commencing on the day he becomes a resident of Nova Scotia.
(2) In clause (b) of subsection (1) new Canadian means a resident who moves to Nova Scotia from a place outside Canada, and is legally entitled to remain in Canada.
2A Residents, and their children under the age of 21 years who are dependent on them, and the spouses of such residents, where such residents are employed in the Public Service of the Province including employment by the Crown in the right of the Province and an agency thereof, shall be deemed to be residents for the purpose of the Act during temporary absence from the Province for a period of up to two years where such absence is required by virtue of their employment (and such period of absence may be extended from time to time by the Governor in Council).
3 A resident is entitled to insured in-patient services for the period of time following admission during which such in-patient services are medically required.
4 A person, who claims to be entitled to insured services, shall provide the hospital with proof of his entitlement.
5 The Commission shall not make payment in respect of services rendered to a patient after the effective date of discharge of the patient as ordered by the attending physician, unless the Commission is satisfied that the services were medically required after that date.
6 (1) If, in the opinion of the Commission, any of the services provided to the patient are or were not medically necessary the patient shall not be entitled to such services as insured services.
(2) When, in the opinion of the Commission, a doubt exists concerning the medical necessity for in-patient or out-patient services in any case, the Commission may appoint and empower a medical review board to report on the case.
Insured services outside the Province
7 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may pay for a resident, or reimburse a resident for the costs incurred by the resident, for all of the following:
(a) to receive medically necessary in-patient services, out-patient services or insured professional services outside the Province;
(b) to travel and obtain accommodation and food for the purposes of receiving medically necessary in-patient services, out-patient services or insured professional services outside the Province;
(c) to be accompanied by 1 or more persons for the purposes of receiving medically necessary in-patient services, out-patient services or insured professional services outside the Province.
(2) The Minister may make the payment or reimbursement described in subsection (1) only if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) before the resident receives the in-patient services, out-patient services or insured professional services, the Minister approves all of the following in writing:
(i) the in-patient services, out-patient services or insured professional services to be received by the resident,
(ii) the facility where the resident will receive the in-patient services, out-patient services or insured professional services,
(iii) the costs of all of the following:
(A) the in-patient services, out-patient services or insured professional services,
(B) travel, accommodation and food,
(C) the person or persons to accompany the resident;
(b) a physician who holds a relevant specialty approved by the Minister and who has treated the resident provides the Minister with a referral, in form and content acceptable to the Minister, for the resident to receive the services.
(3) Despite subsection (2), the Minister may waive the requirement for the Minister’s prior approval, and the requirement for a specialist referral, or both, for payment or reimbursement under clause (1)(a) if the services are received by the resident in Canada.
(4) The Minister may pay for a resident, or reimburse a resident for the costs incurred by the resident, to receive in-patient services, out-patient services or insured professional services outside the Province if the services are medically necessary because of an accident or sudden attack of illness, and the Minister has determined that the payment or reimbursement is reasonable.
(5) Despite subsection (4), the Minister must not pay for a resident, or reimburse a resident for the costs incurred by the resident, to receive out-patient services in the circumstances described in subsection (4) outside Canada.
(6) To determine whether to grant the approval required by subsection (2) or whether a payment or reimbursement is reasonable under subsection (4), the Minister may require the recipient or any other person to provide any information, record or supporting document.
(7) The Minister may establish maximum amounts to be paid or reimbursed under this Section.
(8) The Minister must not make a payment or reimbursement under this Section in relation to services received outside Canada if the claim is received by the Minister more than 6 months after the later of the following dates:
(a) the date the resident received the services; or
(b) if the resident has been admitted to a hospital, the date of discharge from the hospital.
(9) Despite subsection (8), the Minister may make a payment or reimbursement under this Section in relation to services received outside Canada if the claim is received after the time period described in subsection (8) if all of the following apply:
(a) the conditions of subsection (2) are met;
(b) the Minister considers it reasonable to make a payment or reimbursement for the services.
(10) The Minister must not make a payment or reimbursement under this Section for services received in Canada if the amount is greater than the amount specified for the service in the applicable inter-provincial agreement or agreements regarding rates or charges for insured health services.
8 [repealed]
Payments to hospitals in the Province other than federal hospitals
9 The board of every hospital shall provide to residents, without charge, those insured services that the hospital is staffed and equipped to provide.
10 The Commission shall pay the cost of insured services as determined by the Commission, provided to residents by each hospital that complies with these regulations.
11 (1) Every hospital board shall submit to the Commission, not later than October 31 of each year, its budget estimates on the forms prescribed for the ensuing fiscal year.
