Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

"Report of Chebucto Chapter, I.O.D.E."

3 pages : 30 x 40 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Halifax Disaster Record Office MG 1 vol 2124
Chronicle Building number 312 a
Halifax, N.S.

teen part of the work and so save
them quire a large sum of money
monthly. This meant that five of us
had to be on duty from 2.00 to 11.00
p. m. serving meals, cutting bread,
etc., Up to December 6th., we served
10,000 meals. After that the Recon-
struction Committee took our build-
ing from us and we were without any
Club for two months. Now the Royal
Bank of Canada has lent us a suit-
able building we are doing all the
work, including the financing, our-
selves and succeeding beyond our
wildest dreams. We hope to continue
this work indefinitely.
"Our chief method of making mo-
ney this year was our old rubber
campaign. Beginning in the spring
we collected from our friends,, shops
schools etc., all the old rubber we
could lay our hands on, and sold it,
thus realizing $300.00. We are con-
tinuing the same plan this year, it
worked so well.
"We always give $100.00 a year to
support a cot in the Children's Hos-
pital and the following are a few of
the principal sums expended during
the year: - Returned Soldiers Asso-
ciation $150,00; Overseas Y.M.C.A.
$200.00; Infants Home $25.00. Alto-
gether our total receipts for the year
amounted to $565.34.
It is an exceedingly difficult mat-
ter for me, the Secretary, of the Che-
bucto Chapter to write anything like
an adequate report of the doings of
our Chapter during the weeks follow-
ing the great disaster, because none of
the members wished to tell me in
any detail what they have done, as
soon as they knew I had to write this
report. The best I can do, therefore,
is to tell just what I know of them
myself, from my personal hearsay
and experience.
" We have now in the Chapter be-
tween fifty ans fifty-five members
and with the exception of a few who
were away and a few who could do
no Active Service, the Chapter turn-
ed to, and did what it could in any
direction in which it found work,
and there were many.
"They worked in Hospitals as V.
A. D.'s those who were qualified and
some who were not, but who did the

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 312

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