Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

"Report of Chebucto Chapter, I.O.D.E."

3 pages : 30 x 41 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Halifax Disaster Record Office MG 1 vol 2124
Chronicle Building number 312 b
Halifax, N.S.

work as well as those who had
passed the exams. Others worked in
the kitchens doing off jobs and help-
ing with the food. One of our mem-
bers who runs a house full of nurses,
yet found the time to get out to Camp
Hill in the early morning in time to
help with the 7.30 breakfast. Another
of our members was up in the devas-
tated area one hour after the explo-
sion, helping her brother in their
car, bringing the people to the South
End and at that there was fear of
another explosion. Later she did V.
A.D. work at Camp Hill. Among
other things, our Chebucto Chapter V
A.D.'s did all the V.A.D. work at
the Waegwoltic in their Chapter's
name and Mrs. Odevaine our Regent
helped the doctors with their buying.
"Some of us went down to the Un-
ion Jack Club the day after the ex-
plosion, got a party of soldiers, saw
it was properly boarded up etc., and
ran it as a relief station for five days
until it was taken from us by the
Reconstruction Committee. We fed
the mean during that time, free of
charge, and allowed them to sleep
there. j
"Some of us worked for the Salva-
tion Army, investigating cases, seeing
whether the people needed clothes
and food, and generally looking after
them. One of our members did so
well that she was given her own
horse and sleigh to manage and her
orders were always put through at
once. Some of us worked for the
Clothing Committee. We worked at
the Green Lantern, at the Masonic
Hall and at the Technical College.
During the last month a few of us
have been working for Col. Simmonds
at the St. Mary's Army and Navy
Club, conducting Military investiga-
tions for him.
"Unless a list of names is given
this is about al lthat can be said in a
short report, but no words of mine
can do justice to the acts of endur-
ance and, I might say, heroism, per-
formed as a matter of course by our
members during those first terrible
weeks. Many of their deeds will ne-
very be known, but at least we know
of them in a general way and that
one and all they proved themselves
more than worthy of the great or-
der to which they belonged."

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 312

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