Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Letter from William Hendry of Brookfield to Joseph Howe regarding the Mi'kmaq reserve lands at Brookfield. Requests trade of lans to be included in the reserve.
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pounds. You will oblige me by occasionally dropping me a line to say how the Settlement gets along.
Yours truly
Joseph Howe

David Dimock Esq.

(Joe Pinall - raised new house of old barn. James Pinall Hauled stuff for Barn, will not be ready to build till Spring.)

From W. Hendry, Brookfield
Brookfield Nov. 25th 1842
Hon. Joseph Howe
M.E.C. etc
As you are the "Indian Commissioner", I have taken the liberty to address you on the subject of the Indian Reserve of lands in this district, and wish to inform you that the survey made by W. Freeman Esq. has included part of a hill of land which I had promised myself would have made a farm for my son, and which I have been improving on these two years. And which if the Indian Grant is established as the said survey will render the place insufficient to make a

Date: 1842

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 432 pp. 123-124

Nova Scotia Archives —

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