This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only. For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Registry of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II. Regulations are amended frequently. Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Registry of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting. This electronic version is copyright © 2015, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.
Caribou-Munroes Island Provincial Park Designation
made under Section 8 of the
Provincial Parks Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 367
O.I.C. 72-206 (February 22, 1972), N.S. Reg. 120/72
as amended to O.I.C. 96-539 (July 9, 1996), N.S. Reg. 126/96
The Governor in Council on the report and recommendation of the Minister of Lands and Forests dated the 9th day of February, A.D., 1972, pursuant to the provisions of Section 2 of Chapter 244 of the Revised Statutes, 1967, the Provincial Parks Act, is pleased to
(a) constitute all that area of land including land covered with water owned by Her Majesty in right of the Province of Nova Scotia and situate at or near Caribou, in the County of Pictou, Province of Nova Scotia, to be a provincial park, said area of land being included within the boundaries of the lands described in Schedule “A” attached to the report and recommendation and shown outlined on the Plan of Survey marked Schedule “B” also attached to the report and recommendation, and
(b) declare the name by which the park shall be known as “Caribou-Munroes Island Provincial Park”.
Clause (b) amended: O.I.C. 96-539, N.S. Reg. 126/96.
Schedule “A”
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land and land covered by water situate lying and being at Caribou Ferry, County of Pictou, Province of Nova Scotia, shown on a Plan (Field Plot P-042/96) signed on the 11th day of April, A.D., 1996 by Brian J. Cameron, Nova Scotia Land Surveyor, and filed in the Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre, Halifax, under C.L.R. No. E-5-11A, the said parcel being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a Survey Marker (S.M.) 508 situate on the northern boundary of the public highway leading from Pictou to Caribou Ferry and situate, by grid azimuths, 91° 25' 54", a distance of 467.85 feet from Nova Scotia Coordinate Monument No. 6407 having coordinate values (referenced to the Nova Scotia Three Degree Modified Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 4, central meridian at 61° 30' west longitude) of 16 618 582.27 feet in northings and 14 467 143.68 feet in eastings;
Thence (from the place of beginning) 97° 15' 02", a distance of 507.54 feet to an unmonumented point of curvature;
Thence along a curve to the left (having a radius of 55,299.53 feet) an arc distance of 52.55 feet to an unmonumented point of reverse curvature situate 96° 29' 25", a distance of 52.55 feet from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence along a curve to the right (having a radius of 6520.01 feet) an arc distance of 211.84 feet to an unmonumented point of compound curvature situate 98° 07' 42", a distance of 211.83 feet from the last mentioned point of reverse curvature;
Thence along a curve to the right (having a radius of 2533.37 feet) an arc distance of 292.36 feet to an unmonumented point of curvature situate 103° 06' 27", a distance of 292.20 feet from the last mentioned point of compound curvature;
Thence 106° 24' 49", a distance of 195.41 feet to an unmonumented point of curvature;
Thence along a curve to the right (having a radius of 651.42 feet) an arc distance of 460.98 feet to an unmonumented point situate 126° 41' 10", a distance of 451.42 feet from the last mentioned point of curvature;
Thence 87° 08' 11", a distance of 3.72 feet to witness S.M. 501;
Thence 87° 08' 11", a distance of 513.85 feet to S.M. 502;
Thence 357° 04' 35", a distance of 271.22 feet to S.M. 503;
Thence 61° 35' 20", a distance of 910.83 feet to S.M. P2450;
Thence 61° 35' 20", a distance of 58 feet, more or less, to the ordinary high water mark of Northumberland Strait;
Thence northwesterly along the ordinary high water mark of Northumberland Strait, a distance of 103 feet, more or less, to a point;
Thence 251° 08' 56", a distance of 73 feet, more or less, to S.M. 505A situate 308° 16' 29", a distance of 120.38 feet from S.M. P2450;
Thence 251° 08' 56", a distance of 25.19 feet to a S.M. tagged P2460;
Thence 251° 08' 56", a distance of 199.85 feet to S.M. 506;
Thence 322° 00' 05", a distance of 151.36 feet to a S.M. tagged P2459;
Thence 322° 14' 10", a distance of 350.01 feet to S.M. 507;
Thence 74° 11' 10", a distance of 176.08 feet to S.M. P2238;
Thence 74° 11' 10", a distance of 354.32 feet, more or less, to an unmonumented point in the waters of Northumberland Strait;
Thence 318° 40' 25", a distance of 1607.82 feet to an unmonumented point in the waters of Northumberland Strait;