(2) The Commission shall appoint a Rate Board of not fewer than 3 nor more than 5 persons, each of whom is a member or employee of the Commission or a consultant to the Commission, which shall review and analyze the annual budget estimates submitted by the hospital boards.
(3) The Rate Board shall make recommendations to the Commission for the approval by the Commission of the budget estimates of each hospital either as submitted or with such modifications as the Rate Board considers proper.
(4) The Commission shall review and may approve and accept the recommendations of the Rate Board, or may vary them of its own motion or on the request of the hospital board to the Commission.
(5) On approval by the Commission of the budget estimates of a hospital either as submitted or as modified, the estimates shall be the approved budget of the hospital for the ensuing fiscal year and shall constitute the basis on which payments shall be made by the Commission to the hospital for that year.
(6) Notwithstanding any other provision of these regulations, the Commission, at any time after the first of September in any year on its own motion or at the written request of a board made to the Commission between the first of September and the thirty-first day of January in any year, may review and revise the budget of a hospital and the budget so revised shall be, for the remainder of that year, the approved budget of the hospital.
(7) Pending the approval of the budget estimates of a hospital for any fiscal year, the Commission may establish an interim approved budget for the hospital for a fiscal year and may make payments to the hospital on the basis of the interim approved budget.
(8) The Commission shall pay in approximately equal instalments, at intervals that are not less frequent than semi-monthly, the portion of the approved budget of a hospital related to the costs of insured services that does not represent the cost of providing out-patient services and depreciation on furniture and equipment, as those portions are determined by the Commission.
(9) The portion of the approved budget of a hospital representing depreciation on furniture and equipment that is included in the cost of providing insured services, shall be paid by instalments to the hospital not less frequently than every 6 months, and shall be funded by the board and used only for the purchase of furniture and equipment approved by the Commission.
(9A) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (8) and (9), payments may be made to a hospital of sums not exceeding the total cost of furniture and equipment that is included in the cost of providing insured services.
(10) The Commission, at intervals determined by it, shall pay to each hospital for insured out-patient services provided by the hospital at the rates determined by the Commission under subsection (11).
(11) The Commission shall calculate the costs to the hospitals of providing out-patient services and shall determine the rates at which it will make payments to hospitals in respect of the cost to them of providing insured out-patient services.
11A In computing the number of patient days of hospital services provided to a patient, the day of admission shall be counted as one day, and the day of discharge or death shall not be counted, regardless of the hour of admission or death, providing that if the patient is discharged or dies on the day of admission, that day shall be counted as one day.
12 (1) Each month, not later than a date to be fixed by the Commission, the Superintendent of every hospital shall submit to the Commission a report, in the prescribed form, of actual revenues and expenditures of the hospital in the preceding month.
(2) Not later than the thirty-first day of May of each year, every hospital board shall submit to the Commission financial statements for the preceding fiscal year, audited by an accountant licensed under the Public Accountants Act or in the case of a Provincial or federal hospital, by an auditor appointed by the body controlling the hospital.
13 (1) Subject to the other provisions of these regulations, if the audited financial statement of a hospital for the fiscal year shows that the hospital has had actual expenditures for insured services greater or less than the amount received from the Commission in respect of the fiscal year, the Commission may determine that it will pay the hospital part or all of the difference between the amount received from the Commission and actual expenditures for insured services, or where the amount that the hospital received was over and above what was expended by it for insured services, according to the audited financial statement of the hospital for the fiscal year, the Commission may require some or all of the amount to be returned to it by the hospital.
(2) The Commission shall not pay part or all of the said difference to a hospital unless the board of the hospital submits to the Commission with its financial statement a claim for the payment, in the form prescribed, together with material that satisfies the Commission that
(a) the additional expenditure could not reasonably have been foreseen and provided for;
(b) these expenditures were reasonable and proper;
(c) these expenditures, if foreseen and included in original budget estimates, would have been approved by the Commission.
Payments to federal hospitals in the Province
14 The Commission shall make payments to federal hospitals in Nova Scotia, in respect to insured services provided in federal hospitals to residents as provided in the agreement.
15 The superintendent of a hospital, if required by the Commission, shall forward to the Commission, within forty-eight hours after each patient is admitted, a notification of admission of the patient in the form prescribed.
16 The superintendent of every hospital shall forward to the Commission within four days after each patient is discharged from hospital, a notification of discharge or death, in the form prescribed.
17 When a person, entitled to insured services, has been an in-patient in a hospital for thirty or more consecutive days, the superintendent of the hospital shall forward to the Commission a Long Stay Report, in the prescribed form, respecting the patient, within four days after the expiry of the first and every subsequent thirty-day period during which the patient remains in hospital.
