Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


the whole people, whereupon the Council advised and it is accordingly determined that they shall be removed out of the Country as soon as possible, and as to those about the Isthmus who were in arms and therefore entitled to no favour from the government it is determined to begin with them first; and for this purpose orders are given for a sufficient number of Transports to be sent up the Bay with all possible dispatch for taking them on board, by whom you will receive particular instructions as to the manner of their being disposed of, the places of their destination, and every other thing necessary for that purpose.

      In the mean time, it will he necessary to keep this measure as secret as possible, as well to prevent their attempting to escape, as to carry off their cattle &c.; and the better to effect this you will endeavour to fall upon some stratagem to get the men, both young and old (especially the heads of families) into your power and detain them till the transports shall arrive, so as that they may be ready to be shipped off; for when this is done it is not much to be feared that the women and children will attempt to go away and carry off the cattle. But least they should, it will not only be very proper to secure all their Shallops, Boats, Canoes and every other vessel you can lay your hands upon; But also to send out parties to all suspected roads and places from time to time, that they may be thereby intercepted. As their whole stock of Cattle and Corn is forfeited to the Crown by their rebellion, and must be secured & apply'd towards a reimbursement of the expense the government will be at in transporting them out of the Country, care must be had that nobody make any bargain for purchasing them under any colour or pretence whatever; if they do the sale will be void, for the inhabitants have now (since the order in Council) no property in them, nor will they be allowed to carry away the least thing but their ready money and household furniture.

      The officers commanding the Fort at Piziquid and the Garrison of Annapolis Royal have nearly the same orders ill relation to the interior Inhabitants. But I am informed those will fall upon ways and means in spite of all our Vigilance to send off their Cattle to the Island of St. John & Louisbourg (which is now in a starving condition) by the way of Tatmagouche. I would therefore, have you without loss of time, send thither a pretty strong detachment to beat up that quarter and to prevent them. You cannot want a guide for conducting the party, as there is not a Frenchman at Chignecto but must perfectly know the road.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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