Thence 356° 39' 50", a distance of 4014.55 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 341° 23' 50", a distance of 1598.85 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 308° 21' 54", a distance of 1214.46 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 285° 08' 55", a distance of 3392.93 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 267° 06' 00", a distance of 2176.83 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 207° 35' 28", a distance of 390.37 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 150° 46' 45", a distance of 788.52 feet to an unmonumented point situate 33° 29' 21", a distance of 5451.55 feet from Nova Scotia Coordinate Monument No. 6298 having coordinate values of 16 622 031.99 feet in northings and 14 459 399.76 feet in eastings;
Thence from the last mentioned unmonumented point, 134° 29' 53", a distance of 3687.45 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 112° 54' 40", a distance of 1799.33 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 93° 31' 16", a distance of 1270.03 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 176° 39' 50", a distance of 2430.23 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 64° 07' 12", a distance of 780 feet, more or less, to a point on the ordinary high water mark of Northumberland Strait;
Thence southerly, along the ordinary high water mark of Northumberland Strait, a distance of 695 feet, more or less, to a point;
Thence 262° 56' 27", a distance of 120 feet, more or less, to S.M. 507B situate 105° 44' 49", a distance of 983.38 from the last mentioned unmonumented point and situate 353° 28' 55", a distance of 349.43 feet from Nova Scotia Coordinate Monument No. 6469 having coordinate values of 16 620 175.41 feet in northings and 14 469 090.56 feet in eastings;
Thence 262° 56' 27", a distance of 205.36 feet to a S.M. tagged P2461;
Thence 262° 58' 41", a distance of 318.28 feet to S.M. P2452, situate on the most eastern corner of a 16.5 foot wide right-of-way in favour of the Crown;
Thence 262° 58 '41", a distance of 30.50 feet to S.M. P2451 situate on the western boundary of the above mentioned right-of-way;
Thence 262° 58 '41", a distance of 46.13 feet to S.M. 508B;
Thence 187° 16' 09", a distance of 92.65 feed to a S.M. tagged P2462;
Thence 186° 25' 56", a distance of 133.09 feet to an iron bar tagged P2463;
Thence 186° 44' 13" a distance of 80.51 feet to an iron bar tagged P2464;
Thence 186° 49' 43", a distance of 282.11 feet to S.M. P1595;
Thence 257° 31' 48", a distance of 78.28 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 254° 56' 48", a distance of 67.39 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 252° 41' 48", a distance of 68.45 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 246° 26' 48", a distance of 2.28 feet to S.M. P1598 situate on a curve on the eastern boundary of the public highway known as “Simpsons Road”;
Thence along a curve to the right (having a radius of 229.99 feet) an arc distance of 101.01 feet to S.M. P2454 situate 205° 14' 40", a distance of 100.20 feet from last mentioned S.M.;
Thence 66° 26' 48", a distance of 74.07 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 72° 41' 48", a distance of 63.55 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 74° 56' 48", a distance of 64.61 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 77° 31' 48", a distance of 53.54 feet to S.M. P2453;
Thence 186° 56' 10", a distance of 221.34 feet to a S.M. tagged P2465;
Thence 186° 50' 59", a distance of 835.00 feet to S.M. 508A;
Thence 254° 36' 27", a distance of 663.15 feet to the place of beginning.
The above described parcel contains an area of 620.45 acres, more or less.
Together with a 16.5 foot wide right-of-way leading from a northern boundary of Crown land northwesterly and southwesterly to the eastern boundary of the public highway known as Simpsons Road, said right of way being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at Survey Marker (S.M.) P2451 situate on a northern boundary of the above described parcel of Crown land, and situate 82° 58' 41", a distance of 46.13 feet from SM 508B;
Thence 295° 43' 41", a distance of 107.69 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 221° 52' 41", a distance of 83.46 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 247° 31' 41", a distance of 155.47 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 209° 41' 41", a distance of 49.26 feet to an unmonumented point on a curve on the eastern boundary of the public highway known as “Simpsons Road”;
Thence along a curve to the left (having a radius of 128.83 feet) an arc distance of 17.39 feet to an unmonumented point situate 317° 55' 27", a distance of 17.37 feet from the last mentioned unmonumented point;
Thence 29° 41' 41", a distance of 49.48 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 67° 31' 41", a distance of 157.37 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 41° 52' 41", a distance of 92.10 feet to an unmonumented point;
Thence 115° 43' 41", a distance of 145.75 feet to S.M. P2452;
Thence 262° 58' 41", a distance of 30.50 feet to the place of beginning.
The above described parcel contains an area of 6931 square feet.
Schedule “A” replaced: O.I.C. 96-539, N.S. Reg. 126/96.
Schedule “B”
Schedule “B” replaced: O.I.C. 96-539, N.S. Reg. 126/96.
[Note: The map referred to as Schedule “B” was not filed with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations.]