18 The superintendent of every hospital shall forward to the Commission every month, not later than a date to be fixed by the Commission, a report, in the prescribed form, with respect to out-patient services in the preceding month.
19 To provide for the effective utilization of in-patient and out-patient services in hospitals, there shall be set up the following Standards Committees:
(a) Hospital Standards Committee
(i) In every hospital that is not a facility, there shall be set up by the Board, a Hospital Standards Committee of not fewer than three persons, including the superintendent, with representation from the board and the medical staff; the function of this Committee shall be to assist and advise the hospital board in developing and maintaining high standards of service and reasonable and proper utilization of services.
(ii) The members of a Hospital Standards Committee who are members of the medical staff, together with such other members of the medical staff as are appointed by that staff, shall constitute a subcommittee whose function shall be to study matters primarily of a medical nature, and to report to and advise the Committee on such matters.
(iii) The Committee shall review semi-monthly, admissions, length of patient stay, drug usage, diagnostic services, nursing services and all other matters having to do with the standard of services and the utilization of services in the hospital.
(iv) The Committee shall advise forthwith the hospital board if, in the opinion of the Committee, the standard of any service is unsatisfactory or the utilization of any service provided by the hospital is not reasonable and proper.
(b) Regional Standards Committee
(i) In a Hospital Region, there may be set up by the Commission a Regional Standards Committee, on which there shall be representation from each hospital in the region.
(ii) It shall be the function of this Committee to conduct studies relative to standards of care and utilization, and to strive to effect a high standard of care and proper utilization of services in the Region by means of such studies and by dissemination of information to the hospital boards and staffs in the Region.
(iii) The Committee shall meet not less frequently than every six months.
(c) Provincial Standards Committee
(i) The Commission in whole or in part shall act as a Provincial Standards Committee to ensure insofar as is possible the development and maintenance of a high standard of hospital services and reasonable and proper utilization of hospital services in all hospitals of the Province.
(ii) To assist the Provincial Standards Committee in carrying out its function, the Commission may appoint a Professional Technical Advisory Committee.
20 If the board or superintendent of a hospital fails to comply with the requirements of the Act or these regulations, the Commission may withhold payments to the hospital until the hospital has complied substantially with the requirements of the Act or these regulations.
21 The Commission may, from time to time, prescribe such forms as it considers necessary or advisable for the proper administration of the Act and these regulations.
22 (1) In this regulation [Section]
(a) Board means the Board of Management of the Hospital;
(b) fiscal year means a year ending on the 31st day of March;
(c) Hospital means the Nova Scotia Hospital at Woodside, in the County of Halifax.
(2) This regulation [Section] applies only to the Hospital.
(3) (a) The Board shall submit to the Commission, not later than October 31 of each year, its annual budget estimates on the forms prescribed for the ensuing year.
(b) On approval by the Commission of the budget estimates of the Hospital either as submitted or as modified, the estimates shall be the approved budget of the Hospital and shall constitute the basis on which payments shall be made by the Commission to the Hospital for that year.
(c) Pending the approval of the budget estimates of the Hospital for any year, the Commission may establish an interim budget for the Hospital for that year and may make payments to the Hospital on the basis of the interim approved budget.
(4) Not later than May 31st of each year the Board shall submit to the Commission financial statements for the preceding fiscal year audited by the Auditor General of Nova Scotia.
(5) (a) Subject to the other provisions of these regulations, the Commission may approve payment to the Hospital of part or all of the difference between the amount received from the Commission and the actual expenditures as shown on the audited financial statements; or the Commission shall determine the amount to be recovered over and above the amount the Commission determined should have been expended.
(b) The Commission shall not approve payment of part or all of the said difference to the Hospital unless the Board submits to the Commission a claim for the payment, in the form prescribed, together with material that satisfies the Commission that these expenditures were reasonable and proper.
(6) The Hospital shall forthwith transmit to the Commission a copy of every direction and report required under the Nova Scotia Hospital Act, R.S.N.S. 1967, c. 210, S. 24(2).
(7) In computing the number of patient days of hospital services provided to a patient, the day of admission shall be counted as one day, and the day of discharge or death shall not be counted, regardless of the hour of admission or death, providing that if the patient is discharged or dies on the day of admission that day shall be counted as one day.
(8) Each month, not later than a date to be fixed by the Commission, the Hospital shall submit to the Commission a report, in the prescribed form, of actual revenues and expenditures of the Hospital in the preceding month.
