Nova Scotia Archives

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Documenting the Heritage of African Nova Scotians

Appendix 9: Licence of occupation from Lieutenant Governor Dalhousie for lots at Refugee Hill, Township of Halifax, to Pompey Cooper and others, with plan attached. Given under hand and seal at arms at Halifax
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

The Lots in Letters A and B contain eight acres each.
Those in Letter C in general eight acres and one half, and
in Letter D and E they Contain more than ten acres.

Several of the People have taken up Lots of their own accord.
and cannot certainly ascertain the actual prossessor of some of
the Lots.

In additional to those whose settlement is represented on
this Plan, there are twenty eight familys settled on detached lots
so dispersed that they could not be well represented on this Plan.

Many of the Lots that have a house on them are rough and
rocky for Cultivation.

Date: 27 March 1818

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 36

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