(9) The Hospital, if required by the Commission, shall forward to the Commission, within forty-eight hours after each patient is admitted, a notification of admission of the patient in the form prescribed.
(10) The Hospital shall forward to the Commission within four days after each patient is discharged from the Hospital or dies in the Hospital, a notification of discharge or death, in the form prescribed.
(11) The Hospital shall forward to the Commission every month, not later than a date to be fixed by the Commission, a report, in the prescribed form, with respect to outpatient services in the preceding month.
(12) (a) To provide for the effective utilization of in-patient and out-patient services in the Hospital, there shall be set up by the Board a Hospital Standards Committee of not fewer than three persons, including the administrator, with representation from the Board and the medical staff; the function of this Committee shall be to assist and advise the Board in developing and maintaining high standards of service and reasonable and proper utilization of services.
(b) The members of the Hospital Standards Committee who are members of the Medical Staff, together with such other members of the Medical Staff as are appointed by that staff, shall constitute a subcommittee whose function shall be to study matters primarily of a medical nature, and to report to and advise the Committee on such matters.
(c) The Committee shall review semi-monthly, admission, length of patient stay, drug usage, diagnostic services, nursing services and all other matters having to do with the standard of services and the utilization of services in the Hospital.
(d) The Committee shall advise forthwith the Board if, in the opinion of the Committee, the standard of any service is unsatisfactory or the utilization of any service provided by the Hospital is not reasonable and proper.
(13) If the Hospital fails to comply with the requirements of this regulation [Section], the Commission may withhold payments to the Hospital until the Hospital has complied substantially with the requirements of this regulation [Section].
(14) The Commission may, from time to time, prescribe such forms as it considers necessary or advisable for the proper administration of this regulation [Section].
23 (1) In this regulation [Section], facility means any institution approved as a hospital for the purposes of this Act only, but not approved as a hospital for the purposes of the Hospitals Act.
(2) Every facility shall be governed by a Board established in a manner satisfactory to the Minister.
(3) The Board of every facility shall make, amend, repeal and revise such by-laws as required by the Minister.
(4) No by-law made by the Board of any facility shall have any effect until it is approved by the Minister.
(5) No facility shall establish or extend any service without the approval of the Minister.
Schedule A - Drugs, Biologicals and Related Preparations
1 Drugs, biologicals and related preparations which, in the judgment of the physician, are required by an insured patient, in accordance with accepted practice and sound teaching, and administered in a hospital including a federal Hospital.
2 Excluded are preparations sold under the Proprietary or Patent Medicine Act.
Legislative History
Reference Tables
Hospital Insurance Regulations
N.S. Reg. 11/1958
Health Services and Insurance Act
Note: The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.
Source Law
The current consolidation of the Hospital Insurance Regulations made under the Health Services and Insurance Act includes all of the following regulations:
RegulationIn force
date*How in force
Royal Gazette
Part II Issue11/1958
Oct 20, 1958
date made
May 15, 1959
date made
Oct 15, 1959
date made
Jun 22, 1960
date made
Aug 31, 1960
date made
Oct 3, 1962
date made
Jan 17, 1962
date made
Jan 21, 1963
date made
O.I.C. Apr 30, 19633
April 30, 1963
date made
Dec 31, 1963
date made
O.I.C. Nov 12, 19643
Nov 12, 1964
date made
Nov 16, 1964
date made
May 21, 1966
date made
Oct 16, 1967
date made
Dec 19, 1967
date made
May 21, 1968
date made
Nov 26, 1968
date made
Jan 21, 1969
date made
O.I.C. 69-2923
Apr 1, 1969
date specified
May 20, 1969
date made
Sep 9, 1969
date made
Feb 3, 1970
date made
Jun 16, 1970
date made
Jul 14, 1970
date made
Apr 27, 1971
date made
O.I.C. 71-773
undated O.I.C. with no in force date listed
Jul 25, 1972
date made
Nov 7, 1972
date made
Jan 1, 1977
date specified
Sep 22, 1977
Dec 20, 1977
date made
Dec 30, 1977
May 1, 1978
date specified
May 18, 1978
May 1, 1978
date specified
Jun 29, 1978
Apr 3, 1979
date made
Apr 19, 1979
Dec 18, 1979
date made
Dec 31, 1979
May 13, 1980
date made
May 29, 1980
Mar 10, 1981
date made
Mar 26, 1981
Aug 10, 1982
date made
Aug 26, 1982
Sep 21, 1982
date made
Oct 7, 1982
Nov 23, 1982
date made
Dec 16, 1982
Feb 21, 1983
date specified
May 19, 1983
Jul 5, 1983
date made
Jul 28, 1983
Sep 27, 1983
date made
Oct 20, 1983
Aug 19, 1986
date made
Sep 11, 1986
Jul 1, 1990
date specified
Jun 15, 1990
May 31, 1990
date made
Jun 15, 1990
Feb 7, 2023
date specified
Feb 24, 2023
The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:
RegulationIn force
date*How in force
Royal Gazette
Part II Issue
*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.
ad. = added
am. = amendedfc. = fee change
ra. = reassignedrep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substitutedProvision affected
How affected
ad. 176/1977
ad. 148/1990
am. 17/1964, 58/1979, 137/1983
ad. 12/1959
rs. 181/1982
ad. 12/1959
ad. 40/1959; rs. 52/1962
rep. 18/1963
ad. 18/1963
ad. 17/1964
ad. 25/1968
ad. 25/1969
ad. 90/1969
ad. 91/1969
ad. O.I.C. 69-9523
ad. 58/1979
ad. 58/1979
ad. 209/1979
ad. 83/1980
ad. 26/1981
ad. 181/19826
ra. from 1(m) 18/1963
rs. 12/1960; ra. as 1(l) 18/1963; ra. from 1(n) 18/1963; ra. as 1(m)(i) 212/1983
ra. from 1(m) 212/1983
ad. 212/1983
ra. as 1(m) 18/1963; ra. from 1(o) 18/1963
ra. as 1(n) 18/1963; ra. from 1(p) 18/1963
ad. 11/1960; ra. as 1(o) 18/1963; ra. from 1(q) 18/1963
ra. as 1(p) 18/1963; ra. from 1(q) 18/1963
ra. as 1(q) 18/1963; ra. from 1(s) 18/1963
ra. as 1(r) 18/1963; ra. from 1(t) 18/1963
ra. as 1(s) 18/1963
rs. 89/1972
ad. 98/1977
am. 12/1960
rs. 33/2023
rs. 12/1959
am. 12/1960
fc. 12/1960; rs. 17/1964, 148/1990
rs. 26/1967
ad. 26/1967; rs. O.I.C. 71-773, 61/19713, 90/19723
rs. O.I.C. 71-773, 61/19713, 90/19723
rs. O.I.C. Apr 30, 19633
ad. O.I.C. Apr 30, 19633
rep. O.I.C. Apr 30, 19633
rs. O.I.C. Apr 30, 19633
rs. O.I.C. Apr 30, 19633
ad. 14/1962; rs. 17/1964, 24/1966, 148/1990
rs. 24/1970
am. 201/1982
ad. 14/1962
ad. 233/1982; am. 148/1990
ad. 148/1990; rep. 33/2023
ad. 148/1990; rep. 33/2023
rep. 102/1978;
ad. 62/1983; rs. 148/1990; rep. 33/2023
rs. O.I.C. Nov 12, 19643
am. 176/1977
am. 40/1959
rs. 11/1960; am. 176/1977
rs. 17/1963
ad. 122/1978
rs. 17/1963
rep. 17/1963
ad. 17/1963
ra. as 13(1) O.I.C. Apr 30, 19633
ra. from 13 O.I.C. Apr 30, 19633; rs. 228/1986
ad. O.I.C. Apr 30, 19633
am. 176/1977
am. 52/1962
rs. 12/1959
ad. 25/1967
rs. 24/1968, 26/19705
ad. 25/1970
rs. 137/1983
am. 137/1983
“calendar” replaced throughout with “fiscal”...........................................
am. 176/1977
Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.
Editorial Notes and Corrections
Regulations in effect on April 1, 1977, and filed with the Registrar before March 31, 1978, are exempt from publication under subsection 24(2) of the Regulations Act.
The Public Accountants Act referred to in s. 12(2) is repealed by s. 34 of the Financial Measures (2019) Act, S.N.S. 2019, c. 4. Refer to the Chartered Professional Accountants Act, S.N.S. 2015, c. 55 for continued licensing of public accountants.
Sep 1, 2019
O.I.C. 71-77 is not filed with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations.
This regulation amends O.I.C. 90-659, which is part of N.S. Reg. 148/1990.
May 31, 1990
Subsection 24(2) of the Nova Scotia Hospital Act is repealed by S.N.S. 1977, c. 45, S. 11.
O.I.C. 69-292 designates electrocardiograms and the interpretation thereof as an insured out-patient service under the Hospital Insurance Plan, but does not specifically amend these regulations.
Repealed and Superseded
In force
Note: Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table. It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.
Webpage last updated: 29-03-2023